Chapter 12 Captured

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"Another letter?" Phillip asked to himself as he picked up the white, plain envelope.

He turned around to the group of kids. Primzo began whining, then he laid down. Phillip tore open the letter with his thumb. He shakily pulled out the folded piece of paper, and opened it. He read it for all of them to hear,
"Ransom paid to the bank account called 'Bible Studies'. We want five hundred thousand dollars. If money doesn't show by the end of next Tuesday, we send her out."

Phillip turned around. He saw that April's eyes began to tear up. She hugged Jett, who returned the embrace. Joseph felt a fire beginning to burn inside. The other four kids, well, Phillip couldn't read their faces. They looked dead inside.

Akio hadn't even known these kids for one week yet. He knew their bond was inseparable. They were like a family. He really liked them, too. Akio didn't really talk to Heidi that much, but he still liked her. She was kind, caring, funny, although a little clumsy, she was still a good person.

Akio snapped out of his stupor when he heard a sob break the silence. It was April. Jett and Marie were both teary-eyed, but they weren't full on crying like April. April had known Heidi the longest.

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"What the hell is 'Bible Studies' supposed to mean?!" Joseph questioned, wrecking his bookshelf, trying to find a Bible or something along those lines.

Akio and Marie were told to look up anything that had to do with the Bible and see if there were any Industries or Companies that had a name or something that correlated with the Bible.

The whole day was spent tracking down what "Bible Studies" meant. It may have to do with the name of the Company or Industry.

A Company is a name given to a lesser-known Industry. They're often mocked and/or made fun of by the bigger Industries. They also house any kid from one to eleven years old. After that, they move up into an Industry.

Since Jett, April and Toby had nothing else to do, they all worked on Jett's car that she was building.

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'What? Where am I? What is going on? Man, my head hurts.' Heidi thought to herself as she slowly opened her eyes. At first, it was dark. Then a blinding light had seemingly flashed on in front of her face.

Heidi felt her eyelids being pried open. A small flashlight took turns blinding each eye. A muffled voice was barking orders in the background. Everything was hazy.

After a few seconds, Heidi had the strength to lift her own head up. Her long hair fell from her face, and she saw who her captors were. Well, at least some of them. She couldn't quite make out their faces from her distance, but she could see their bodies. They looked oddly familiar. It was uncanny how similar they looked to somebody else's. But Heidi couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Heidi." A voice called out to her. It sounded far-away. Like Heidi was standing on one end of a tunnel, and this person was on the other.

"Are you okay?" It asked. A female, and she had long, thick, dark hair. Heidi nodded lightly, still squinting from the blinding light coming from above.

Heidi tried to move, but she couldn't. Her wrists and ankles were bound. She sat on a comfortable chair, and she saw about three people standing in front of her. Two girls, and a boy.

The boy was taller, the girl next to him was pretty short and next to her was the girl from before. Their figures were all blurry as Heidi figured that they were all standing about ten feet away.

"Sedate her again," The boy ordered, "In a few hours, we'll wake her up for the big announcement."

Then, the shorter girl replied, "Will do, Elijah."

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"Jett," Phillip walked into Jett's shop, only to find her collapsed on her long desk. Her head was turned opposite him, arms were curled up around her head, and her hat was leaning on her arms.

Phillip had to carry Jett back to her room for the second night. He laid her in her bed, this time actually knowing where her hat was.

All of the other kids were in bed. The entire day, they were frantic. Joseph was yanking book after book off of his shelves, April running around shouting orders at people, Marie constantly messing up on her typing, Jett eventually getting so mad at her project that she stayed quiet. It was a madhouse. The only people that were capable of staying quiet were Toby, Akio, Jackson, Phillip and, well, Jett.

Phillip decided to stay another night. He didn't want another kid to get taken.

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Hey, guys! It's trubberys again. I hope you still like it.
Comment on who you think the kidnappers are!
And now I finally noticed that the chapters are like, hella short. I'll try to lengthen them a little if you guys want. The descriptions are probably longer than the story.
If you have any questions, leave those too! I'll get to them as soon as possible. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!

Trubberys, signing out.

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