First Aid

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Sorry i haven't posted an actual story (#LoveWins was kinda split second XD) in so dang long! Things are crazy: my brother just shipped off to basic training for the Air Force, I might be getting a job if they call me back, I'm getting my drivers license in a few weeks, Colorguard practices are consuming my life, blah blah blah...

Btw it's 2am and I'm physically, emotionally, and mentally tired and i needed to post so this may not be my best haha idk we'll see!

So yeah XD enjoy it anyway lol

Brief suggestion from a long time ago by @SlayersFan132 with my own little twist! Enjoy!

-Bailee ;D


Mitch sat lazily on the bed as Scott entered the room with a fresh ice pack. Kevin followed close behind with Mitchs phone he left in the living room by mistake. Scott sat at the foot of the bed and placed the ice pack carefully on Mitchs rolled ankle as Kevin gave Mitch his phone.

"Thanks Kev!" Mitch said as he took it and instantly started scrolling through twitter. "And thanks for the ice babe!"

"No prob!" Scott said, standing up and moving closer to the head of the bed and sitting back down closer to Mitch, placing his hand on his arm. He smiled. "Anything to help my Mitchie get better."

"You are too sweet!" Mitch said, giving Scott a peck on the cheek. "Both of you! You really didn't
have to do this, honestly I'm fine!"

"It's really no big deal man!" Kevin said, taking a seat on the bed on the other side of Mitch. "Do you think you will be able to perform tomorrow?"

"I'm sure I will sis. Don't worry about me!" Mitch said as he absentmindedly scrolled through Tumblr.

"Um, Mitch, it's 2:00am. Shouldn't we be getting some rest before the show tomorrow?" Scott said quietly. Mitch looked up from his phone.

"Is that really what time it is!? Damn, Momma needs her beauty sleep!" Mitch said with sass. Kevin and Scott both giggled at the remark.

"Haha, well I'd better get back to my room then. Night Mitch, Night Scott!" Kevin said, getting up from the chair and waving as he headed toward the door.

"Night babe!" Mitch and Scott said at the same time, Kevin laughing as he exited the room. When he left, Scott's eyes immediately went to Mitch.

"Scoot over! I need a place to sleep!" Scott said, slightly nudging Mitch and gesturing him to move over. Mitch giggled.

"Scott, there's two beds in this hotel room! Can't you sleep in the other one?" Mitch asked, turning off his phone and setting it on the nightstand. Scott sighed.

"But I wanna sleep with you!" Scott whined as he cuddled Mitch. Mitch sighed.

"Baby, I wanna sleep with you too! But I'll probably need as much room as I can for my ankle to heal! I'm sorry babe." Mitch said, giving Scott a kiss on the forehead.

"I understand. Anything to make my Mitchie feel better... But this is just go tonight!" Scott said, huffing as he got up and plopped onto the other bed.

"Alright. Goodnight Scottland!" Mitch said as he pulled the covers up around himself.

"Goodnight Mitchie!" Scott said, turning the lights off and allowing both of them to drift off into their dreams.


The next morning

"Good morning!" Mitch heard from the foot of the bed. He opened his eyes to find Scott holding a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. Mitch smiled.

"Aww Scott! You didn't have to do this!" He said, sitting up.

"I wanted to! I wanted to make-"

"-your Mitchie feel better, I know! You are too sweet!" Mitch said, finishing Scott's sentence. Scott approached Mitch and put the food in his lap, giving him a peck on the lips before going to his own bed.

"So how's your ankle?" Scott asked caringly.

"From what I can tell, it feels better!" Mitch said, diving into his breakfast. Later, there was a knock on the door. Scott opened it to find Kevin there.

"Hey!" He said excitedly.

"Hey Kev! Come on in!" Scott invited. Kevin came in and Scott closed the door.

"So how's little Mitchell?!" Kevin said, sitting in the desk chair close to Mitch's bed.

"First of all, please don't ever call me little Mitchell again! I prefer Queen Mitchell!" Mitch said with sass. Everyone in the room laughed. "Second of all, I feel better! Thanks Kev!" he said, finishing his last piece of bacon.

"That's great! Can you walk okay?"

"He hasn't tried yet." Scott said. "We were gonna try and get him up when he finished eating."

"Well I'm done!" Mitch said, setting his plate on the table. "Lets try it!"

"Alright!" Kevin said, getting up ad joining Scott by Mitch's side. Mitch threw the covers off of him and slid his feet over the side of the bed, wincing a little at the slight pain.

"You okay babe?" Scott asked. Mitch nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said. Scott and Kevin grabbed each of Mitch's arms and helped him off the bed. They let go of his arms and he began to walk across the room, slightly limping, but still walking.

"Hey not bad! If you rest it until the show, I think you'll be fine!" Kevin said excitedly. Mitch smiled.

"Awesome! I'm so glad I can perform! Thanks guys!" Mitch said, giving each of them a hug.

"No problem babe!" Scott said as he embraced Mitch. "Anything to help my Mitchie get better."


Yep, so there it is....

Hope you liked it.

Haha honestly NOT my best XD

I'm so tired if you couldn't tell XD

Anyways I love you guys and THANK YOU SO MUCH for 1.4k on Homeless and 9k on these one shots!! this is amazing and I can't believe that many of y'all read my stuff!! it means so much thank you!!

Btw, news on Homeless coming soon.

Anyway see ya later love you!!

-Bailee ;D

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