Anniversery Pt. 1

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Guys!!!! Im so happy right now!!!! WE REACHED 2K READS!!! that is unbeleiveable!!

Not too long ago, I reached 1K and that was sooo exciting! This is even better I can't believe this!! Thank you guys soooo much!!!

I wasn't planning on writing today but I felt like I had to celebrate! (And you know what happened last time we celebrated right? ;D just a heads up of what to expect in pt 2 just sayin) I'll also be writing it on my ipod, which I never do so sorry for any mistakes!! anyways, thank you guys so much! I hope you enjoy this! Definitely more to come soon! Love ya!! Your all amazing!

-Bailee ;D


Scott's POV

Me and Mitch have been dating for a year. A whole year! Thats so exciting!! I want to do something special for him, but my head has gone completely blank! I at least need to call him. He's out of town for something, he said it was something important, so I didn't really question it. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He picked up soon after it rang.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey baby!" I said, happy to hear his voice.

"What's up Scottie?"

"Do you know when you'll be home?"

"Sometime tomorrow I think. Why?" Why would he ask why? He does remember our anniversary, right?

"Is there any way you could come back sooner?" I asked impatiently.

"Scott, I understand you miss me, because I miss you too! But I can't be back till tomorrow! Plus, there's not really any reason to be home except that you're there, and I have you every day!" He said. I hope he's not implying what I think he is...

"Mitch, do you know what day it is?" There was silence for a moment before he answered.

"It's August 10th... Why?" My heart sank. Mitch forgot our anniversary. I can't believe he forgot the most important day of our lives! I felt like crying, or yelling, but I stayed calm.

"Oh, no reason. I'll see you when you get home! Love you, baby!"

"I love you too, Scottland! bye!"

"Bye." I hung up the phone and threw it at the couch, causing it to bounce off and land on the floor. I sat down and laid my head in my hands. I cannot believe that Mitch forgot our special day! How could he possibly forget! That was the best day of my life! Even if he did remember, he wouldn't even be here to celebrate with me. This is the worst anniversary ever, and the day has only just begun!

I can't just sit here and mope around all day though. If I can't be with Mitch, I'll just have to hang with someone else for today. At least to take my mind off of all this. I picked up my phone and dialed Todrick's number.


"Hey Todrick! Do you wanna hang out or something today?"

"Today? I thought it was you and Mitch's anniversary!" My heart fell. Even he remembers it, but my own boyfriend can't! That is sad.

"Well, he's out of town today." I want to keep the fact that he forgot a secret. "And I'm just here bored at home. Wanna meet at Starbucks at 2?"

"Sure, man! See ya there!"

"See ya!" I hung up the phone and went into the bathroom. It was 1:30, and I still needed to shower.

After getting ready, I got into my car and drove to Starbucks, where Todrick stood waiting for me.



It was 8:30 and it was dark. I was driving home from the mall. Me and Todrick actually had a fun day. We had Starbucks and went shopping. I didn't realize how long we've been shopping until I got outside and saw that it was just getting dark. Todrick wanted to go into literally EVERY store and he hardly even bought anything from any of them! It's always entertaining to watch him roam through stores and not have any clue what he's looking for. Plus, we spent most of the day there, so I at least had something to do. It was fun.

I pulled into my driveway and sighed. Time to go into my empty house and be alone until I drift off. Ugh. I walked up to the door and found that it was already unlocked. Shit. Did someone break in??

I opened the door cautiously and quietly and shut it silently. I turned on the lights, and what I saw was completely the opposite of what I thought I would see.

There were pedals. Pink pedals, leading up the stairs toward our room. Oh my god, it couldn't be! I ran up the stairs and paused in front of the bedroom door. On the other side of the door, the light was on. My heart skipped a beat, and refused to slow down. I knew for a fact that the love of my life was behind that door.

I ran my fingers through my hair, fixing it up, and gripped the doorknob. I pushed it open and covered my mouth with my hand.

My eyes laid upon and very handsome Mitch. His hair was fixed up but a little bit wild where you can hardly notice but just enough for me to wan to mess it up more. He knows that drives me crazy.

He was also dressed in the hottest leather jacket and skinny jeans I've ever seen! It's similar to what he wore to the Grammys. He has a bouquet of pink roses laying in his left hand. He smiled big.

"Hello Scottie." Mitch said in his seductive voice as he took a step closer to me.

"Mitch? I- I..." I can't believe he's here! My wishes literally came true! "I thought you weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow!"

"I wanted to surprise you! Happy anniversary, baby." Mitch remembered! This is the best day ever! I pulled him into a tight hug.

"You remembered." I whispered against his ear. He smiled.

"How could I forget?" He whispered back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him softly, yet passionately. I want him to feel how much I love him, and how much he means to me. We separated, but stayed close.

"I love you so much, Mitchie."

"I love you too, Scottland. And guess what, I have another surprise for you too." Mitch separated from my grip and walked over to the side of the bed farthest away and bent down to pick up a plastic bag that laid there. I stepped closer to him, curious as to what the contents of that bag could be.

"What is it?" he smiled and reached into the bag. I gasped.

"This is for you, Scottie. How about we stop talking and try it out?" he said seductively.

I couldn't form words, so I nodded quickly. My breathing quickened with excitement as I laid my eyes on Mitch's present for me.

Mitch's gift for me was a vibrator...



-Bailee ;D

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