Mr. Grassi Pt. 2 ((SMUT, VERY LITTLE BDSM))

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Hey y'all!

Sorry you had to wait for this!! I started my first day of work last Saturday and I've had colorguard/band camp for the past two weeks which has drained me physically and mentally so I was too tired to write, but here I am! A new day, a new story!

And sorry if there are any mistakes or anything lol the last day of camp was yesterday plus i had to work till 11pm today and its like 1am so I'm still tired but hey at least I'm here XD


Also, news about Homeless coming very soon! it'll be posted here and in the book! so keep an eye out!!

Btw there's just a TINY but of BDSM in this sooooo...

Here it is! Love you! Enjoy!

-Bailee ;D


Scott's POV

I can't fucking believe this.

Who does this teacher think he is anyway! I mean, yes he's young and just graduated like last year, and yes he's very, very hot, and yes I get distracted by his amazing body while he's giving lectures, and yes I think the fact that his voice is higher than mine is sexy, but that does not mean he can just keep me after class on the first day of his job! It's not my fault I got distracted.

I've been thinking about it all day. I'm not sure why, he's just going to give me a long, boring lecture on behaving and paying attention in class. I honestly shouldn't be looking forward to it as much as I am.

The day has gone by slowly, even though time always runs slowly in hell, it went by slower today. After what seemed like forever, it was lunch time. I grabbed my tray and sat down next to Kirstie, Kevin and Avi, who were casually chatting when I got there.

"Well, here comes the little trouble maker!" Kirstie said as I took a seat beside her.

"Shut the hell up!" I said, lightly hitting her arm. She giggled as she put her hand on the place of impact and muttered an "ow!"

"Wait, what happened?" Kevin asked curiously.

"Well, for starters, Alex, along with all of us, thought Mr. Grassi was a student and threatened him and he got sent to the office. He's probably gonna get expelled." I said, smirking.

"Serves him right!" Kevin said, laughing and sipping his water.

"And?!" Avi asked excitedly.

"I have to go to Mr. Grassi's class after school." I said, propping my head in my hand and grabbing a fork, twirling around the unappetizing food that laid on the tray.

"Oooo sucking up to the teacher, huh?" Avi said teasingly.

"No! Its not like that and you know it!" I said, giving him a look and laughed with the rest of the group.

"Then why are you going?" Kevin asked.

"I wasn't paying attention in class and Mr. Grassi kept asking me questions I didn't know the answer to, so he's keeping me after school. Probably to give me a long ass lecture I don't want to listen to." I said, rolling my eyes and setting down my useless fork.

"You were practically drooling over him, Scott! Are you sure your only getting a lecture?" Kirstie said, causing everyone in the group to laugh but me.

"Yes I'm sure, and I was not drooling over him! I was just spaced out, that's all." I said, defending myself even though she was 100% correct.

"Spaced out about what? Your guys' sexual fantasies for after school?" Kirstie teased again, causing another laugh from the group.

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