Chapter 16 Scum of the Earth

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The next morning, Jackson heard crashing and banging out in the main living area. He looked at his alarm clock, and saw that it was around 9:43 AM. Jackson groaned, rolling back over in his soft, blue sheets. His untamable hair completely cloaked his face. Jackson barely opened his eyes, only to be met by the gray wall that sat in front of him.

Then, a laugh rang out.
"Got you!" A female voice shouted from the living room. After that, footsteps were running up and down the hallways.

"Ugh," Jackson groaned, mentally begging for whoever it was to stop. It was probably Jett and April. They were usually the ones to wake up at the ass crack of dawn, playing some weird game or laughing like maniacs for some stupid reason.

"Good morning, Bikini Bottom!" Jett and April practically screamed into the guys' room. Most of them jumped, then muttering curse words or groaning in annoyance. This has actually happened a few time before, and to the girls, it never got old. But to the guys, it got old the first time it happened.

The two laughed hysterically, then ran out of the doorway. Usually Toby would throw a pillow at them or something.

Jackson heard Akio grumble something incoherent. He then heard the boy drag his feet into the floor, the bed slightly creaking in response to the movement.

Akio stood up, stretched, then made his way over to the door. All of a sudden, a loud slam was heard from the living room.

All of the guys jumped in their beds, Akio started back. The three boys flung themselves out of bed, going to check what had happened.

'Bet it was Jett or April being an idiot.' Jackson thought. He and the other boys made their way to their living room, expecting to see one of the girls rolling around on the ground, laughing like a lunatic. But that wasn't the case.

Phillip was running around, frantically searching for something. Jett and April were plastered against the wall, the taller girl shielding the shorter one. A terrified look was on their faces. The guys looked at them in confusion, and Joseph heard Marie come up from behind him.

The group of boys finally knew why the dynamic duo was so terrified. Phillip was holding a gun, finger hovering over the trigger.

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Once the eighteen year old had crazy'd his way into the kitchen, Jett let out a relieved sigh. Her and April quickly walked over to the group of five.

"What the hell is going on?" Marie asked, the other two girls shaking their heads in response.

"We don't know," Jett began, "All I know is that Phillip came in here with a crazed look on his face, pointed a gun at us, then started searching for something that's probably not real."

"I know it's fucking in here! I know it!" Phillip shouted from the kitchen. He came back out, hair looking like he just got zapped by lightning, eyes looking empty of any sanity they had before.

"Phillip." Jett called out sternly. The older boy's eyes shot to her. He looked like a mad dog, like something had possessed him. She neared him slowly, but surely.

Phillip raised the gun, but Jett stopped him.
"Give me the gun." She held out her hand, giving him a fierce look. Phillip's face didn't change.

"Look, I know you're in there somewhere. Now find your way out."

Somehow, that got Phillip to snap out of it. His face softened little by little, eyes becoming brighter, mouth softening and eyebrows relaxing. Phillip set the gun into Jett's hand. She put the safety on, checked to see if it was loaded, then emptied the magazine.

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