Birthday Suprise

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So so sorry i haven't updated it FREAKING FOREVER!!!! I promise ill try a lot harder!! enough of the mushy I'm sorry bullshirt I know you wanna get to the story so lets get on with it!!!

If you have any requests you wanna see from me, either comment or message me!! I'm gonna check wattpad everyday so ill get back to you ASAP!! don't be afraid to request anything ill work with you!!

Man it's good to be back :) I missed you guys!

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

All I could see was black. Pure black. I could only feel a slight breeze across my face as the car moved to an unknown destination. Beyonce played softly in the background.

"Scoootttttt! Where are we going?? Are we almost there?" I asked, becoming restless from sitting in the car so long and curious as to what's to come.

"Almost! just stop whining.... and don't take your blindfold off!" He reached over and put my hand on my lap, removing it from the black cloth I had almost gotten off my eyes. I sat in a pouting position, my arms crossed around my chest. Scott giggled, causing me to break character and laugh with him.

After a few minutes, the car came to a stop. I heard Scott's for open, telling me he got out of the car. Seconds later, my door opened, and a soft grip guided me out of the car and up a hill. We seemed to walk forever.

"How much more walking to we have to do? Where are we??"

"Be patient babe. We're almost there." Scott said. I sighed and kept walking, his hand in mine being my guide.

"Can I at least take my blindfold off?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to pry this damn thing from my eyes.

"No, I'll do it when we're ready." Scott said.

"Ooo kinky." I said, smiling. I could sense that Scott was smirking as well. After a little bit, we stopped.

"We're here!" Scott said. I could sense his excitement.

"WHERE??" I said, turning in the direction of his voice. He giggled a little bit before I heard footsteps behind me. I felt the blindfold loosen before it slipped completely off.

"Here." Scott whispered in my ear. What I saw was breathtaking. There were candles everywhere, and in the center of them all was a blanket with a picnic basket laying on it.The sky was filled with stars and the city was no where to be seen.

"Scott..." I was completely speechless. "This is beautiful!!"

I turned over to him and he was smiling ear to ear. He put his arm around me and lead me to the blanket. "There's more..."

"Huh?" I sat down, the stars glimmering above us.

"Open it." Scott said, gesturing toward the basket. I opened the lid, and inside it, on top of some food, were three pieces of paper.

"Scott... what is this?"

"Read it."

I took out the biggest piece and read it out loud:


I love you more than anything in the world. There are no words to describe how overwhelmed with love I am with you. I want to show you how much I love you, so I'm taking you to the most romantic place on Earth. Get packing, because we're about to go on a journey you won't forget. I love you.


I looked up at him, and he was smiling. He looked at the other pieces of paper in my hand, and I followed his gaze. I examined them, and discovered that they were tickets.

"Scott! You're taking me to Paris??" I almost screamed at him. He laughed.

"Happy Birthday Mitch." He said, his happiness showing through his voice.

"This is the best gift anyone has ever given me! Thank you so much!" I said as I embraced him. He hugged me back tightly.

"Anything for you love." He pulled away from me only to connect his lips to mine. We spent many moments kissing under the stars. This is the best birthday ever.

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