Mr. Grassi Pt. 3

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Hey everyone!!! I'm back!! ITS BEEN 4 FREAKING MONTHS SINCE I POSTED A STORY IM SO SO SORRY!!!!!!!! I don't know how many times I have to apologize to make up for my very very long lack of anything....

As you might know, I've been really really stressed lately, but things have calmed down and I'm back in the spirit of writing! I just want thank everyone for being patient and supporting me through my hard time! It feels so amazing to be back in the writing spirit! Hope you forgive my absence!! :D

I'm working on a request from SydneyBuras right now, but that won't be up until later. It won't be next, and when you finish this one shot, you'll see why ;)

For the sake of getting something out there, I decided I was gonna make another part to Mr. Grassi, since y'all liked it so much!! I promise though that that request is gonna be up within the next few weeks. (I know I keep making promises but the fact that things are slowing down is making it easier to keep my promises.) and also if you have a request, comment or message me!! I will never say no to a request and I will always give credit where needed so literally SPLATTER me with requests, and if you have already given me a request and I haven't wrote it yet, I literally have a paper notebook, notepad on my computer, and notepad on my iPod FULL of ideas and requests in very vivid detail, so I haven't forgotten about any of them, and who knows I might shoot you a message at some point saying yours is next ;)

and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 26.7K READS I MEAN HOLY CRAP!!!! Despite my absence, I'm so happy people are still reading and enjoying what I write, it means so much to me!

ALSO new chapter of Jobless coming at ya soon :D

......comment your favorite movie if you actually read these authors notes to the end XD i'm genuinely curious.

I love you all so much!!! Man its good to be back. ENJOY!!!

-Bailee ;D


Scott's POV

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I can't believe yesterday actually happened. Despite the fact that he's my teacher, the hottest person in this school.... Mr. Grassi...... Mitch.... we did it in the middle of his classroom. I just can't fucking believe it, but I HAVE to keep this from my friends. Especially Kirstie. I can't be known as the guy who got fucked by his teacher on the first day of his job.... But it was one of the best days of my life.

I got ready for school and eventually got to school, Starbucks in my hand, a smile I keep fighting to keep hidden, and the thoughts of last night not escaping my mind no matter how hard I try to push them back. I drove up to the school and parked, giving myself a moment to hide my good mood and got out of my car, making my way to the hell that my school was. It wasn't until I got into the doors that I was greeted with a hug.

"Hey there Scotty!" My best friend said as she hugged me.

"Hey Kirst! You didn't tackle me and almost spill my coffee this time! I'm proud of you!" I said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" She said playfully as we began to walk down the hallway to the cafeteria, where Avi and Kevin were probably waiting for us.

"So.... how'd it go?" She said, smirking and looking at me expectedly. I took a sip of my coffee as I put my acting skills on full blast.

"How'd what go?" I asked casually, as if I didn't remember the most amazing and memorable day of my entire life.

"Your little meeting with Mr. Grassi!! How'd it go??" She said, anticipating the truth, but she's going to receive the lie for the sole fact that what happened last night was so wrong but was the most right thing I've ever done.

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