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Hey, I really need some suggestions for one shots yall wanna see!! Please DM me or comment if you have any suggestions! I'll make it work and dedicate it to you! 

oh and high five me for the new cover! I drew that and added words :D hope ya like it cuz i do! lol enjoy this!

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

I sat on the couch with Scott, cuddled into his chest and his arm around me as Family Guy played on the TV. I loved cuddling on the couch with him. He's always so warm and he makes me feel so protected. He makes me feel like I am the happiest man alive. He makes me forget everything thats happening around me. He makes me forget that theres a war happening around us. It's just me and him, relaxing and watching TV like nothing wrong is happening in the world. He is my everything.

The mood diminished when an emergency broadcast aired on the TV. The news anchor appeared, having a nervous look on his face, but trying to hide it professionally. He spoke with much urgency.

"Attention viewers! We interrupt your current programming to bring you this breaking news feed! As you are all aware, the war happening around us is very brutal, but it's gotten worse. Millions of soldiers are dying on the battlefield and we are starting to run out of resources. The enemy is not willing to negotiate. We are losing, but we will not surrender! We are asking all men between the ages of 20 and 60 to attend the Square tomorrow at 9:00am, where you will all gather and be drawn by birthmonth and age limit. Those chosen will go through brief but intense training and sent out onto the battlefield to help save our country. All are to attend. Now back to regular programming." The news shut off and Family Guy came back on the TV.

Me and Scott shot worried looks at eachother. Scott swore under his breath and I had tears in my eyes. There's a possibility that we could get drafted, and probably die in the war.

"Scottie..." I whispered. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly. We seperated, but kept our lips just centemeters apart and our foreheads together.

"Mitchie... If I get drafted. I just want you to know that I love you.." Scott said softly. 

"Don't think like that!! It won't heppen Scott. I won't let it!! I'm more likely to get drafted than you. You don't need to worry." A tear rolled down my cheek as I said this. It's the sad, hard truth. There are more birthdays in July than September, and it's not likely that he will be chosen. He can't be chosen. 

"No, Mitchie... You are not-"

"Scott." I looked deep into his eyes and kissed him. "You are not getting drafted. It's gonna be me, and I'm willing to accept that. I just need you to know that I love you more than words can describe. You are my everything, Scott, and I will think about you every moment I'm on the battlefield." I could see that Scott had many tears staining his cheeks. I pulled him close to my chest and I rested my chin on the top of his head.

"I will always protect you, Scott. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'm willing to die for you. I promise you won't get drafted. I can't lose you like that, I won't let it happen." It was at this point that I started crying. We sat there, crying until it was time we went to bed. I don't like thinking about the possibility of being drafted, but I will do anything to protect Scott, and if that means dying in a stupid war for him, then I'm willing to pay that price.


The next day

Me and Scott woke up at 7:30am. The attmoshpere was heavy and sad as we got dressed and fixed our hair. We walked hand in hand to Starbucks and got our coffees. Possibly our last coffee together. Starbucks was really quiet that morning. There were a lot of men there that didn't seem happy. I imagine thier going to the Square later too. Me and Scott are silent, because there's not really anything to say. Plus the fact that if I try to speak, I will break down in a mess of sobs. I don't want to think about it, but it's the only thing on my mind. This is probably the last time I will be able to drink coffee across from the man I love most. Just thinking about losing him makes me want to bawl.

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