BTSSF: Bean Boozled Challenge ((SMUT))

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Hey y'all!!!! This is a request by SydneyBuras! Hope you enjoy!!

Look at me I'm keeping my promise of uploading at least once a week are you guys proud of me?

*gets the "that's not gonna last long" look*

Welp....... Y'all don't trust me? well I get that ok but I will update once a week at least I honestly will this time XD

Alright to the story!!!

Love you guys honest I do even if I don't update very often!!


-Bailee ;D


"Hi, come in!" Scott said to the room service lady. She came in with a smile and headed toward the little kitchen in the hotel room to clean up. She stopped mid-way and crinkled her nose.

"Is something wrong?" Mitch asked politely.

" I thought I smelled... skunk spray?" She said, looking out the window. Scott and Mitch looked at each other, then at the Bean-Boozled game that sat on the table, then back at each other, trying not to smile or laugh.

"I don't know how, we're up on a high floor. Plus, I don't think a skunk would live well in the city!" Scott said, holding back a smile.

"I must be hallucinating." She said, continuing to the kitchen. She went to the trash can and replaced the bag, then went around picking up various pieces of trash that could possibly be laying around the room. Scott and Mitch went into the living room and watched TV while she cleaned, making sure they weren't in her way at all. After she finished, Scott gave her a tip and she left, leaving the two boys alone again. Scott stood up.

"You want some water or something?" He asked.

"Sure!" Mitch said, not moving from his spot on the couch. Scott headed toward the fridge but stopped, a smile slowly appearing on his face.

"Hey Mitch..."


"Look what the cleaning lady left." Mitch stood up from the couch and went to Scott's side. He gasped.

"Oh my god why would she leave that stupid game!" He said, eyeing the Bean Boozled game that hadn't moved from its original position.

"She probably thought it was just normal jelly beans." Scott said, going toward the table and picking up the box.

"Well, throw it out!!! I never want to see that game again." Mitch said, shuddering at the memory of the flavors those candies had.

"Actually..... I wanna try something..." Scott said, looking down at the box in his hands curiously.

"What?" Mitch said, approaching Scott carefully and scared of what idea he could possibly have.

"What if we put one of each in our mouths all at once!" Scott suggested, already picking through the beans to find the right ones.

"Oh HELL NO!!! That game is disgusting! If I do that, I might actually vomit all over you." Mitch said with sass.

"Oh come on! Its just one time, you can spit it right back out if you want!" Scott said, holding out a handful of beans to the brunette. Mitch sighed loudly before taking them.

"Fine, but only because I'm bored as hell right now."

"Should we turn on the camera and add this to the video?" Scott suggested, going toward the camera that was still set up.

"No, I don't want the fans to see me suffer this much." Mitch said simply, eyeing the horrid candies that lay just a few inches away from his face.

"If you say so." Scott said, "You ready?"

"No, but we're doing it anyway." Mitch said, regretting every decision up to this point.

"Ok, 1,2,3!" Scott said, and they both out all the colors of jellybeans into their mouths. They both cringed immediately.

"OH MY GOD!" Mitch said, covering his mouth slightly. "BAD IDEA!!"

Scott wasn't talking because he was on the verge of gagging. Mitch was running to the trash can to spit it out, with the blonde trailing shortly after. They both nearly threw up in the trash can and raced to the fridge to flush out the horrid taste they had just experienced.

Two bottles if water each later, one of them finally spoke.

"That was the worst idea I've ever had." Scott said, the taste finally out of his mouth and walking toward the bed.

"I told you! And even worse, I can't get the taste out of my damn mouth!" Mitch said, getting a bottle of wine out of the fridge, pulling the cork and drinking it from the bottle. Scott couldn't help but laugh.

"Mitch! Other people might want some of that!" Scott said as Mitch finished, half a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Don't care! I need to get the taste out! I can still taste it vaguely!" Mitch said, setting the wine on the counter. Scott got an idea, and had a suggestive smirk on his face. Mitch looked at him questioningly. "What?"

"I think I know a way to get that taste out..." He said, moving a little closer to the tenor until he was backed against the counter and Scott was just a few inches from him. Mitch smirked.

"Oh yeah? and how's that?" He said seductively, placing a hand on Scott's chest. Scott chuckled.

"With what I'm thinking, you'll want to be a little lower." Scott smiled at the small blush slowly making its way into Mitch's face. They both smirked.

"If you think it'll help..." Mitch moved closer until his lips were brushing Scott's ear. "I'll do whatever you ask." He whispered. A chill went down Scott's spine as Mitch brushed his lips from his ear to his neck.

He placed his hands on the blonde's broad shoulders as he went lower, his hands traveling down his chest as he did so. Mitch unbuttoned Scott's pants and slid them down along with his boxers, revealing his half hard erection. Mitch placed one hand on Scott's hip and the other on his member, stroking it and grazing his thumb over the tip. Scott moaned and wished Mitch would stop teasing him. All at once, Mitch took every bit of him into his mouth, causing Scott to throw his head back in pleasure. Mitch sucked as he bobbed his head, taking him in and out of his mouth. Scott tried his best not to thrust into the tenors mouth. but he almost couldn't help it. He thrusted into Mitch's mouth, causing him to hit the back of Mitch's throat. He almost gagged, but collected himself as Scott fucked his mouth. Mitch moaned, sending vibrations through Scott's cock and up and down the rest of his body. Scott was a moaning mess as he neared is climax.

"M-Mitch! I.....I'm...." Scott cut himself off with a moan as he shot hard into Mitch's throat. Mitch swallowed every drop as he continued to suck, helping Scott finish. Mitch pulled Scott's member out of his mouth and licked his lips, locking eyes with the tall blonde.

"Holy fuck..." Scott says as he pants heavily. "So.....did that help get the taste out?" Scott asked smirking. Mitch smiled.

"Yeah, I'd say that helped."

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