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I'm finally back guys!! Sorry it took so long, I have school and work and a bunch of other stuff I know you don't wanna here my excuses. 

Enjoy!! I got a good one coming up next... sorry if this one is a little short but the next one will make up for it!

Please don't forget to give me requests! I'll write anything you guys want in here... try me.

-Bailee ;D


Scott and Mitch were going camping for their anniversary. They wanted to get away from all the noise and stress of the city, so they drove a while until they found a nice, quiet place to camp for the weekend. After they set up everything, they decided to take a nice, quiet walk on a trail they discovered nearby.

"This is so nice..." Mitch said as the couple walked hand in hand down the path.

"Yeah, it's so nice to get away from all the people, the noise, the stress, and just relax with the most amazing person in the world." Scott glanced over in Mitch's direction. He was blushing profusely and smiling, and Scott gained a little pink in his cheeks as well. For some reason, Mitch stopped, causing Scott to stop too.

"Is something wrong?" Scott asked, concerned. Mitch smiled.

"No." He said simply, looking into Scott's eyes. Scott stepped closer.

"Then why did you stop?" Scott asked again. Mitch looked down slightly, blushing.

"I just....... I love you so much." He said, still focusing on his feet. Scott closed the space between them, lifting Mitch's head with his fingers and making him look into his eyes.

"I love you too..." Scott said, beginning to lean in. They were about an inch away, their lips so close to connecting, when all of a sudden drops of rain began to fall from the sky. 

"What?!?!" Mitch said looking up. 

"Are you kidding!" Scott asked, laughing.

"C'mon!!" Mitch said, running toward a willow tree, Scott following close behind and their hands locked together. They made it under the tree, where it was completely dry. They were both panting and laughing at the same time. Eventually, only the sound of rain and breathing was in the air. Mitch gave Scott a look, and Scott caught on instantly to what Mitch was trying to say.

"Mitch..." Scott said with warning. Mitch smiled, and after a second, he ran out into the rain, laughing and frolicking and dancing like he had no cares.

"Mitch!! Get back here!! You're gonna be soaked!!!" Scott said, laughing and gesturing for Mitch to come back. He didn't stop dancing.

"C'mon Scott! It's fun!! Get out here! Come dance with me!" Mitch pleaded, yelling slightly over the rain. After a slight hesitation, Scott followed Mitch out in the rain, dancing and chasing each other around like children, laughing like there was no stress in the world. 

After a while, Mitch and Scott began to slow dance, rain pouring down on them, causing their hair to be soaked, and all their body soaked for that matter, but they didn't care. Mitch looked up at Scott, smiling ear to ear.

"What?" Scott asked, a slight blush apparent on his face.

"I love you..." Mitch said, his arms wrapped around Scott's neck.

"I love you too..." Scott said, his grip on MItch's hips getting slightly tighter as he pulled him in. Scott took one hand and cupped Mitch's face, closing the gap between them. Their lips connected in bliss. Their warm lips against the cold rain was a beautiful contrast. They pulled apart, leaving their foreheads leaning against each other.

"This is the best anniversary ever." Mitch whispered above the rain.

"I couldn't agree more." Scott said, continuing to kiss Mitch in the rain until it stopped, and then they made their way back to camp to resume having the best weekend of thier lives.

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