Chapter 23 Going Farther Downhill By the Second

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The Vertigo Project had packed up and headed east. The kids were so excited to see the ocean. They'd been stuck in the middle of the country since the Depletion, not remembering anything before that.

They encountered no living beings along the way. It felt really weird to them, made them feel like they were the only people the planet.

Phillip drove for hours, through small towns, big cities, hilly roads and flat ground. April sat in front and helped him with the maps so he could accurately direct them to their destination.

They were currently in Illinois, heading into Indiana when a loud boom sounded throughout the land. The SUV shuddered. The kids frantically looked out the tinted windows. Rain started to pound the windshield and windows, making it difficult to see.

"Lightning." Jett and Jackson stated at the same time, looking to the southeast. There was a vicious lightning storm heading towards them, lightning and thunder revealing themselves at nearly the same time.

"That's like, right above us!" April exclaimed.

Marie retorted, "Well no shit, April." April gave Marie a dirty look, but the latter was distracted by something else.

Hail started to pop against the windshield. Phillip squinted, trying to see through the watery glass. He was afraid that the hail would crack it.

Wind began to rock the car. Harsh breezes roared past the SUV as the kids huddled together. Primzo whined loudly as Jett and Marie were both praying, Heidi and Joseph were both trying to distract themselves with their books, to no avail. Jackson, Toby and Akio were hugging, saying their last goodbyes and "I love you." Jokingly, of course.

Even though the two were scared out of their minds, April and Jett watched the storm intently. Jett was utterly fascinated by the power being expelled from the cumulonimbus clouds. Except there was one problem, a funnel was struggling in the process of making its way down from the dark clouds. And it was getting bigger.

"May I say something?" Jett asked, utterly mesmerized by the massive storm.

"No." Phillip sternly replied. He was concentrated on driving, not wanting to say anything else to anybody.

All of a sudden, a ding startled everybody inside the car. Phillip's eyes darted from the barely-seen road to try and find the source of the noise.

Phillip realized that he had been so preoccupied with trying to get to Virginia that he hadn't noticed that they were running out of gas.

"Agh, fuck!" Phillip slammed his hand on the wheel in frustration.

"What?" April asked, trying to fold all seven of her maps.

"We're running out of gas."

"Oh shit." April put her face in her hands.

"What's going on up there? We can't really hear you guys 'cause of all this storm goin' on!" Jett said.

"We're running out of gas!" April turned back toward them.

"Oh shit, nice!" Jett said sarcastically as she forcefully leaned back against her seat.

"Fuck! Look, guys!" Toby exclaimed, pointing out the window.

The other eight turned their heads to look at what Toby was pointing at. The tornado was in full form. It looked to be about an F3, flinging soil, grass and dust everywhere. It seemed to be about half a mile away, which seemed to be way too close.

Phillip muttered curses the other eight couldn't hear. The fuel light seemed to be mocking him, the ding sounding off again.

The windshield was getting pelted with hail and rain, the car being beaten and battered by the mud and dust being flung into its side.

Another boat of thunder scared them again. A lightning bolt shot out of the sky, striking the ground about four meters away from the SUV. The kids all jumped. They were scared out of their minds.

"Was that lightning?!" Heidi asked.

"Nope! Dumbledore's just a little angry!" Jett replied.

"Jett! Stop!!" Everybody else called her out.

"Sor-ry." Jett sassed, slightly rolling her eyes.

Then, it stopped. Mother Nature seemed to just quit trying to destroy the SUV and disarmed her forces. The tornado went away, hail and rain stopped pelting the car.

Phillip stopped the car, "Is it over?" He whispered. Phillip jumped out of the car without warning.

"PHILLIP?! What the FUCK?!" Jett screamed, the Leader showing no response.

He opened the back door, grabbed one out of the seven tanks of gasoline. Primzo was plastered against the corner of the plastic of the car and behind Marie's seat.

"Ohhh, it's okay Primzo." Jett pet the frightened dog on the head. He showed no response, just whined a little more.

"Toby!" Phillip called from outside.

"Yeah?!" Toby jumped out of the car, ran around to Phillip's side.

"Check on the stuff on the top of the car."

"Okay." Toby opened up his door, took off his shoes, stepped on the dry seat with his dry feet, and raised himself to see the top of the car. The coolers were a little out of whack, but otherwise, everything that was on there was strapped on good.

"Everything's all clear." Toby reassured as he put on his shoes.

"Alright, thanks. Get back in the car." Phillip ordered, Toby following.

Soon, the nine members of the Vertigo Project were on the road.

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Hey guys, it's trubberys again. I hope this chapter wasn't too short. Thank you all for reading, and hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night!

P.S. Shoutout to horses111301 she's writing this amazing book called "The Rings" please go check it out, its exquisite.

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