Low Key Pt. 1

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Here's another request!!!!! This idea was by @DominikD :) Sorry this has taken so long bruh


anyways, hope you like this :3 remember, requests always welcome! I will always write what you suggest, even if it takes a little bit before it actually happens! lol sorry ;) haha enjoy love yall!!!

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

Me and Scott have been going out for about 4 months now. We've also been a secret for that long. Absolutely no one knows about us. It's been so hard to not hold Scott's hand when we walk down the street, or sneak a kiss whenever I want to kiss him. We've both been putting on faces and acting like we used to before we started dating, best friends. 

Me and Scott are sitting alone in the dressing room while Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin are checking out the bus before we go on tour. We've already seen it. They'll be back in about 10 minutes. Scott grabbed my hand and I squeezed it, knowing this is the most contact we'll probably have in the next few months. As I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, I realized something that I have forgotten.

Why are we keeping this down-low?

I leaned in and gave him a kiss, and I made sure it was long. We seperated and laid our foreheads together, our lips inches apart. I took this opportunity to ask my question.

"Um, Scott?" I whispered, making sure no one could hear but him, just to be safe.

"Yes baby?" Scott whispered back, matching my volume. I smiled.

"Could you remind me of why we're keeping our relationship a secret?" I said sweetly. He sighed.

"Mitchie, we'be talked about this! I don't want to deal with all the drama that will come with people knowing of our relationship! I know you know that, baby." He said, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"But I hate how I can't show my affection in public! I want to be able to hold your hand, and kiss you whenever I feel like it!" I said with every bit of truth. I stood up, angry and a little upset at the whole situation.  "I love when we're alone, babe! I love when I can actually show you how much I love you! I hate keep this a secret! Why do we have to!?" I crossed my arms and stood of the shocked blonde. He sighed and stood up, giving me a warm hug. 

"Baby, I know it's hard. We just need to get through it, ok? Just until we know there won't be any drama that comes with us being together, ok?" He said caringly, holding me close. I guess he has a point. I have heard a lot about people splitting up purely on drama. I nodded.

"Ok, Scottie. Anything for you." I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips before returning to the seat I was sitting in before. I began scrolling through my twitter, and a few minutes later the rest of the group came in. 

"So, are y'all ready to go?" Kirstie said excitedly. Me and Scott stood up at the same time.

"Yeah! I'm so excited to start this world tour!" Scott said. "Do you know where we're going first?"

"New York I think. Which means a loong drive from here in LA." Esther said as she joined the rest of us in the room.

"Why don't we take a plane? It'd be faster!" I whined. Long rides like this can be fun, but then they become annoying and boring.

"Don't worry, Mitch. It'll be fun! You'll see." Scott said casually. I smiled.

"Fine." I said, crossing my arms.

"Let's hit the road!" Kevin said, adjusting the hat he was wearing and making his way toward the door. The rest of us followed him and got on the bus. Pretty soon, we were driving down the highway. We started by all of us gathering on the couches and singing some songs we're gonna perform when we got there, and when we finished, we all judt did our own thing. Avi and Kevin were on one of the couches, sharing a pair of earbuds and watching some funny youtube video. Kirstie was on the couch on the opposite side of them, scrolling through her twitter and music blasting in her own headphones. Esther was focusing on the road. I was laying in my little bunk just relaxing to some music and about to drift off when a text interrupted the music. I looked at my phone and saw that it was from Scott, who was in the bunk across from me.

Scott: I feel so lonely all the way over here by myself...

I tried my best to hide my blush while I texted him back.

Mitch: well, wat do u want me to do about that?

Scott: Come over here & cuddle with me!

Mitch: But wat about the others? wont they find it suspicous?

Scott: We'll pretend we're watching a video or something, or listening to music, idk

Mitch: well, ok, if u say so

I got off my bed and went over to Scott's without anyone noticing I had moved. Scott handed me one of his earbuds, and I put it in my ear. Ariana Grande was playing. I smiled and scooted closer to him, tired and wanting to drift off like I was trying to before Scott interrupted that. Scott was facing the outside toward the isle and I was facing the other way, my head nuzzled up against his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and i lost myself in the music and in him. This is more contact than I ever would've expected from him here. It was after a while that I realized Scott's breathing has become slow and leveled, indicating that he was asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep too, everything going black.

"OMG I knew it!!!!!' I heard. I opened my eyes to see Kirstie, Avi and Kevin gathered near our bunk. Scott was just waking up as well.

"W-what?" I said sleepily, sqiunting and waiting for my eyes to focus.

"I knew you guys were dating!" Kirstie said excitedly.

"You two are so freaking cute!!" Avi said, a huge smile on his face. I felt Scott sit up, and I could feel his heart racing a mile a minute.

"No, No! Don't get this twisted guys! We're not dating!" Scott said, acting as though this was true even though I knew it wasn't.

"Oh c'mon, Scott! Y'all were all cuddled next to eachother and stuff!" Kevin said. Scott shook his head as I spoke.

"We were watching a video on his phone, and we both ended up falling asleep! We're not dating, I swear." I said convincingly. Kirstie gave us a caring look.

"Guys, if you are dating, it's perfectly ok! It's not like it's wrong or anything! We totally support it if you guys are dating! There's no shame." Kirstie said, resting an arm on the bed. Avi and Kevin nodded in agreement.

"But we're not dating!!!!" Scott and I said at the same time. Kirstie jumped back in shock of how loudly we said that.

"Ok, ok! I get it!!" Kirstie said, laughing along with the others. "Sorry guys. You two seem like you would be a really cute couple if you were dating, I guess I got excited!" She said, blushing hard. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Don't even worry about it!" I said comfortingly, laughing along with them as they went about their buisness. I glaned over at Scott, who was holding himself up with one arm.

'That was close!' He mouthed to me. I nodded.

'I know.' I mouthed back. Scott laid back down and I went to my own bed and laid down, putting in the earphones I had left there. I closed my eyes and sighed. 

Well, at least that was good while it lasted. That's probably the last time I can even touch him this whole tour, but lets just see how it goes. For now, I'll just let my mind wander and my vision go black, and dream of what I want to be a reality. Scott.

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