Chapter 1 Introduction

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"It all started with the beginning of the the Third World War."

Akio already knew all of this. The beginning of the War, who caused it, everything. But his new Leader, Phillip, felt the need to explain to it again. Phillip was telling Akio what he was in for. The Vertigo Project.

"There are two groups," Phillip began, "Gemini and Cerebrals. The Gemini are the book smart kids, and the Cerebrals are the street smart ones. You're a Gemini. Currently, there are seven other kids in this Project; April, Marie, Jett, Heidi, Jackson, Toby and Joseph. I think you'll get along just fine with all of them."

Akio had so many questions, he didn't know where to start. "What are the others like?" He asked.
"Well, I can't exactly tell you that. You'll have to find out for yourself. I'll just tell you right now: We're just like a big, happy family." Phillip replied, smiling. He continued, "We all have jobs, too. Your job is the technology supervisor. You'll probably be working with Marie most of the time. Don't worry, she doesn't bite. That much."

'Oh that's just great.' Akio thought, looking out of the tinted windows.
The barren landscape looked like something you would see out of a post-apocalyptic movie. There was flat land, with mountains way off into the distance. The clouds were dark and low, threatening to rain on the shiny black Jeep.

After about thirty silent minutes, a large cement wall with barbed wire at the top came into view. Akio felt anxious. Phillip began to turn the steering wheel. He drove along yellowed grass which signaled that he'd driven the same path for years.

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Akio and Phillip got out of the Jeep. Phillip led his shorter acquaintance to the entrance. His long fingers swiftly running over rubber buttons on a pad beside the steel double doors.

The doors opened, revealing another set of metal doors. Phillip walked through the darker cement room, padding another set of buttons on the wall. There was a thud, and Akio turned around to see the other doors behind him shut. A hiss sounded throughout the pitch black room. The doors in front of them opened, only to reveal a long corridor to a slate gray, single door.

Phillip grabbed the handle, and turned. Akio walked into a small, square room, only to find out that it was an elevator. Phillip pressed another singular button, then the elevator jerked upwards. It then began to descend.
Akio let out a relieved sigh, then swung his black hair to the left side, running his long fingers through his bangs.

Phillip broke the silence, "Just to let you know, we might have a visitor in a few moments."

Akio looked at him, dark eyes curiously widened. Phillip only lightly smiled.
The elevator shuddered, then stopped. Phillip just stood there, smirk widening. He seemed to know something Akio didn't.

All of a sudden, a face shot up at the window, scaring Akio.

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Hey guys! Hope you like this so far. It's my first book, so sorry if it's awful. If there's any spelling, grammar or any other errors I made, please let me know.
Once again, hope you like it so far, and I appreciate every read. Thanks a lot!
Trubberys, signing out.

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