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Ok guys, you know i don't do whole chapter AN's like this unless it's important, and this time, PLEASE DONT SKIP, i feel this is important and needs to be said before you go on to my next part of this book.

The next part i'm going to write is gonna be called 'Help Me'. It'll be in 3-  or 4 maybe 5 parts, im not sure. It was a request that I really liked but theres something I want to clear up before I post it.

'Help Me' is basically going to perceive Alex to be a horrible person and very abusive. I just want everyone to know that this is NOT how I percieve him. This is not how the person who requested this percieves him either!

I love Scolex! I ship Scolex as much as I ship Scomiche. I think Alex and Scott are perfect for each other and I love Alex so much! He is so sweet and so cute and I'm glad Scott has a guy like him! 

I just wanted to get that out there because 'Help Me' will have scenes where Alex does some pretty awful things and says some pretty bad things to both Scott and Mitch. Please know that I do love Scolex and I am not at all bashing them! SCOLEX IS AMAZING!!! <3 :D

The person who requested this is @Far_Away78. She wanted me to also make it very clear that she loves Scolex as well! She loves Alex and she hated talking about him like this in this request, but trust me it's a good idea! I don't want anyone hating on her at all! She is an AMAZING person with an awesome idea! I don't want anyone to be hating on her for coming up with this and I don't want anyone hating on me for liking it and writing it! I don't want any drama! let's all be civil here and not hate on anyone for making Alex be percieved in this way, ok? :D

Now that I got that off my chest, I want to say this: If you love Alex so much that you will get mad at any negative perceptions of him, then please skip 'Help Me' and wait patiently for a different one shot to come out. I dont want to make anyone mad, which is the reason I'm writing this in the first place!! I don't want people to think that I hate Alex, because I don't. I also don't want people to think that Far_Away78 hates Alex, because she doesn't! This was a request from a girl who enjoys my stories, and I really liked her idea and I wanted to write it!

I feel like this is important because I don't want to stir anything up. I want you guys to enjoy these stories without giving you wrong ideas about myself and things of that sort.

Thank you for reading! I will leave this up for a while and I will have part 1 of 'Help Me' out soon. Thanks for understanding! Love ya!!!

-Bailee ;D

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