Chapter 30 Banquet

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The girls' faces were caked with makeup. Marie loved it, Heidi and April didn't really mind it. But Jett thought she looked like a whore.

"But, honey," April started, "It brings out the color of your eyes. And it really structures your face."

Jett just groaned in frustration. She looked in the vanity mirror, and hated the reflection. She's never seen that person in her life. For the first time ever, she'd actually like her old reflection back.

Marie came over and smiled, "I think we look gorgeous. Right, girls?"

April and Heidi both nodded. Jett refrained from face-palming. Blush and whatever else that was on her face would cloud the entire room.

They all had hair styles along with hair accessories and jewelry. They all wore flats, and had faces caked with makeup. All for a night jut to eat and talk about where they were going to live.

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The boys all waited in a large dining room. Jackson was fidgeting nervously with his watch, Akio tried fixing his hair, Joseph looked everywhere for at least three words he could read and Toby just thought about how hungry he was.

The guys didn't need any makeup. They just got their hair done and lotion applied to their face. Joseph got his hair gelled and combed back. Toby got a buzzcut, Akio had his bangs swept to the other side, making him look more "formal." Jackson had his crazy hair gelled and combed back also. It didn't look as bad as he would've originally thought.

A few minutes later, they heard a door open and shut. A figure walked down a staircase that faced them about thirty feet away. It was a petite woman in a black dress with her blonde hair put back into a perfect bun. Soon after, the girls came down the stairs.

Joseph muttered, "Oh... 'kay then..." The guys had never seen these girls before. They looked like walking, life-sized dolls.

The girls walked towards them. Jett pointed out, "Well aren't we lookin' on point today?"

Jackson made a sniggering sound, "Yeah, sure."

"All right, everyone!" A voice echoed through the dining hall. It was Mr. Genesis. "Vertigo Project kids, the Genesis Experiment will be here any minute. So can you please take a seat at your designated chair? There are name tags on your plates."

Jett whispered to no one in particular, "Why couldn't we just have gone into a planning room and done this the easy way?"

The Vertigo Project only took up a fifth of the left side of the table. There was a boy-girl pattern, from the beginning of the table to the end it went April, Jackson, Jett, Joseph, Heidi, Akio, Marie and Toby.

The Genesis teens all walked in, just as dressed up as the Vertigo kids. They sat down on the other side, taking up their whole side of the table. Mr. Genesis sat on the right end of the table. The President walked in soon after and sat down on the left.

The President was dressed in a suit and tie also. He had dark hair, thin glasses and blue eyes. He was young and thin, maybe in his late twenties to early thirties or younger.

"Hello," The President greeted, "Nice to meet both Vertigo and Genesis children alike. I am President Alexes. While we wait for our meal to get ready, let's talk about what we need to do for you two Industries. Genesis, you first. What is your reason for coming here?"

Elijah was the first one to speak up, "Zelek, our Leader, has been diagnosed with mental instability. So we came here to get help on getting a new Leader."

Alexes nodded thoughtfully, "I'm sure there are plenty of recruitable Leaders out there that are willing to replace Zelek. My Industrial team and Mr. Genesis will get right on it as soon as this meal is finished." He turned and looked at the Vertigo Project, "Now it's your turn, Vertigo. What's your purpose for visiting the White House?"

Jackson informed, "Our home was bombed, and our Leader was killed."

Mr. Alexes seemed to be taken aback by the sudden escalation of the topic. Some of the Genesis kids who were playing with their silverware dropped them onto the table.

"Well, my apologies, young ones. This sounds like a predicament." Alexes stated, folding his hands and resting his arms on the table.

He spoke up, "I think I know what to do about you guys. Since you all are very responsible teenagers, and you're very smart, I think you could be eligible to live on your own. Tonight, I'll send architects and construction workers to your state, and have a new home built for you. Sound good?"

The Vertigo Project kids all nodded in agreement. As if on cue, their food came out. They had giant sushi rolls with eel and ginger sprinkled on the rice. The rolls were so big, they had to turn it on its side and eat it like a cake.

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After dinner, the kids all had to shower again. The girls especially, since their faces could barely move with all the makeup on them.

The boys' pajamas consisted of a white shirt with black sweatpants. The girls' were virtually the same. Their nightwear was laid out on their beds.

"I can't wait to just crawl into bed and get out of this stupid dress." Jett said, kicking off her flats.

April changed the subject completely, "Do you really think President Alexes will let us live on our own?"

"Why would he tell us we could just so he could turn around and tell us he couldn't?" Heidi asked. Jett went to shower and Marie looked at herself in the full-length mirror that was by the TV.

"Good point." April replied, throwing herself into her bed. She looked up at the ceiling and thought about what was to come the next day.

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Okay, I know this chapter was probably a little boring, but bear with me here. There is so much more to come. Guys, I'm getting real emotional with this book.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me and my book. Thank you for nearly 600 reads, I'm so happy. I appreciate it, really.

Trubberys, signing out.

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