Chapter 20 Sophisticated Technology

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Akio felt severe déjà vu as Phillip padded the keys on the wall. The steel doors opened, revealing the same set of doors on the other side.

They all quickly crowded into the elevator. As they all felt the drop of the enclosed space, Heidi began feeling an odd sensation in her hip. It felt like there was a small insect digging in her side, wandering around in her flesh.

Once they got to the main living area, Phillip commanded, "Okay guys, I need everybody to grab me something. April, clear off the coffee table. Akio and Marie, go get the two monitors from your office. Jett, get me every plier in your toolbox you can find. Soak them in alcohol and make sure that they're as clean as possible. Joseph, go grab the paper towels, toilet paper and Jett's blanket,"

Jett gave him a glare, Phillip moved on, "And Jackson and Toby, you guys go make sure Primzo doesn't get anywhere near the operating table."

"Got it." All of the kids said in unison as they dispersed. Heidi needed to sit down. The "insect" was now multiplying. It seemed that there were more, like around four or five.

Under ten minutes later, everyone had gathered in the living room. Heidi was laid down on the coffee table. Phillip asked her, "Do you feel any pain anywhere?

"Yeah," Heidi replied uncomfortably, "It feels like there are bugs crawling under my skin."

"Oh my, looks like you may have a Squid Tracker." Phillip said.

"Squid Tracker?" April repeated worriedly.

Phillip grabbed responded, "Yeah, a Squid Tracker is a tracking device that exports other little trackers inside of it. That way, it's hard to get rid of. Very intelligently put-together.

Phillip lifted Heidi's shirt. A very noticeable scar had settled on her skin. The older male whispered a small curse under her breath. He stood up, said, "Hook up the monitors to her chest," Ran down the hall, and into his office. All the while, the kids took small rubber suction cups, connected them to ultra sensitive wires, and put them on Heidi's chest. The monitors always had a special program that if those "special wires" were hooked up to them, the person hooked up to the other end's vitals would come up.

A few moments later, Phillip came out. He held many shiny rods in his hand.

Phillip kneeled down next to Heidi. He grabbed a paper towel, ripped it off, then set it down on a small space on the table. The metal rods turned out to be surgical instruments. Phillip picked one up, held it to Heidi's side before she stopped him.

"Wait, what about anesthesia or something?!" Heidi asked.

Phillip sighed, "Heidi, we don't have any."


"Yeah, sorry. Guess I should've told you that."

"Well, no shit!"

Heidi thought for a second. She contemplated whether she should go through with this or not, 'Well, I'm a big girl. I can do this.'

"Fine," Heidi began, "Just do it."

"You sure?" Phillip asked.

"Yeah, just get it over with." Heidi replied.

Phillip raised his scalpel to the scar, and dug into it. Heidi flinched, Phillip trying to discourage her from moving away. He ended up getting about two inches deep when he felt something scrape the blade of the scalpel.

Phillip had to wipe off the blood from Heidi's wound. Heidi was currently clutching Jett's hand and April encouraged her as if she were giving birth.

The eighteen-year-old got a good view of the tracker. He reached in with a plier and pulled it out. But it snagged. Phillip saw that it was still attached to the other smaller trackers by thin metal coils. He sighed, then yanked some more. Heidi had suddenly stopped moving.

"Phillip? She passed out." April stated.

The concentrated young-adult bluntly said, "As long as she's still breathing and her heart's beating, she's fine."

April and Jett glanced at each other in question. Akio and Toby covered their eyes in disgust. Jackson watched, Joseph was overly worried, as was Marie.

Phillip pulled out the little trackers one by one. Every time he got one out, more blood would gush. Phillip got a little scared that Heidi would die from the blood loss. He definitely knew that she would need to rest for a while.

Phillip began to sweat from the stress of performing surgery on one of his kids. He pulled the last tracker out of Heidi's side, then released a breath that he was unaware that he was holding. Phillip looked at Heidi's heart rate. It was a little slower than it should be, but otherwise, she was fine.

"Alright guys," Phillip wiped the sweat off of his head, "After I clean all of this up, I'm gonna need somebody to help me carry Heidi to her room."

"I'll do it." April volunteered.

"I'll help clean things up." Jett offered, "What do you need me to do?"

Phillip replied, "Well, Jett, for starters, clean these instruments off. That'd be great, thanks."

Jett was handed the tools, along with her pliers, and ran off to the girls' bathroom. Phillip took his antiseptic fluid and cleaned up the blood around Heidi's wound. He was mentally exhausted from this procedure.

"Is there anything for us to do?" Jackson sniffled, broken nose still bothering him.

Phillip looked back at Jackson, Akio, Marie, Toby, Joseph and April, answered, "Yeah, you guys could take apart the monitors and cords. Put them back in Akio and Marie's office."

The kids followed orders, all helping take apart the makeshift hospital system. They all went into Akio and Marie's office, leaving Phillip with an unconscious Heidi.

Phillip held up the Squid Tracker. All six of the smaller chips attached to the main by small coils. Phillip watched them dangle in the air, "Very sophisticated technology."

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Heidi woke up when an irritation in her side had begun to flare up. She attempted to be tough and get out of her bed, but to no avail. The pain was almost excruciating. Heidi got the idea of calling out for the others.

"Phillip!! Jett! April?! Somebody!" Just shouting hurt her side. Heidi looked at the wound, which wasn't even stitched up. 'Something needs to be done about this.' She thought. Heidi leaned back in her bed, heard footsteps come walking briskly down the corridor. Then the one pair became multiple.

Soon, there were only about eight pairs of footsteps walking down the hall. The door to the girls' room opened. The open doorway revealed the other eight members of the Vertigo Project. They all rushed over to her bedside, bombing her with questions like, "Are you okay?" "How do you feel?" "Is your side alright?"

"Yeah, guys I'm fine," Heidi replied, "But, why didn't you stitch up this thing?" She asked Phillip.

"We were planning to, but we didn't have anything to stitch it up with. But, now we do." Phillip reassured as he held up a kit. "Always prepared."

Heidi's eyes widened. She really didn't want to go through that pain again. Phillip said, "Don't worry Heidi. We went out and got some anesthesia. You'll be okay."

Heidi took a deep breath, asked, "When are we gonna stitch it up?"

"We can do it now." Phillip answered as he put on rubber gloves and grabbed a needle which was filled with a foreign liquid.

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Hello there, people of Wattpad, its Trubberys here again. I just came to say thank you all so much for the 400+ reads! I appreciate it with all of my soul and being.

Hope you have a wonderful day, trubberys, signing out.

P.S. #Pray4Heidi

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