Chapter 22 Hide-N'-Seek In the Dark Tag

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The six Geminis and three Cerebrals sat around a work pad that shone its bright light upwards. Giving them an eerie look to the shadows on their faces. They were currently discussing a plan on what to do, where they were going to go afterwards. Primzo was still in the car, and he refused to come out.

"Okay, we're in Missouri, right?" April asked, having a look on her face as if she had a great idea.

Jett was the first to respond, "No April, we're at Hogwarts, learning how to make liquid luck."

April gave her a "really" look. She continued, "Phillip, I have an idea."

"Go for it." Said Phillip.

"Well, it'll be a long drive, but since we need another base for our Industry, we could, I guess, drive to Washington D.C.?" April suggested sheepishly.

"What's the M-P-G on the SUV? Heh, that rhymed." Jett asked Phillip.

"It should be about 16 or 17, why?"

"Hmm, we might need to really stock up on gas. Since most of the gas stations are like, dead."

"What time is it Marie?" Akio asked.

Marie checked her phone, "It's 8:46. PM."

"You know what we should do?" Heidi said.

"What?" Jett, Toby, April and Phillip replied warily.

"We should play a game. Like hide-n'-seek or something." Heidi suggested.

"Really Heidi? We're trying to figure out what to do and where to go and you're just--" Jackson got cut off by Jett. Again.

"No, Jackson hang on. I think it's a good idea. I mean, it'll relieve some stress and make us forget about this whole thing for a while."

"Jett's right. By the way, I vote on hide-n'-seek." April agreed.

"Me too." Joseph said.

"Alright, before everyone starts fighting again," Phillip interrupted, "Who wants to play hide-n'-seek?"

All of the kids raised their hands. Phillip instructed that since there was no way to turn the lights on unless you busted the timer for them, that they would be doing this in the dark. The seekers and hiders would each have a flashlight, and that you weren't allowed to hide with somebody else.

"Wait!!! What about hide-n'-seek tag? Since it's dark. And fun, y'know." Jett said. Almost everybody agreed except for Jackson, who still thought that playing was a bad idea.

"Who's gonna seek first?" Marie asked.

"I think that Akio and Toby should." April responded, looking at the two boys.

"Yeah, me too." Jett agreed, then shouted, "You guys need to count for thirty-five seconds! See ya!"

Jett ran off, the others following suit in different directions. Leaving Akio and Toby sitting on the ground near the entrance. They looked at each other, covered their eyes, and started counting.

"ONE!! TWO!! THREE!! FOUR!! FIVE!! SIX!!" The two practically screamed in deep voices. Every seven seconds it seemed they cracked each other up, laughing hysterically at their own idiocy.

When the two boys were done, they stood up. Both agreed that one should take the right side of the store, while the other took the left.

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Joseph was currently hiding in the toilet paper aisle. Jackson was across the aisle in the paper towels. They technically weren't hiding together, so it wasn't any problem.

He saw a light shine down the aisle. Joseph's heart rate quicken, and he smiled. Him and Jackson's eyes made contact from across the aisle in between the cracks of their forts.

"Huh," Toby skeptically smirked from outside, "This looks mighty organized. I think there might be somebody in it!" He kicked the toilet paper packages. Some flew across the floor, others landed on Joseph's face.

"Hey, hey. Give me a five second head start." Joseph said, hesitantly getting up out of the metal shelves. He then took off like a bat out of hell.

"Onetwothreefourfive!" Toby rushing his counting. He sprinted after Joseph, the blonde quickly turning a corner. Jackson took this chance to try and sneak out, find a new hiding place.

From across the store, Akio was currently hunting for his peers. He heard Toby shout out, "Akio! I found Joseph!"

"Well, good for you!" Akio replied. He went back to his searching.

After walking into the bike aisle, Akio heard a crash and a giggle. He looked back to see a foot retreat back behind a few toys. Akio wasn't sure whose foot it was, but he was going to find out.

The boy walked over to the toys, and made a ridiculous laughing noise, "Duhuhuhuhuh!!!"

"Hee hee hee heeeeee!!!" A response rang out, making both Akio and the hider hysterically die of laughter.

The hider took this chance as an opportunity. They busted out of the toys, running as fast as their legs would carry them. Jett.

"Oh God." Akio recovered. He sprinted after the girl, but she was turning corners left and right.

Eventually, Jett didn't hear any more footsteps running after her. She took a chance and turned on her flashlight.

All of a sudden, Akio jumped out of the aisle next to her. Jett stumbled back, exclaimed, "Shit, my freaking goodness!!" Caught her footing, and ran.

Eventually, Jett almost ran into Joseph as they met in the middle of the store.

"Sorry!" They both exclaimed at the same time. The two crossed paths, Jett heading for the meat aisle and Joseph going for the animal needs aisles.
Akio followed Joseph, Toby chased Jett.

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Pretty soon, everybody was getting chased. The order of people getting caught went from Joseph, Heidi, Marie, Jackson, April, Jett, then Phillip. Phillip was the hardest to catch since he was the oldest and tallest. Toby and Akio had to trap him in the gun aisles.

The nine played a few more rounds, but after a while, they all decided to wind down. They all agreed to have the guys sleep in the toilet paper, and the girls in the paper towels. They all had gathered sleeping bags and used those as covers.

Since the shelves weren't big enough, a couple of the kids were helped up on the shelves above. Like a bunk bed. Those kids were Akio, Jackson, April and Jett. The rest slept on the stuff below.

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The next day, the nine members of the Vertigo Project stocked up on dog food, human food, water, gasoline, batteries, flashlights, weapons, ice, coolers, and a rack for the top of the SUV so they could strap the coolers and other things up there.

Every kid got to pick out a weapon. Jackson got ninja stars, Akio got nunchucks, Toby got a bow and arrow, Joseph got a metal crowbar and Phillip got a pistol, since he knew how to handle it without killing anybody. Marie got a mace, April got a sword, Heidi got daggers and Jett got a bayonet. They all had no idea why Walmart, of all places had these types of weapons.

After they all stocked up, they put he water, ice and cold food into the coolers, gathered up their other groceries, and went to the car.

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Hey there, people of Wattpad.

I wanted to put another chapter in where they were just having fun instead of facing something serious. Jackson's character is also becoming more developed too, I'm really happy about that.

Please favorite, comment and follow me and my story! Or you could just read it. That's fine too!😂

Every read is greatly appreciated, thank you all so much!

Trubberys, signing out.

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