Help Me Pt. 3

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This is the last part!!! I just want to thank Far_Away78 for coming up with this amazing idea!! It was really sad and really fun to write! She is an awesome person and if anyone needs credit for this, it's her :D

So shout out, and enjoy the rest of Help Me! Love ya!! :D

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

Things are definately getting better now, well, at least from what I can see from Scott. I've been taking him for nights out almost everyday for at least 2 weeks. We've been to dinner, mini golfing, seen a movie, and lots of times we just sat and relaxed with eachother, cuddling like we used to. I've even taken him back to my place, just watching TV and casually cuddling like we used to. It's awesome that we haven't grown apart from that becase of this whole situation.

I can tell Scott's letting up a bit. Just from when I see him, I can tell that it's getting easier for him to smile. I'm happy I have the ability to make Scott smile. I love how he is my best friend, and he knows he can come to me for comfort. There are multiple nights where he would be crying in bed from getting beaten by Alex, and then be smiling and even laughing with me within a few minutes. I'm glad I can be there for him when no one else is.

I stood by his door, waiting for him to come out. After a few minutes, he came out the door, obviously happy that he's leaving the house. He smiled at me as we got in the car and drove off.

"So, where are we going today, Mitchie?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I actually thought you could choose today." I said, looking over at him, then back at the road. He thought for a moment before he figured out where he wanted to go.

"Lets go to a bar. I haven't drank in a while, or partied for that matter." He said, looking at me hopfully. I grinned. Out of anywhere he chooses to go, he decides on a bar? That's actually kinda funny, that he would choose such a place to hang out. Well, it is a Saturday night! I giggled.

"Ok Scott, We'll go to some club then." I said, turning the corner to make my way to our destination. After a few minutes, we arrived at the club and went inside. There are lots of people in here, but not too much. The dance floor is not as crowded as I had originally thought it would be. It's surprising, considering how late it is on a Saturday. Maybe it's for the better that there's not lots of people. Scott does need to relax, and this is what he wanted, so I'm gonna make sure he has the best time here.

Scott's POV

I haven't been to a club in ages! Alex never lets me out of the house, and when he does, it's never this late. Sometimes I feel like a child that's on a tight leash by thier parents. I never get to go anywhere or do anything without Alex's say so, and if I go against that, I'm punished, and not the good kind of punished either. But I'm not gonna think about that. I'm not gonna think about him. I'm gonna focus on having fun tonight with my best friend. Possibly the only person who even cares about me.... No, I'm not gonna let my mind get negative. Tonight's all about fun.

"So, what do you want to drink?" Mitch asked.

"I don't know, you know what I like! Surprise me!" I said. Mitch ordered and paid for our drinks, and after a few seconds, the bartender handed us two glasses of champegne. He held his up and I raised mine to meet his, the glasses clinking.

"To you." Mitch said smiling. I giggled.

"To you, for reminding me what happiness was." I took a drink, as did he. I noticed a small blush forming on his face, and I could feel one starting to form on mine. I'm not sure why, though. Suddenly, a slower song started to play over the speakers. Mitch smiled and held out his hand. I shook my head.

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