Chapter 21 Well That Escalated Quickly

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Heidi woke up once again to hazy vision, and a lesser pain in her side. She turned her head sideways. Heidi saw that all of the lights were turned off, and that the other girls were in bed. She looked at the clock, it read 4:37 AM.

Heidi softly groaned in exasperation and tiredness. She rolled onto the side opposite her new stitches, trying to fall back asleep. It wasn't as hard as she expected.

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"Damn, son." Jett grunted as April hit her over the head with a pillow. The taller girl did nothing but lay there. Not a single reaction.

"Get up, Jett! I need to pee!" April begged.

"Well," Jett lifted her head, "Why don't you just go yourself?!"

"Because I don't want to!" April whined.

Jett sighed, said, "No."

"Oh, come ooonnn! Please?!"

"I said no, April."

April then threw the pillow back onto Jett's head, scoffed, "Fine," Then walked out of the room.

Jett opened one eye to look at the clock. '9:35, great. I'm hungry. I hope Phillip's making breakfast. I also hope he's not going crazy again. I think I should work on the car. Should I? Yeah, probably should. I wanna play Mariokart, or pool or something. But I have better things to do. Like eating.' She thought.

Jett, hoping to sneak by without April seeing her, crawled out of bed and quickly tiptoed to the kitchen.

"No Phillip, fuck." She whispered to herself. Jett opened the refrigerator, seeing various foods, but nothing she wanted at the moment. She sadly sighed, "I don't need to eat right now."

Primzo was heard trotting into the kitchen as Jett went to exit the very same room.

Hey, Primzo. Hi." Jett greeted as she pet the dog's head. He looked up at her with wide eyes, sat down. The human complemented, "You're so cute."

Jett then walked past Primzo, went into the girls' room, put on regular clothes, and went to work on her car. She planned on blasting some more Hollywood Undead while she was at it, too.

After about an hour, Phillip came into Jett's workshop. Before he could say anything, she shouted, "Hey, Phillip! We need to go to the store or something to get food!"

"That's exactly what I came in here to tell you. We're leaving, so get ready." Phillip stated, walking out.

"Oh." Jett put took off her gloves, threw them down on a random surface, and followed Phillip to the main area.

Everybody gathered in the living room, Phillip did a head count.

"Alright, everybody ready?" The older boy asked. Everybody nodded their heads.

"You sure that you're alright with going, Heidi? You can stay if you want." Phillip offered.

"No, thanks Phillip. I'll be fine, don't worry about me."

"Okay, let's pile into the SUV and get outta here."

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The nine kids/adult drove all the way down to what was left of Potosi. They pulled into an old Walmart parking lot that they'd never seen before. The kids haven't been anywhere except their headquarters, St. Louis, their school and the Sanctuary after their Depletion.

"Is this Walmart still full of food?" Toby asked, basically saying what everyone else was thinking.

"Surprisingly, yes. They still supply it and stock it up for the Industries that are in Missouri." Phillip replied, then ordering, "Guys, stay here. I know that I made you come with me but I felt like it wasn't safe for you to stay at home. So, stay here. I'll lock the doors, and don't open them for anyone unless of course, it's me. Got it?"

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