Chapter 9 The Industry

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There were five Industries that house 12-14 year-olds in the U.S.A., ranked from least success, to most: Aristotle, Xylophone, Torrent, Signal, Genesis and Vertigo.

The reason that kids are the ones that have to take care of the War is because of their parents. Their parents, no matter what they say or do, have to go to battle. This War is the worst one Earth has ever seen. Perhaps the bloodiest, most violent one ever. The U.S. Allies are Australia, Israel, Great Britain, Iceland, New Zealand, Canada, most of South America and Africa.

Although the U.S. has many Allies, it also has many enemies. Such as North Korea, China, Mexico, Germany, most of the Middle East, Greenland and Russia.

How the War started, nobody really knows. There's a lot of speculation, but the best theory is that the U.S. President and government made some bad decisions with our trade and economy. No one knows how or why, but apparently it was so bad that a lot of their allies turned against them. And they're losing. Rapidly.

As we know, the Vertigo kids are Heidi, April, Akio, Jett, Jackson, Marie, Toby and Joseph. They're seen as the most successful group. That's gained them a lot of competitors. But they're also about to get a new recruit.

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"Guys, there's someone back at the house waiting for you." Phillip said as the kids piled in the car. That's when they nearly exploded with questions.

"What's their name?!"
"Let's get goin' then!"
"Great, bet it's a girl. Then we'll be outnumbered."

"Hey now, calm down. All of your questions will be answered once we get home." Phillip said, driving out of the lot. The group of kids all impersonated what this new kid might look or act like. Some being completely ridiculous.

Jett imitated, "I bet it's a guy. His name is probably like Joebob or something. He might be super buff too. Like, 'Yo, wassup. My name's Joebob!'"

That made most of the kids laugh. They continued conversing until the large gray wall came into view.

"Don't jump out of the car, guys." Jett ordered, seeing that most of them were super anxious to meet this new recruit.

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Once they entered the living room, there was no new kid. There was only a large, furry mass on the couch. A dog.

"A dog?!" April exclaimed, the dog jumping off the couch and running to the first person that it saw: Jett.

"Hi there! What's your name?" Jett bent down and pet it.

"Whatever you guys want to name it." Phillip commented from behind.

"Ooh! Let's name him Joebob!" Toby suggested. Akio and Jackson began cackling hysterically.

"What about Prism?" April suggested, Heidi going off of that.

"Prismo?" Heidi asked.

"Oh! I know! Primzo!!" Jett said, some of the guys look at her skeptically.

"Sure, let's do Primzo." April agreed along with Marie and Heidi. The guys reluctantly gave in after the girls made their pouty faces. The pouty faces were only brought out in dire situations.

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The only people that were put to work were Heidi, Joseph, Toby and Jackson.

Toby and Jackson were coming up with an experiment. It's been worked on for the past six months, and it had to do with the hover-car.

The other four kids just watched old television show reruns. Jett was bored out of her mind. She wasn't really a TV person. She decided to go build something. Meanwhile, April, Marie and Akio were sucked into a show called, "Bones."

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