Candles Pt. 3 ((SMUT, BDSM))

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Hey guys! I'm finally back from my trip! (Actually I'm at a cabin in Branson now and lucky to have wifi! I didn't forget about y'all ;D) Im having lots of fun and I hope everyone else is having a fun memorial day/weekend/week too!

I just want to take a second to recognize an amazing writer real fast if that's ok! Before I went on my little trip, I explored Wattpad to find some stories to read while I was away from wifi (and while I wasn't busy writing this ;D) but yeah I came across this book called The Last Hunger Games [PTX] by @czmmmm.

Just to say the least....

It was so so so SO SO SOOOOO good!!!! It's so well thought out and it has so much feels and it's gonna make u cry so get some tissues and enjoy the ride!!! I finished it the other day and I really couldn't get over how awesome it was!! Kudos to you, @czmmmm!!! This book was fabulously amazing!


Haha sorry I got carried away, back to business :D

Sorry y'all had to wait on little old me for this part to get published :D I know it's been a long time coming! But hey, ive had a whole week to write, edit, and really detail this part so it will be quite a good one. but sorry for the week-long wait! i know yall are dying to read this! Speaking of which...

I think we've all waited long enough, haven't we?


Have fun ;)

-Bailee ;D


Mitch's POV

I laid on the bed and rested for a second, my eyes closed and my breathing still heavy.

Wow. That's all I can say.

That was absolutely incredible! I've never felt so many pleasuring things at once. I've never came so hard in my life either, and Scott says I might cum harder!!?? I can't even imagine what will be next, but whatever it is, I'm excited for it.

I stood up off the bed and stretched myself out. I rubbed my wrists gently, examining them. Those handcuffs really do their job! As hard as I was pulling and straining against them, my wrists are dark pink, but not completely raw, yet.

I went into the bathroom. I washed the wax off of my abdomen and washed off any cum that got on me during that little adventure. I walked into the kitchen and got some water, taking in at least 3 cups of it. I put my hands on the counter leaned on them, taking in deep breaths and preparing myself for what was to come. After a few moments, I walked back up to our room and laid back on the bed, waiting for Scott to return.

Scott's POV

I went into the kitchen for a drink as I heard the bathroom door close. Mitch was cleaning up. I leaned against the counter and closed my eyes, breathing deep.

I can't believe I had that in me. When Mitch mentioned this idea to me this morning, I had no idea I would be able to pull off the dominant role so well. Mitch could definitely pull of the submissive role. Oh god he so fucking could. He did sooo so well....

I still can't get over how Mitch looked, blindfolded and handcuffed, squirming beneath me as I pleasured him. So sexy, it makes me harden just thinking about it, replaying that mental image over and over in my head..... and there's still more to come. I don't know who's more excited, Mitch or me.

I took another big drink of water and went back into the room to inspect some things, ya know, make sure the hundreds of candles I set up everywhere didn't catch anything on fire.

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