Chapter 31 Movie Themes

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Heidi, Marie and Jett all awoke to April watching TV. The volume was almost all the way down, and she was watching the news.

"Anything new going on?" Heidi asked.

"Nope, just stuff about the war." The long-haired girl responded.

Jett groaned, "Oh fun." And stretched. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked at the mirror. For the first time in a long time, Jett's hair didn't look absolutely insane.

A small knock at the door startled them.

"Come in!" Marie said. The door opened, and Akio and Jackson's heads peeked in. All of them sneakily snuck in. They quietly shut the door.

"What's wrong with you guys?" April asked.

"They're not supposed to be in here." Jett answered.

"Here, guys, come to Heidi's bed." Jett ordered, every girl and boy gathering around Heidi.

"Wait, what? Why me?!" Heidi almost shrieked.

"Because your bed is towards the middle." Marie said, Heidi crawling out from under her covers. Jett and April sat on the middle of the bed, Marie on the end. Akio and Jackson sat on Jett's bed beside the others, Toby and Joseph sitting on the opposite.

"So," Toby began, "Me and the other guys have thought of this idea. Maybe later, when the sun starts to set, we can play a game or something."

"Ooh! That sounds fun!" Jett responded enthusiastically.

"But," Heidi began, "What about the Genesis kids? What if we run into them?"

Jett ran her hand through her bangs, "Oh, lawdy. Don't wanna do that."

"Why not?" April asked, "Why can't they play?"

Everybody looked at her, as if the answer were obvious.

"Oh, I don't know," Jett began sarcastically, "Maybe because they kidnapped Heidi!"

"Well, some of them helped Heidi and you guys get out." April defended.

Jackson chimed in, "Yeah, but, we can't just include some of them and exclude others."

Jett slightly leaned toward April, "He's right, you know. And Heidi has a good point, what if we run into the Genesis kids?"

Marie interjected, "We could try and find Mr. Genesis or the President, see if they're not busy, and ask them if they know where the kids are."

"Good idea." Joseph said. Everyone seemed to get the same ideas in their heads as they, in unison, headed towards the door. April opened it, peeked out both ways, and motioned for them to follow her.

They eventually found Mr. Genesis's office after looking for a minute or two. Joseph knocked, and a muffled voice sounded from behind the door, "Come in!"

The boy opened the mahogany door, revealing Mr. Genesis sitting at his desk. "May I help you?" He asked, putting his paperwork down.

Marie began, "Sir, we were just wondering where the Genesis kids were at."

The older man hesitated, then replied, "Oh, they're in a completely different part of this building. You don't have to worry about running into them."

All of the kids said, "Thank you," As they walked out of his office.

"Alright," Toby began, "Here's the plan."

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Footsteps pounded the floors as April and Heidi sprinted down the corridors. They were both chasing the wild, elusive, swift Jackson.

He ran faster than he probably ever had in his life. Well, besides when they were playing around in Walmart. But Jackson was already skipping steps by the time April and Heidi had even gotten to the top of the staircase.

"Dang, never knew he could run." Heidi breathed, April panting and nodding in agreement.

All of a sudden, a head peeked out from under the staircase. It quickly darted away, and began running. From the stride, Heidi and April knew immediately that it was Akio.

While April and Heidi chased Jackson and Akio, Toby was chasing Joseph. Until, that is, a four-legged creature ran past.

"Primzo?!" Toby exclaimed. The dog's head peeked around the corner in response. Primzo trotted over toward Toby, and Joseph took this chance to book.

"You wanna help me get Joseph?" Toby asked Primzo. The German Shepherd's head cocked to one side. Toby repeated himself, and Primzo barked at him.

Toby began running, "Alright, let's go!" Primzo chased after him.

While they ran around, they lost Joseph. But Primzo stopped suddenly, sniffing the air. Primzo's eyes widened. He began to follow an invisible trail of scent from something. Toby followed him.

Primzo's head raised, ears perked. Then, a figure ran by. Jett. Primzo began chasing her, Toby not far behind.

Jett ran as fast as she could. She turned corners strategically, and hid in a small crook under the stairs. She heard two or three pairs of feet chasing after her. But then she realized that four of those feet sounded like an animal.

'Primzo.' Jett thought, knowing she was doomed. The footsteps got closer. It was a person and Primzo.

'Probably April.' Jett took her hat off, and peeked out through the spaces in the stairs. Sure enough, there stood Primzo. And he was looking directly at her.

"Shit!" Jett whispered, darting her head back into the crook.

"Whatcha got, Primzo?" Toby's voice rung out.

'Great,' Jett thought, 'I'm double fucked.' She got into a position so she could launch herself out of this little cranny. Toby's footsteps approached. Jett's feet pushed against the ground. He came closer. It was now or never.

Jett pushed with one foot out of the dark corner, planning on landing with her other foot. Toby and Primzo yelped in surprise. The girl bolted, leaving the other two in the dust.

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Akio laughed hysterically as Jackson struggled to get off the floor. He had slipped and fallen down three stairs. April then made herself known that she was standing at the top of the stairwell.

"Shit." Akio muttered, then took off. Leaving his companion behind to stumble after him.

As Jackson and Akio ran into the main hall, Jett and Joseph came running from out of nowhere. They almost ran into the other two boys.

Jett panted, "Do you... Have any idea... Where Marie is?"

Jackson replied, "Nope... We haven't seen her."

As if summoned from the depths of the Underworld, Marie came trotting down the hallway.

"Well speak of the devil." Joseph muttered.

"Hey guys." Marie breathed. She flipped her ponytail behind her shoulder, then put her hands on her hips.

Loud footsteps were thudding around the main floor.

"Run, go!" Jett commanded, pushing Joseph and Akio. Toby, Primzo, Heidi and April just rounded the corner after the other kids slipped out of sight. But their footsteps were still heard.

All of a sudden, as the seven ran down a corridor, all of the lights turned out. Then, a familiar song rang out of the speakers in the hallways and main hall.

"Oh my GOD!! RUN!!" Jett shrieked, causing all of the kids to start freaking the fuck out.

Marie asked, "Jett, what?!"

"It's the Halloween movie theme."

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