Chapter 32 Games

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The seven kids took off aimlessly, scared half to death. The terrifying movie theme didn't exactly help their case.

"Ha! I found them!" They heard Toby shout to his accomplices. The seven then all seemed to decide at once that it was time to split up. Akio, Marie and Joseph all ran up a staircase, the rest ran down multiple hallways. That's when the horrifying music stopped playing.

Jett threw her hat a hallway opposite of the one she was running down. Right before she rounded the corner, she saw April find it, shouting, "Guys! I found Jett's trail!"

Jett snickered before she took off once more.

As Toby, Heidi and Primzo caught up with the shorter girl, April picked up the hat.

Toby breathed, "Are you sure that Jett didn't just throw her hat down this way? She wouldn't leave that hat behind on accident."

April thought for a moment, "I... guess you're right. I mean, you never know with her, though."

"She's right." Heidi agreed. April squinted at the hat through the darkness, and put it on her head.

"Jett's gonna kill you if she sees you wearing that." Heidi pointed out, April sniggering.

"Alright," Toby began, "I'll go down this hallway, you'll go down that one, okay? Okay." He ran down the corridor Jett had originally ran down, the girls going the opposite.

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Jett immediately halted her running when a familiar song began playing. It was one of her favorite movie themes of all time. Jurassic Park.

Jett couldn't keep her happiness in. She began squealing and jumping. Then, she heard Toby's footsteps coming from around the corner.

"Welp, time to go." She muttered, sprinting away from her pursuer.

Meanwhile, Akio, Joseph and Marie were all running into a darker section of a random room they found. They planned on camping out there until they were caught. It looked like a small entertainment den or something.

The three hid behind the couch. They all counted their blessings and prayed that they wouldn't be found.

"April, Toby was right. Jett couldn't have left that hat behind."

The six eyes behind the leather couch all widened in terror at the sound of Heidi's muffled voice.

April replied, "I know, I know, Cerebral powers but I just went with my gut."

The door to the room suddenly opened. Their eyes all widened even more. Joseph peeked around the back of the couch.

He whispered to the other two, "Okay, April and Heidi left the door open. If we can just run out at the right time when they're not looking, we'll succeed. We'll do it one at a time. Akio goes first, okay?"

The other two nodded, and Joseph peeked back from around the couch. April and Heidi were both turned around, discussing something incoherent.

Joseph took this chance. He quickly motioned for Akio to move. The shorter boy slowly crawled to Joseph and looked to see where April and Heidi were. Then, he ran.

His steps were, overall, light. It was now Marie's turn. She checked the other two girls, who were looking around in confusion, but then shrugged it off. She took her chance.

After Marie was gone, Heidi said, "Okay, I know that somebody's back there."

"Yeah, me too." April responded. The two began to walk to the leather couch, barely being able to see through the darkness. Joseph tried to escape their grasp as he ran, but to no avail. The girls caught him, and he was forced to sit out in the main hall. With Marie and Jackson.

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The Vertigo children all played multiple games throughout the day. Usually hide-n'-seek, tag, this other game that April and Jett made up where you hide eight pages of paper, and you have to find them before the person who hid the papers finds you. They called it, "Slender." All of this was done in the dark.

Most of them were injured from running into various things. Jackson, Akio, Toby and Jett almost ran into multiple walls.

They played until Mr. Genesis told them it was time to eat and go to bed. That was when they all realize they hadn't eaten anything that day.

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"Are you guys even tired?" April asked, jumping on her bed.

"I am." Marie yawned.

"Psh, Jett don't get tired." Jett replied, brushing her shiny, wet hair.

"Me either." Heidi said, leaning back onto her headboard.

Jett scoffed, "Oh, please. Says the person who says, 'I'm not tired.' Then falls asleep less than five minutes later."

"That's not true." Heidi smiled. Jett just looked at her and shook her head.

April looked at Heidi, said, "She's right, you know."

"Oh, shut up. Marie, back me up on this." Heidi glanced at Marie, but she was already dead asleep.

Jett looked upon her sleeping form in disapproval, "She hasn't even brushed her teeth yet. For shame."

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