Thank you!!!! (Skip of you want, Not a story sorry)

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Skip this if you want. This is not a one shot, (sorry) this is a massive thank you!

I would like to personally thank @tfoweeklyobsessions for featuring my idea in her one shot book! It was sooo amazing and you should check it out now! And then a shout out to the same person that thought of this! (can't remember your user sorry! bit you know who you are and I'll add the name later!!) great minds think alike! ;D

@tfoweeklyobsessons (Daisy), this next paragraph goes to you ;D

You have been my favorite writer on wattpad for quite a while now, and your one shot book was my fave! I literally have withdraws when you don't update! (I wish I was joking :D) I usually don't take part in these celebration idea things but when you announced your celebration, I just couldn't help myself! I submitted my idea to you, not at all expecting it to get any special attention! When you replied and said u loved my idea, I screamed! i was so excited that my fave writer like one of my ideas!! and when it won and was gonna be written, I was literally so happy! then we started talking and I shared my ideas and you wrote an amazing one shot that was better than I pictured it!! and your also thinking about making it into a fic which I think is an AMAZING FABULOUS INCREDIBLE IDEA!!!! I could not be happier with this Private Show one shot! It was incredible! I just wanted to write this to thank you! it was so fun brainstorming with you and even funner reading it!! I love you so much! keep being awesome girl!! :D

I never take chapters out of my books to dedicate but this definitely deserved it!

Sorry everyone else if I wasted your time with this, but I felt like this needed to be addressed. But daisy thanks so much, this literally made my day/week/month/however long it was!

Private Show was so good and I can't wait to see what else you come up with daisy!! (AND ALSO A SHOUT OUT TO THE OTHER PERSON WHO THOUGHT OF THE SAME THING AS ME! I CAN'T TAKE ALL THE CREDIT FOR THIS!!!)

Again, sorry everyone else if this is a waste! I promise I will have a new one shot up soon! I love you all so much, and I will see you next update!!

-Bailee ;D

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