Help Me Pt. 1

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If you didn't and still won't, I'm just gonna summarize. Me and Far_Away78 (the person who requested this) love Alex, and we ship Scolex so hard! This book will contain material that percieve Alex as a horrible and abusive person, and we just want to let yall know that we love him and have absolutely nothing against him! I hope you enjoy this, it's the longest one-shot I've done yet! 

And also, we are not advertising that abuse and rape is ok, at all! It is absoutely not ok and we don't want any one to think that we are saying it is, because we are definitely not! I don't want any drama, because we do not have anything against the lovely Alex Kirk :D 

 And remember, suggestions are always welcome! Love ya! :D

-Bailee ;D


Scott's POV

 I lay my head on Mitch's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me as we watch Spongebob on his TV. I'm so tired, and I'm glad I can just casually cuddle with Mitch and we both not think anything of it becuase he knows I live with Alex. Mitch is such a good friend, hell he's my best friend! I'm glad we got to hang out today, I didn't think Alex would allow it without him coming along. I'm glad I can hang out with my best friend and just relax.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I picked it up and saw that it's a call from Alex. I sat up and Mitch looked at me curiously.

"Excuse me, I need to get this." I said, gesturing toward the hallway. Mitch nodded.

"Go ahead!" Mitch said, looking into my eyes and gestured toward the hallway before looking back at the TV. I walked into the hall and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I answered the call.


"Where are you?" Alex sounded angry and tired, maybe even a little drunk. I'm worried.

"I'm at Mitch's house. Alex are you ok?" I asked. I hope there's nothing wrong with him.

"What the FUCK are you doing there?!" 

"You told me I could hang out with Mitch today." I said calmly, although I was terrified. He never cusses at me unless he's drunk or upset. I don't want to upset him any further. I know how he is when he's upset or angry, and I don't like sticking around to indure it. I talk cautiously, trying not to trigger his temper.

"I don't remember that! Are you fucking cheating on me?! What the hell, Scott!!" Alex was angry now, and I was scared out of my witts. 

"No! Alex! I-"

"You need to come home. NOW!"


"NOW!!" He hung up the phone, and I stood there, shaking. I don't want to face Alex now, especially when he's angry and possibly drunk.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the living room, seeing my best friend still on the couch, his eyes glued to the TV. He looked at me for a split second before scooting over and patting the spot beside him, gesturing to sit beside him, but I still stood where I was.

"Um, Mitch? I gotta go." I said calmly, trying to hide the fear that wanted to emerge in my voice.

"Why?" He looked at his watch. "It's only 9:00!" I tried to come up with an excuse quickly. I don't want him to know that Alex is angry at me and wanted me home. Then I remembered that he doesn't know who called me.

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