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Didn't expect this one, huh? Just wanted to let yall know something!

So, you know how I said last chapter that I wouldn't be updating my one shots? Well, that's still true....


Yikes.... I'm getting to that!

The day after I put up the last one shot, I got an email from Wattpad saying that there was a competition where you had to write a same sex OTP/couple fanfic...

I, of course, couldn't help myself!

If you haven't noticed already, I have a new scomiche fic up called "Homeless"! That's the one! I encourage you all to read it!

Let me tell you though, the deadline for the competition is May 14, and by then I will be done with Homeless. When I finish that, I will then go to my other book I said I was finishing, and then I will be back here updating my scomiche one shots and feeding yall's hungry scomiche urges!!

Just wanted to let you know cuz for the next few days, I will be working on Homeless, so if you really wanna read my scomiche, you can read that!!!! I promise that by the end of May, I will have that fic done, my other book finished, and I will be back to my one shots!!

Everyone rolls eyes at this point, knowing how I am with my updates and promises....

SERIOUSLY!! If by the end of May I don't have a scomiche one shot up, feel free to message, comment, tweet, or DM me telling me how horrible I am for not keeping my promises and telling me to hurry the pup up and update! I give you full permission, so please, be on that XD

SORRY IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME!!! I know this will involve a lot of waiting and patience, but I absolutely promise you that it will be worth it!

Me doing this + lots of waiting = MORE SCOMICHE ONE SHOTS IN THE FUTURE MORE OFTEN!!!!!

See? It works!

So, I hope this update helped put more things into perspective! Sorry if you were expecting a story! You'll get one soon!

Thanks for reading and cooperating everyone!! Comment if you have any questions and I'M STILL TAKING SUGGESTIONS SO IF U HAVE ANY YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!!!! And please go read Homeless! It'll be updated more often than anything I've ever had on here before and it'll be amazing yet probably really short XD See ya there! (btw there won't be any AN's there soooooo XD) I hope you all go and read it, and remember, nag me if I'm not back here by the end of May :D

So yeah, lol XD I love you all and I hope you guys like Homeless! see ya there or in a couple of weeks!

-Bailee ;D

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