Why Him?

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Mitch's POV

I love Scott. Scott is my everything. He is the little peice of sanity that keeps me tied to this world. He is the reason I'm here. Scott saved me, and I am forever greatful.

Why did this have to happen to him? Why him? Why not me? I'm the one who deserves the cancer, not him. I see him getting weaker and weaker every day. He can't use his legs, and his voice is getting weaker and quieter as the days pass. I stay strong for him, when on the inside I am dying, and broken. I cuddle with him every night, and I don't sleep, afraid that he will pass when I'm sleeping, so I just lay there, holding him. Yet every day, he has the strength to smile, and be happy, and laugh. I envy that.

I see Scott wheel in on his chair, the usual smile on his face. 

"Hey Sarah, lets do something today!" He said, his voice weak. Weaker than yesterday. I put a smile on my face that I hope is convincing. 

"Like what?" I asked cheerfully.

"Can we go for a walk in the park? I haven't been to the park since our first date!" He said, his eyes begging me to do what he asks. His once bright, beautiful blue eyes are now a light grayish color. I miss the blue in them.

"We can do anything you want babe!" I said, walking over to his chair and wheeling him out the door. I walked him to the park, and we walked for a while, enjoying the beautiful scenery that it held. With every step I take, I appreciate this time I have with Scott. My beautiful boyfreind, Scott, who is slowly slipping away from me.

I put him beside a bench as I sat down, I snaked my hand into his, and he squeezed it tight. The scene in front of us was so beautiful. There was a fence seperating the land and the water. The sun was low in the sky, and the sky had very mesmerizing shades of yellows and oranges and reds, and the water reflected it. It was picture perfect.

"Mitch?" I heard Scott say. I glanced over at him, and his eyes were already glued to mine. "This is where we had our first kiss, right?" I saw a tear welling up in his eye. He tried to blink it away but it jut ended up falling down his cheek.

"Yes, baby, it is." I said, trying to choke back my own tears. One fell anyway.

"Can we... relive that?" His voice cracked and he started sobbing. I wrapped my arms around him and failed an attempt to choke my sobs.

"Yes. Of course we can baby." I said as I looked into his eyes, and leaned in. His lips met mine and I focused on nothing but him. I had one hand on his shoulder, and the other around the back of his neck. He snaked his arms to my waist and held me firmly. I never wanted this moment to end. I just want to kiss him forever. He broke the kiss and wiped the tears from his face. 

"Let's go home.." Scott said quietly. I nodded silently and stood up, gripped the chair, and wheeled him home.

That Night

I was laying in bed, holding him close to me, running my fingers through his hair. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't help but think of what will soon happen. I can't bear to think of it. Scott shifted and I looked down at him, and he was staring right into my eyes. 

"Mitch..." He whispered. 

"Yes? What is it baby?" I asked, sounding more concerned than I should have. 

"I j-just want you t-to know..." Scott paused. Tears were welling up in my eyes,

"What?.... Scott?... WHAT??" I tried not to yell, I felt the tears rolling down my face rapidly.

"I-... I-... I love you. More than anything in the w-world." He stuttered.

"I love you too Scott. Scott? Baby, please stay with me!" I cried, cupping his face in my hands and kissing him. 

"I love you, Mitch... So much." Scott said, I could feel him growing colder.

"Scott!!! Baby PLEASE!! I can't live without you!!" I sobbed. I kissed him and sobbed.

"Baby... Mitchie... I love you... just know that... i... love.............you" He said before he closed his eyes. 

"Scott?...... SCOTT!!!! Baby please!!!!" I shouted now. He was gone. My one, my only, my baby, is gone. I kissed him on the lips, held him close to my chest and cried uncontrollably. I don't know what else to do. My Scottie is gone forever... I miss him. I miss him so much...


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