Chapter 27 Watch As We All Fall Apart

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"What're we gonna do now?" Joseph asked, breaking the silence. All eight of the kids plus Primzo sat around a fire they made. It was night out, but nobody wanted to eat or sleep.

Akio spoke up, "I think that we should keep up with the plan. Go to D.C."

"I agree with Akio." Jett said, taking her hat off. She rubbed the rim of it with her thumb and index finger, staring into the fire.

Marie asked, "What exactly is in Washington D.C. anyways? Why did Phillip want to got there?"

Jett replied, "They can help us find a new home there. Phillip told me that the person who created the Industries and things lives there with the President."

Primzo walked to Jett, nudging his head underneath her arm. She responded by hugging the dog and petting his side.

"How can you just sit there and pet the dog like nothing's going on?" Joseph asked.

Jett looked at him, "What?"

The blonde stood up, "You're just sitting there, petting Primzo like nothing's going on!"

Everybody looked at him. Jett said, "What in the shit are you talking about?"

Joseph replied, "Do you even care that Phillip just got killed? Right in front of us! You're just acting like nothing happened, even though you're at fault for all of this!"

"Look, Joseph," Jett held her hands up in defense, "I will not be blamed for Phillip's death, alright?! It was those crazy-ass mother fuckers back at that hellhole! I don't know where this came from, but whatever you're trying to say is making no sense!"

"I'm saying that Phillip's dead and you don't even look like you care!"

"I do care! Did you not see me sobbing my mother fucking eyes out back in the car?! Do you really think I'm that heartless?!"

Soon, the two were both shouting words at each other at the same time.

"GUYS!!" April practically screamed.

"WHAT April?!" Jett shouted.

"Fighting won't bring Phillip back! This is pointless to be arguing about something that we can't fix. So just chill out." April said.

Joseph retorted, "Do you think we're stupid? We know that fighting won't bring him back."

"No," April shook her head, "But this is just dumb. Fighting is doing nothing productive, so let's just calm down and stop picking fights."

"I'm gonna go get firewood. C'mon Primzo." Jett said, walking towards the woods with a flashlight, Primzo following.

They all looked at the fire. There were about five large pieces of bark left, leaving the flames glowing brightly. There were plenty of pieces of wood in the fire.

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Primzo sat on the cold, hard ground as Jett cried into his coat.

"Primzo," She sobbed, "This is all my fault. This is all my FAULT!!"

Jett pulled off her hat and threw it. She let out a long cry, and looked up at the sky. The stars shone brightly, the Milky Way was visible.

Jett spotted a constellation Phillip told her about. They were both laying on the ground in the courtyard just outside of their home. The other Vertigo kids were in the house, and Jett had a nightmare. She went into Phillip's room, and they decided to go out into the yard. Jett was about nine at the time.

Orion. That's what it was called. Phillip had told, "It's called Orion's Belt. You can spot it by the three stars lined up in a row. That's his belt."



"Who's Orion?"

"Orion was a great warrior who defeated a great beast with a cool club and a pet bear. Or a dog. At least I think that's how it goes."

"He had a bear?! Aww, I want a pet bear."

"Well Jett, we might get a dog."


"If you want one."

"Oh my goodness, thank you, Phillip!"

"You're welcome, Jett."

"And Phillip?"

"Uh huh?"

"Another thing."


"How long are we going to be here?"

"As long as the war's going on. And as soon as it's over, everybody's going to get good homes and jobs and live happily ever after."



"That's not how it goes in real life."

Phillip laughed, and hugged Jett. He promised that he and her and the other kids would always be friends no matter what.

Jett smiled at the memory as she pet Primzo. Tears still ran down her face as she stared at her favorite constellation. Those three stars didn't just tell a Greek Mythological story, but a story behind Jett's childhood as well.

"Primzo." Jett croaked to her dog. He responded by lifting his head and looking at her.

"It's not my fault."

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The next morning, the kids hit the road again. Heading to D.C.

Jett didn't have to worry about getting caught. Since there were barely any cops just hanging around, there was a very slim chance that they'd be spotted.

"Guys?" Jett broke the silence.

"Yeah?" All of them responded in unison.

Jett said, "I want you to do something for me. I'm going to do it too. But remember, no matter what we do, it's what Phillip would've done, or what he wanted to have done. He was the smartest person out of all of us. Sorry Jackson."

Jackson just looked at her through the rear-view. Jett continued after chuckling, "Anyways, just before we make any rash, life-changing decisions, we need to think about what Phillip would've done. Okay?"

"Okay, Jett." They all responded.

"Thank you. And another thing,"

They all looked at her again in anticipation.

Jett sighed, then said, "We're a team, okay?"

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