Feel Better

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Credit for this idea goes to @probablysomehow :D enjoy!

-Bailee ;D


Scott woke up earlier than he thought he would. Something felt different. He turned shifted and faced his boyfriend beside him, who was still sleeping. Scott propped himself up with his arm and gazed at the beautiful brunette laying there, his face content with sleep. Scott leaned his hand over to remove the hair in MItch's face, and felt that Mitch's forehead was hot. Scott scooted closer to the smaller man and realized his whole body was boiling, yet he could feel Mitch shivering against him. Mitch let out a cough and it woke him. He turned to face Scott, his eyes puffy and mouth parted. He sniffled.

"Good morning babe." Mitch whispered, his voice still a little rough.

"Good morning. Are you ok? You feel really warm." Scott said, resting his hand on Mitch's forehead. 

"Yeah, babe. I'm --" Mitch's sentence was interrupted by a powerful sneeze. He reached for a tissue from the side table and blew his nose. "I'm fine."

"No, no your not." Scott said, standing from the bed. "I'm gonna go get you some medicine, and get you some breakfast. Ok? You stay here." He said, and before Mitch could object, he left to go to the kitchen. He opened the medicine cabnet and got some cold medicine, got a glass of water, and returned to the bedroom, where he found Mitch attempting to sit up, but he was exhausted and he only got to where he propped his elbows behind him on the bed and was only halfway up.

Scott set down the items he was carrying and get back on the bed, extending an arm. Mitch took it and sat up completely. Scott reached for the medicine and got a few pills out of the bottle, handing them to Mitch. Mitch closed Scott's hand around the pills and pushed his hand away gently.

"Scott, I'm fine, really. I dond need id."

"Yes, you do! I can hear the stuffiness thats in your nose in your voice, Mitch. You're not well! Please take this? It'll make you feel better." Scott opened his fist back up, revealing the pills. Mitch sighed and took the pills and the water from Scott, swallowing them and taking a drink. He gave the Scott the glass, and the blonde made his way to the door, but paused in the doorway and turned back to look at Mitch. 

"Is there anything specific you want for breakfast?" Scott asked. Mitch shook his head. "I dond care."

Scott nodded silently and he made his way to the kitchen. He had to hurry and Make Mitch breakfast so he could get ready for rehearsal. Mitch is going to be so upset that he can't go to rehearsal today. He loves it so much, and he will definately put up an arguement when Scott broke the news to him. Scott whipped up some pancakes and bacon and returned to the bed room, finding that Mitch was layed back down on the bed, almost asleep already.

"Mitchie?" Mitch jumped slightly at the sound of Scott's voice, startling him from his little nap. "Breakfast is ready." Scott purred as he placed the tray of food on Mitch's lap and helped Mitch sit up. Mitch started eating the food and Scott got back up.

"Where ya goin?" Mitch asked in a raspy voice, the last bit of bacon in his hand.

"I'm getting ready for rehearsal." Scott said as he went to the closet and picked a shirt from the hanger. He turned on the TV for Mitch and started toward the bathroom after he got dressed.

"Oh, hold on, led me ged up. I gotta ged ready too.." Mitch yelled roughly, removing the empty tray from his lap and removing the covers. Scott walked to his side of the bed and blocked his way. He set a hand on Mitch's chest and gently pushed him back down. 

"You're not going anywhere." Scott said in a parent-like voice. Mitch looked at him in surprise.

"But Scott! I have da go! I cand miss rehearsal!" Mitch said, his stuffiness messing up his speech. MItch failed an attempt to sit up and he plopped down on his pillow. Scott arranged to covers back on him.

"Mitch, you are really sick! You can't go to rehearsal when you in this condition. You need to rest and get your voice better so you can sing again."

"I'm fine! See?" Mitch tried to sing a high note but it sounded raspy and dry. He tried again, holding a hand on his throat, hoping his voice would improve, but ended up in a coughing fit. 

"MItch, you need to stay in bed! I'm sorry you can't come, but it's for the better." Scott said, leaning in to kiss Mitch's forehead but Mitch turned his head to evade it. 

"Whadever." Mitch sighed. He was really upset that he couldn't go to rehearsal. He loved singing so much, and now that he couldn't, he felt more upset than sick. Scott went to cup Mitch's face in his hand, but Mitch dodged that too, furious that Scott wouldn't let him go. Mitch avoided his eyes. 

Scott wanted a kiss from Mitch, and was getting annoyed that he wouldn't let him have it. Scott made a silly face, in hopes that Mitch would smile. Mitch avoided looking at him, but couldn't help taking in a glance or two. Scott got closer and starting making more silly faces at the sick brunette. Moving around like a random lunatic. Mitch supressed a smile, still trying to be mad at the blonde, but it was hard. Scott saw that Mitch was starting to hide a smile and he started to poke him in random places, on his chest, his arms, his cheeks. Mitch finally let his simle show and tried to push Scotts hands away.

"Sdop! No! Sdop it!" Mitch whined, laughing as Scott persisted to poke him.

"Only if I get a kiss!" Scott said over Mitch's laughs. Mitch laughed and coughed a little. He nodded his head.

"Ok! Ok! Fine!" He said between coughs and giggles. Scott stopped poking him and leaned in, cupping Mtich's face. He went to kiss him but Mitch put a finger on Scotts lips. "Not da mouth! I dond wanna ged you sick too." Mitch whispered, his voice still stuffy as ever. Scott grabbed Mitch's hand and removed it from his mouth.

"Oh Mitch, it's worth it." Scott leaned in and kissed the boy on the lips and held it there for a minute. They broke the kiss and Scott grabbed his phone. "I'll see you later, ok? Feel better soon!" Scott said sweetly.

Mitch smiled the bigger than he had all morning. "Ok, dond be too long." Mitch said softly.

'I won't" Scott said as he blew Mitch a kiss and walked out the door. Mitch put a hand on his cheek, catching the kiss Scott blew to him and smiled. He felt better already.

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