Chapter 38 Charge, Porky!

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The group of eight decided it would be a good idea to stock up at another Walmart on the way back. They grabbed food, water, toothbrushes, toothpaste, lots of clothes, coolers, dog food, metal things, blankets and pillows.

They also used the bathroom, and out of spite, Akio, Toby and Jackson chased each other around with toy swords.

Jett and April decided that it would be a good idea to attempt to ride Xeno. Jett had brought out a step stool, and made Xeno stand by it. April went first.

She hesitantly walked up the three steps. April looked at Xeno, whom looked back, then around the store, then back at April. April put her hand on Xeno's back, whom shuddered, but didn't move. Then, both hands on the animal, then one leg. The Hybroid just stood there. It was a painfully slow process.

April had successfully sat on Xeno. The Hybroid stood stiff, as if she'd been transformed into a statue.

Suddenly, April yelled, "CHARGE, PORKY!!"

Xeno was spooked. She began to run around in random directions, making April laugh.

April then fell off the creature's back. Everybody else began laughing hysterically. Especially April. Xeno circled around, then sniffed April. Xeno raised her upper body, then dropped it on the ground. As if she wanted to play with the currently unavailable April.

It was Jett's turn to try and ride the machine. Jett got on Xeno with no problem.

"Alright Xeno," She began, "We're gonna take this nice and easy. Okay?"

Xeno had skin, not scales like the kid had first thought. She was warm, and felt like she could be a real animal. Not a machine like the scientists had made the Hybroids.

The animal began to walk rather strangely. She exaggerated her leg movements, and kept a stiff back and neck.

Everybody began laughing again at how ridiculous Xeno looked.

"You can walk normally, ya know." Jett stated. The Hybroid instantly changed. Xeno changed direction if Jett squeezed either her right or left leg against her body. Hybroids were made to be ridden. But, since nobody has ever ridden Xeno, or any other Hybroids for that matter, she didn't know how to react.

Everybody eventually got to ride Xeno. Multiple people fell off, but others just took it slowly since they didn't have a saddle or anything.

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They took off once again, heading towards their destination. This time, they vowed not to stop for anything. They were surprised that the cyborgs hadn't been found out and sent off into the War. A cyborg would be a great soldier, if you asked the Vertigo Project.

Xeno slept in her trailer. Jett took an oath that she would spray paint the transportation device when they got back home, safe and sound. Toby said that he would cut large squares in the doors that went up around the outside of the trailer. They'd be makeshift windows. The other kids also wanted Jett and Toby to help make a proper saddle for Xeno.

The group of ten drove for about five hours when they spotted the Gateway Arch in the distance. The kids all cheered and gave each other high fives.

"It truly is the Gateway to the West, now." Jett stated.

"You could say that again." April agreed.

When Toby drove over the river, Xeno began making barking and howling noises. She's never seen a river before.

Toby pulled off the road, to the right.

"Where are we going?" Akio asked. Toby didn't answer. He just drove by the bank of the Mississippi, and parked. That's when the rest realized what was going on.

Toby and April opened Xeno's trailer. Inside, she was jumping and scratching and whining. Once they opened the utility cart, Xeno jumped over them, causing the two to duck. She took off toward the bank, and suddenly, jumped into the river.

The kids all ran onto the bank, mouths agape. They couldn't believe Xeno just did that. The Hybroid was nowhere to be found. Primzo just walked up next to Joseph and sat, looking around.

To their relief, Xeno's head popped above the water. Everybody sighed, and watched as Xeno swam around in the Mississippi.

They couldn't believe that Xeno jumped in, nonetheless swim through the undertow.

After a few minutes of watching the Hybroid swim around tirelessly in the river, the animal exited the water. She shook much like a dog, and trotted into her trailer.

As she walked by Joseph and Primzo, Joseph noticed that the larger animal smelled terrible. He wrinkled his nose at the repulsive smell, but didn't say anything.

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"Where did Mr. Genesis say that we lived again?" April asked.

"Jefferson County." Joseph replied.

"And we're in St. Louis?" Jackson asked.

"Yup." Jett said, "And if Toby keeps driving like a grandpa, we won't get there until tomorrow!!"

"Do you want to drive, Jett?" Toby asked, looking at her in the rear-view.

"No. Just giving you crap." Jett responded.

The car was virtually silent for the next thirty minutes. That is, until they entered Festus.

"Oh shit, which county do we live in?!" April began to freak out.

"April, he told me that our house was built in R-7. Now calm your shit." Heidi responded calmly.

"Ooh, isn't that like, really secluded?" April asked.

Jett said, "Yep, almost like our old house. Except for it being in a barren wasteland, there are actual forests around where the house is built."

April gave a thumbs-up, and looked back out her window.

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"Is that it? Is that our house?!" Jett shrieked.

"Yes, Jett," Marie said, "That's our new home."

It looked almost exactly like their former home. Except bigger. A lot bigger.

There was the courtyard wall, and next to it was the entrance.

"Toby! Toby! Toby, hurry the hell up!" April urged.

"Hold on a second April, geez." Toby pulled into the small driveway, and all of the kids flung themselves out of the car. Akio and Jackson got Primzo and Xeno out of their designated spots.

"What's the code? What's the code? What's the code?" April repeated, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.

"Um, let's try the old code." Joseph suggested. He entered it into the keypad. The steel double doors opened.

But, instead of just an empty room with another set of doors and a keypad, there were people standing in there.

"Hello, Vertigo." Mr. Genesis greeted with a sneer, "We've been expecting you."

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Agggghhgahgshshjhsfjsike. This is where it really takes off.

What's gonna happen to the kids? Will they be taken to get put into the Depletion? Or will they defeat the government's soldiers and live happily ever after? Whaddaya do?

Thanks for the 448888399th time for reading!
Trubberys, signing out.

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