Low Key Pt. 2

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Mitch's POV

The tour went on as planned. We performed in New York and all around the United Stated before making our way to Europe. Me and Scott hardly talked since the day we almost got caught. I miss him, even though he has been right next to me the whole time. We've been sending each other cute texts, but that's about it. We've been taking extra caution.

We always put the fan between us at meet and greets when taking pictures, we only talk to each other when necessary, like when we're arranging or just having casual conversation with the group to prevent being awkward. There are times where I've snuck a look at him changing in the dressing rooms or dancing in front of the chair girls. That's my favorite part of the whole cancert. I get to see him dance in a way I wish I could see all the time, but I just can't. This is the most distant we've ever been, and it's hell for me. I want to touch him, kiss him, hug him, be with him without having to put on an act.

We sat on the bus making our way to France, which was our next show tomorrow. We were situated about the same way we always are when we're relaxing. Avi and Kevin were watching some video, Kirstie was scrolling through twitter and tumblr, and Scott was in his bed, fast asleep. I sat beside Kirstie, scrolling through my own twitter. I went to Scott's account and scrolled through it, seeing all of the cute things he tweets. I really do miss him... I need to do something about this. I hate not being able to show my affection for him! But there's nothing I can do about it. I want to make Scott happy, and if that means I have to wait to reveal ourselves, then that's what I'll do.

Kirstie's POV

I sat on the couch and scrolled through my twitter while listening to music. Mitch was on my left, also scrolling through his phone. I know there's something he's not telling me. I mean, I could be wrong, Scott and Mitch have been really casual lately. But I know something's up! I feel it in my gut. I just have to figure it out...

"Ok, we're gonna take a break for a while! We're not far from Paris, but you all can go outside if you want some fresh air!" Esther said as the bus stopped. Mitch looked up, then back to his phone, obviously not amused.

"Should someone wake up Scott? I'm sure he would want to go outside." Avi said, his eyes galncing over at Scott, sleeping soundly on his bed. Mitch stood up.

"I guess I'll wake him up." He said tiredly. "Y'all go ahead and go outside." 

I shrugged and stood up, making my way toward the exit of the bus. Avi, Esther and Kevin following behind me. I stood beside the bus and gestured for Avi and Kevin to come over. I waited until Esther was a good distance away before I spoke.

"Guys, I know there's something going on between Scott and Mitch! I feel it!" I whisper shouted. Kevin nodded.

"Yeah, I did notice that they have been maybe a little awkward since we accused them of dating! Maybe thier keeping it low-key." Kevin said, thinking.

"But what if they're acting that way because we made them feel awkward? I mean think about it." Avi said. "If people accused me of dating Kevin or something, I would feel kinda awkward around him too! Do you think we might have made them feel wierd?" Damn, he made a good point.

"Hmm... You do have a good point Avi, but I just can't shake this feeling that something's up!" I said, trying to persuade them to work with me.

"Maybe you just want something to happen between them, and that feeling is keeping you from reality." Kevin said, Avi nodding in agreement.

"I don't know, but I'm still gonna keep an eye out." I said, determined. 

"Ok, Kirst. Just try not to make them feel wierd, ok? They already seem awkward enough." Kevin said, walking toward Esther, who was taking a drink of water and standing by the back of the bus, Avi followed him. I crossed my arms and leaned against the bus, staying in my spot. There has to be something between them, and I'm gonna figure out what.

Mitch's POV

"Y'all go ahead and go outside." I said, looking over at Scott. Kirstie shrugged and stood up as Kevin, Avi and Esther followed her off the bus. I went over to Scott's bed and sat down. I placed my hand on his shoulder and shook him slightly.

"Scott? Baby wake up!" I whispered in his ear. He shifted slightly, but didn't wake up. Since we were alone, I took this chance to kiss him on the cheek.

"Wake up, Scottie." I said sweetly. Scott opened his eyes slowly, then suddenly sat up and frantically looked around the bus for the others. "Don't worry Scott, we're alone. We're pulled over to get some fresh air before we get to Paris." I said, leaning in close, craving his touch. He put both of his hands around my waist and pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss. I placed my hands on his shoulders and deepened the kiss, nevdr wanting it to end. We seperated after a minute or so. 

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that. Scott whispered, holding me tightly.

"I know." I whispered back, giving him another peck on the lips.

"I wish we could stay like this." Scott said, his arms still firmly around my waist. I nodded.

"Me too, but we can't." I said, my head facing the floor. Scott lifted my chin up to kiss me again. It felt amazing to touch him after so, so long of not having any contact.

"We should probably go outside with the others." Scott said softly, getting off the bed. I got up with him and followed him off the bus. Avi and Kevin had just made their way to Esther and started talking and Kirstie was leaned up against the bus alone. We walked up to her. 

"Hey! What took you guys so long?" She asked curiously. Scott and I looked at each other for a quick moment before he spoke up.

"You know how I am, Kirst! You know I take a long time to wake up when I'm really asleep!" Scot lied, laughing a little as he talked. I smiled.

"Exactly. He was such a pain in the ass to get out of bed! I practically had to throw him off the bed just to get his eyes to open!" I said, laughing along with him. Kirstie laughed too and patted Scott on the shoulder.

"When are you not a pain in the ass?" Kirstie joked. We continued to laugh and talk and we even had a dance party that Kevin ended up filming part of. After a few minutes, we got back on the bus and made our way to Paris.

When we got there, we checked into the hotel that had room for all of us to sleep in seperate beds, which was honestly a little disappointing because usually me and Scott share a room. It might be better this way, to avoid suspicion. When the time came for us all to sleep, I laid down on my pillow and started to drift off. I dreamed of Scott, as I have every day of this tour. For some reason, I had a feeling in my gut that tomorrow's show was going to be different some how. Very different.

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