BTSSF: Boyfriend Tag Pt. 1

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Heyyyy I'm here with a request! 

This was a request from SydneyBuras! (and from a long ass time ago might I add I'm sorry) AND SORRY IF YOUR REQUESTS HAVENT BEEN WRITTEN I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING ABOVE I WILL WRITE THEM ALL!!!!!! Don't be scared to send me any requests you might have!! I will never say no! ;)

and don't be scared to give me feedback and annoy me about updating my stuff more!! I love getting annoyed in that way! I promise!

Love yall somaj!!! ENJOY!!!

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

To be completely honest, I'm kinda dreading this video... I mean, I'm always excited about Superfruit and I love making the videos, but I know this one will be different. Me and Scott are gonna do the boyfriend challenge......

I'm going to admit this right now, I have feelings for Scott, I really do. I'm not sure how long I've had them, or when they came up, but all I know is that I really really like him.... a lot. I know he doesn't feel the same way, and it kills me that he doesn't know...

"Hey Mitch! You ready to shoot the video?" Scott asked from the bed across the hotel room. I looked up from my phone and looked at him. God he was so beautiful, I just wish he knew how much I liked him. I put my phone down and stood up.

"Yep! Let's go!" I said enthusiastically as I took a seat beside Scott on the bed, the camera already set up. Not sure its on though. I spaced out and heard suddenly an angelic voice singing. I looked at Scott and he was singing What's My Name by Rihanna. I decided to join him, and our voices joined and mixed beautifully, and even messing up some of the lyrics. When we came to the end of the part, our voices joined into one note, completely unplanned and weird sounding compared to the beautiful melody we we're singing just then. 

"That was weird!" Scott said, laughing, me laughing as well. We freaked out and laughed he reached to touch my arm, a reaction to the funny incident. I reached my hand up in reaction and our hands touched briefly. I blushed slightly, but not enough to see I'm sure, and laughed more, brushing off the butterflies that appears so suddenly in my stomach. "Are we rolling?" Scott asked suddenly.

"Oh shit we might be!" I said as I laughed and we started our intro.

"Hello! Welcome to Superfruit, the best show on the internet! My name is Cardinals!" Scott said excitedly, looking at me expecting a name.

"My name is Blue Jays." I paused for a brief moment. "And we are beautiful birds!" I looked at Scott as I said 'beautiful' and then looked back at the camera. God I wish he knew how amazing he really was.....

"So this week we're going to clear things up, ok?" Scott said proceeding with the intro.

"Ok." I said quietly, suddenly realizing I was interrupting him slightly.

"I don't want anything to be confusing anymore."

"I don't either." I said, hiding the fact that I knew where this was going and my heart was going to break.

"Mitch and I are not married. Mitch and I are not boyfriends." Scott said, looking at the camera and glancing at me a few times. I nodded, my heart shattering at these words that were very sadly true.

"Ok." I said, going along with it even though I wanted it to change. I hope my disappointment on my face isn't obvious to the camera.

"So this week we decided to do the Boyfriend Tag!" Scott said, looking over at me.

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