BTSSF: Boyfriend Tag Pt. 2

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i posted a A/N before this one that i really need feedback on! It asks for a song that describes Scott and Mitch's love life and story in Homeless and Jobless so far! If you haven't read it, don't worry about it you don't have to read it, but if you have, could you please give me feedback!!! It will be used in the book in the future!! So if you have a suggestion, go comment on the last part and i'll listen and check it out!! It's actually very important!!!! :D ;D

Anyways lol this is part 2 of a request by SydneyBuras!!! Hope you guys enjoy! More requests and others coming soon so keep the suggestions flowing!! Love you guys! :D

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

We continued the video, asking about when we met each others families and stuff. All the while of talking I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to be with this man to my left. Every time he looked into my eyes or made a simple gesture I just wanted to melt into his arms and let him know how much I loved him...

"Do we have any traditions?" Scott said, going on with the next question. He explained how every morning we go get Starbucks for each other even if we're awake or asleep. I always loved that about us, it made me feel like we were a couple even though the sad reality is that we are not. I always look forward to these mornings. Sometimes, I even pretend to sleep in just so Scott can wake me up with my two favorite things: his eyes and coffee. 

"Yeah it's really nice! We're basically like a married couple!" I exclaimed, letting the thought in my mind pass between my lips into words.

"We basically are!" Scott agreed, probably throwing out another Scomiche card, causing me the pain of knowing we are not and will never be a couple.

We went on with the tag, talking to the camera about road trips and what pisses us off. I really love us in front of the camera. For some reason we get more intimate and remember things about each other and can physically say it. Not that we don't remember things anyway, but the questions that require thought and remembering things and Scott actually remembers the little things about me...... I don't know, it just sends a warm feeling throughout my body.

"What are our favorite features about each other?" I said, snapping out of my daydream-ike thoughts and snapping back into the reality of the tag. Scott gasped like he immediately had something to say.

"I am obsessed with your eyebrows!" He says, almost matter-of-factly in a way. I instantly got embarrassed.

"Oh my god, I forgot I was supposed to pluck them! Oops!! They look bad right now!" I said, smiling and laughing through the embarrassment that I could possibly look bad in front of him. 

"They look snatched as always!" Scott said through my rambling of how bad they look.

"Thats nice!" I responded. "My favorite feature about you?..." I exclaimed out loud, trying to think about which of my many favorite features I wanted to share.

"This is fun! I love compliments!" Scott said, a look of pure excitement in his eyes.

"Me. too!" I said, laughing with him. I thought hard, then finally came up with one. "I think what I like what I like about you!" I sang, earning the sweet sound of laughter from him. "Is that you... you always like look muscly, no matter what." 

"Oh my god! That's really nice!" He said, looking at the camera. I continued, feeding off of his happiness.

"But really! Like even if you haven't worked out or anything you're just like a broad guy, and I'm always like 'he looks great! Like, when you wear a tank top I'm like 'yesss'!" I rambled, making sure Scott knew how appreciated he was. We immediately moved on to the next question.

Scomiche One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora