Mr. Grassi Pt. 4 ((SMUT, LITTLE BDSM))

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I figured I shouldn't keep you guys waiting because I can hardly wait.... and neither can Scott ;)

but real fast I just wanna say something! In regards to Jobless, first of all, theres another chapter out in case you didn't know, and second of all, a LOT of you commented that I needed to update it, and that made me feel amazing! I LOVE getting comments annoying me to update! It makes me feel good and lets me know that you guys want more, and thats an amazing feeling! Also the last part of Mr. Grassi got a lot of good feedback as well! I love hearing that you guys love my stuff and want more of it! Please, DO NOT be afraid to tell me to update! Annoy me, comment, message me, I DONT CARE I LOVE IT!!!!! 




Happy reading!

-Bailee ;D


Scott's POV

Holy. Shit.

That's all I can really say. There's nothing else I can say. I'm so eager for school to end. I don't want to listen to Mrs. Keller talk about calculus in 2nd hour. I don't want to hear Mr. Jones ramble about the government in 6th hour. I don't even want to go to my 3rd and 7th hours, drama or choir, which are my favorite classes of the day!! All I want is to go back to Mr. Grassi's class. I want to see Mitch again...

The lunch bell rang and I bolted out of my 4th hour science class ready to get lunch over with, get my way through 5th hour gym, government, and choir, and then meet with Mitch..... Mr. Grassi.... I don't know what to call him now. That's not what concerns me right now. What concerns me is what we're going to do when I get to his class later...

I got my tray and walked into the cafeteria, spotting my friends and sitting down with them. 

"Well, hey there Mr. Rebel!" Kirstie said as I sat down. I eyed her.

"Mr. Rebel? What's that about?" Kevin asked curiously. I picked up my fork and twirled around the shit food on my plate. I'm not gonna bother explaining it because -

"Scott's meeting Mr. Grassi after school again today! He was really spaced out and the teacher caught him off guard so he's gonna get another lecture after school today!" Kirstie explained. I knew she was gonna go ahead and do the honors. I fought back a shade of red blooming on my face.

"Seriously Scott?! This is the second time this week! What's up?" Avi asked. I glanced at them.

"I don't know, I'm just tired and keep spacing out." I lied. "I just wish Mr. Grassi would get that."

"He sounds really strict." Kevin said, propping his head up with his elbow. 

"Honestly he's not that bad. He's actually pretty funny and awesome. I mean, him dealing with Alex was phenomenal! It's just that when you don't listen to him, he gets.... sassy." Kirstie said. It took everything I had not to get defensive when Kevin said he was strict, I'm glad Kirstie had my back there without even knowing it. Mr. Grassi is nothing like the other hell spawns that run this school. He's funny, hot, sassy, and did I mention hot?!?!

"Scott?!" Kirstie said, waving her hand in front of my face and snapping me out of the daze I didn't even know I was in.

"Huh?" I asked. She shook her head in disapproval.

"Man, you really are tired huh? I asked you what you think is gonna happen when you meet with Mr. Grassi later today? Do you think you'll get yelled at or something?" She asked, a little concern and a lot of curiosity apparent on her face. I know for a fact that I won't get yelled at.... There will most likely be lots of whispering.... or maybe hardly any talking at all. I worked hard to hide the blush that was showing on my face.

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