Chapter 33 Government Fugitives

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It's been two months since the Vertigo Project had come to stay at the White House. Their new home, in Jefferson County, had now been built with the most advanced technology the government had to offer. It was somewhat close to the location they were living, but still a county or two away.

The eight kids were so excited. They were ecstatic about leaving and getting back to their new home. Although they had liked the President and Mr. Genesis's hospitality, they wanted to finally go back home.

The Genesis kids left the third week that Heidi, Joseph, April and the others had stayed. They found a new Leader named Sophia.

The eight waited by the door with Primzo for the White House valet to bring out their SUV. They talked and laughed, just overall happy.

President Alexes walked out of the main office area with Mr. Genesis. Both of them had tight, concerned looks on their faces. Their expressions immediately killed the happy mood and mercilessly shoved it in a hot oven for it to burn.

"I'd like to see you eight in my office." Mr. Genesis said strictly. The kids all looked at each other, then walked toward him in response.

They were all ordered to sit down. Mr. Genesis sat at his desk directly in front of them. Just like whenever they first came to the White House.

"Do any of you remember where you came from?" The man asked randomly. The kids looked at each other, wondering whether or not to answer truthfully.

"You can tell the truth, I'm not going to do anything. I promise."

Jett, Marie and Akio all sheepishly raised their hands. Mr. Genesis's eyes slightly widened.

"Where are you three from? What school did you go to?" The man asked.

"Crystal City." The three answered, a little freaked out. A car horn sounded from outside. Their SUV had come to save them from this crazy person.

Mr. Genesis stood up suddenly, sending his chair slamming against the wall. He practically yelled, "You weren't supposed to remember!" The suited man pulled a small walkie-talkie from a drawer in his desk, barked into it, "These kids need to get put into the Depletion! Now!"

The door suddenly opened. Multiple men in suits stormed in, and grabbed the eight kids.

"Wait! I thought you said you weren't going to do anything!" April cried.

"I won't," Mr. Genesis sneered, "They will." He looked at the children as if they suddenly had turned into monsters that he'd successfully caught. When, in reality, they were just young teenagers scared for their lives.

Joseph had enough of this craziness. He elbowed the man restraining him in the stomach, and punched him in the face. The other kids had followed suit.

Soon, all of them were kicking, punching, biting and elbowing the suited men. Primzo was a huge help with all of this chaos. They also helped each other out if they needed it. When they had temporarily disabled the men, they made a break for it.

Akio was the first to make it to the door. Primzo had been barking and growling at the groaning and hurting men, distracting them. When almost all of the kids had exited the building, Marie had called, "C'mon, Primzo!"

The dog's ears perked up. He ran out the door, and jumped into the trunk that Toby had opened. All of the children had piled in the car. Before Marie could shut her door, Jett became a lead-foot. She slammed the accelerator down to the floor, flinging them forwards.

Jett made a beeline for the gates. She successfully made it through without clipping anything, but not without multiple government vehicles chasing after her.

"Guys!! I don't want to make any false assumptions here, but I think we're being chased!" Jett shouted.

"Really, Jett?!"
"Are you serious?!" The rest of the kids turned into sarcasm-machines. All Jett could focus on was the road and the people behind her.

'Thank God they filled up the tank and changed the oil. Otherwise we would've been doomed.' Jett thought, winding her way through the busy city streets.

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After hours of driving and countlessly looking into the rear-view mirror, they finally lost the people chasing them. They all thanked their lucky stars that the car didn't own a license plate.

"Well," Jett spoke up, "We're officially government fugitives, we have no Leader, we probably can't go home because the crazy Genesis guy knows where it is, and we have no purpose."

"Well," Jackson began, "Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine?"

"No, Jackson," Jett began, "That's not my point. We need to find out what we're gonna do, where we're going to stay. I mean, we could try to go back home, but I don't think that's a good idea."

"What's so bad about the Depletion, anyways?" Toby asked.

Jett just looked at him, replied, "Do you know how painful the Depletion is? They put a hole in the back of your skull, make a machine go inside and deplete the core memories of your family, friends, where you lived or came from, basically everything."

"Why do they do that? Like, what's the purpose?" April asked.

Akio decided to answer this question, "They do this because they want you to have a proper bond with your Leader and Industrymates. They don't want you to remember your family or anything because then you'll be all depressed and sad so you won't get anything done."

"Ahh, okay. I get it now." April said, looking out the window.

The rest of the ride was silent. Only exception being Primzo's light panting and occasional moving around. It wasn't awkward, it was just that nobody knew what to say. There wasn't really anything happy to talk about.

They drove into the night. Jett had found an old highway that nobody had used in a few years.

Jett had found a rest stop in the middle of some tall bushes. She figured that nobody could see them there unless they really looked. That's when, in silence, they handed out the cleaned blankets and pillows. They let Primzo out, fed him, then went to sleep.

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