Chapter 6 Hover-car Randomness

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Later that day, after about four hours of playing on the Wii, Phillip became the town's buzzkill. The kids were told to go back to work, and if they got done before the end of the day, they got to play some more.

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Akio was sent to deliver a long message to Jett. It was too long to deliver over walkie-talkie, and Marie didn't trust April enough for her to know.

Akio entered the large warehouse, spotting Jett up on a ladder, trying to find certain tools.

"Hey Jett!!" Akio called, the girl turning around in response. "Yeah?!"

Before the boy could say anything, there was a shout that was heard in the far corner of the room. It was April. "P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-paintballing!!"

"Yugoslavia!!!" Jett shouted back, pointing at April. April then shrunk back into her secret passageway, closing the concrete slab.

"Uuhhhh," Akio was very confused on what just happened.
"It's normal. You were saying?" Jett said, practically sitting on the ladder's rungs.

"Marie just told me to tell you that apparently Phillip thinks that you and Toby are uh, 'doing things' in here instead of doing your work. And that that's why you haven't made any progress on the engine." Akio stated sheepishly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Jett sighed. She bounded down the ladder, then said, "Look, here's the problem with Marie. All she does is spread drama. That's why she's a Cerebral. Manipulation is her main thing, and don't let her fool you. She thinks that her and I are the bestest of friends and that we could trust each other with anything. So I hate to break it to you, but no, me and Toby don't have any relations like that. Nasty. Just telling you that. Not that you care, just letting you know so you know what's going on. And that you won't succumb to her antics. But thanks for telling me. And if she says anything else about me and Toby, let me know. Please and thank you." Jett went back to her ladder, and Akio said from behind her, "You got it." Then left.

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Phillip sat in his office, casually doing paper work. He was opening mail and saw an envelope titled, "Here We Come". He cocked an eyebrow, and opened the tri-folded paper.

There was nothing on the outside, but on the inside, in scratchy handwriting, it said, "One of the most valuable will be sent out. You can't protect them. There's nothing you can do."

Phillip's heart began to beat faster.
'Oh no,' He thought, 'One of my kids. Something's going to happen to them. Am I being delusional? No, nothing's going to happen. There's no way that anyone could break in, or anything.'

Sudden loud footsteps broke him out of his anxious stupor. The kid that was out there seemed to be running. Something was wrong.

The door flung open, only to reveal Jett in an excited state.
"Phillip!! Guess what!?" She exclaimed.

"What?" Phillip's eyes were wide as he saw the grease-stained girl he saw in front of him about to jump out of her own skin.

"The engine. It's working." Jett practically whispered, eyes widening with every syllable. She looked a little psychotic.

Phillip dropped his hands on the desk. With his eyebrows raised and lids half-closed, he asked, "For more than ten seconds?"

"Yes." Jett squeaked, running over and dragging Phillip by his wrist.
"Jett! Hey! Let go!" He ordered, the smaller girl not obeying.

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Jett practically jumped into the car. She grabbed the two wires beneath the steering wheel. After pressing the two ends together, the engine revved, then the gears ground for a couple seconds. Then, it purred like a kitten.

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