Chapter 29 The Cleansing

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The eight Vertigo Project teens sat in Mr. Genesis's office.

"So tell me," The forty-something year old man began, stirring his coffee, "What exactly are your reasons for visiting the White House?"

Every kid looked at each other. They expected somebody else to speak up. And Heidi did, "Well, Mr. Genesis, here's why we're here. Genesis, the Industry, had kidnapped me. After these guys and Phillip," Her voice faltered, "Rescued me, we went back to our home."

Mr. Genesis nodded, urging her to continue.

"The next day, we went to go stock up on supplies, and when we got back home, we found that the house had, well, been blown up. So, we scavenged everything we could from our home, and headed our way here." Heidi finished with a sincere look to the man on the other side of the desk.

Mr. Genesis sighed. "I'll see what I can do. Where's your Leader?"

Everybody looked at him. Jett spoke up, "He was killed."

'Well, great way to sugar coat it, Jett.' April thought.

"Oh," The gray-haired man nodded, "My condolences, young ones."

The kids all just mumbled, "It's alright," and "Yeah."

"Well," Mr. Genesis said, "I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, why don't we get you guys fed and cleaned up."

The man stood from his chair, and opened the door to his office. He motioned for the kids to exit, they followed.

"Wait," Jackson realized Primzo was still in the car, "What about our dog? He's still in our SUV."

Mr. Genesis grinned, "I'll make sure he gets taken care of as soon as possible."

The man in the suit led them down a hallway and up a large staircase. "You know," He began, "Genesis is actually staying here too. I'm not qualified to tell you all this, but, there's no harm in saying. Their Leader is considered mentally unstable, so they're getting a new one. They'll be staying here along with you."

'Oh, that'll be just lovely.' Jett thought to herself. She took off her hat to run her hand through her bangs, only to flinch at the feel of how greasy they felt. She immediately put her hat back on, and wiped her hand on her jacket, shuddering in disgust.

The girls were put in one room, the boys in the one next to theirs. And they were absolutely exquisite. Their four beds were covered in fluffy, ivory comforters and pillows with a waffle-like pattern. The sheets were a crimson color, matching the rugs on the hardwood floor. The curtains were black with a white ivy-lace pattern. They even had a bathroom with a jacuzzi, a large tub, and even a big toilet. For some weird reason.

The view from their window was marvelous. It revealed the acres of land, and in the right conditions, you could probably see the ocean on the horizon. There was even a large dresser with twelve drawers. A 48 inch flat screen stood proudly as if introducing them to the room.

"Oh my goodness." Jett looked around in awe.

"Wow." April sighed.

"This is amazing." Heidi pointed out.

"Two words, utterly gorgeous." Marie said, strutting over to the nearest bed.

"Oh my gosh, guys," Marie said, the other three girls looking at her, "We have dresses!" She practically squealed.

Marie held up a maroon dress that most likely went down to her mid-calf. A black belt with rubies that were formed in the shape of a flower with gold bordering them were sewn on. It looked like silk.

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