Chapter 14 Competition

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"What?!" Phillip realized.

"Yeah, I don't know how we didn't know this." Jett said, "And I mean, it makes sense. They're our worst competition, and they have the only name in the Industries that has to do with the Bible."

"Did you find this out?" Phillip asked.

"Actually, kind of. We were talking about our competitors, then I was like, 'Guys, maybe it's Genesis.' And they agreed. So, yeah, I guess." Jett explained, excited about her finding.

"How did you know? I mean, know it was Genesis who did it?" Phillip asked.

"Well," Jett began, "I was thinking about the whole 'Bible Studies' thing, and then thought about the Bible. So, while we were all talking about who the kidnappers were, I swiped Akio's laptop and looked up Bible verses and the names of the testaments and such. Among the research I discovered, there was one word that piqued my interest. 'Genesis.' That's when it hit me. Since Genesis is our lead competitors, why wouldn't it be them?"

Phillip looked at her in awe. She was right. He said, "Excellent, Jett. That's amazing."

They both walked out of Phillip's office. Once they made it to the design room, it was buzzing with conversation.

The very first thing Phillip did was bark out orders.
"Guys!" Everybody got quiet. Phillip continued, "Here's what I'm gonna need everybody to do: Akio, you're going to hack into Genesis's mainframe. Marie, when Akio's done doing that, you're going to download the layout of their building, then print it. Jackson and Toby, you guys are both going to cook up a plan on how we're gonna get in there. April, you'll need to see if anyone needs help. Probably Jackson and Toby. Joseph, you're going to read everything you know about Genesis, who runs it, and who's in it. Either online or in a book. Jett, you're going to spray paint the hover car black. All black, no markings or anything. And as for me, I'm going to research more on this Industry's motives for the nation."

Phillip quickly turned around to leave, but was stopped by Jett.
"Wait a second, you said that the hover-car can't drive long distances."

Phillip thought for a second, then replied, "I'll take the risk. The reason we can't take the SUV is because they'll recognize the license plate." After that, he ran back to his office. Everybody immediately got to work.

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As Jett grabbed a handful of Goldfish crackers and shoved them in her mouth, she got ready for her next task. She turned on the workshop fan, got her gloves on, then grabbed a face mask and spray paint. Jett cleared the area so she didn't get any paint on anything. She then began to spray.

A few coats and a few cans later, Jett was finished. She stepped back to admire her work.

"Nice work." An older male voice complemented from behind her. Jett jumped, and saw that it was just Phillip. She quietly sighed in relief. Phillip walked around the car, searching for anything wrong with the paint job. He found nothing.

"I think your job is done." The eighteen-year-old stated. Phillip put his hands back in his pockets and walked back over to Jett.
"You wanna see the current plans we have now?" Phillip asked, Jett nodded. She then took off her gloves and set the can of paint down on a box. Jett followed the boy to the design room.

"Here's what everybody has to do," Phillip began. Every kid was sitting at the table in the dark. The projector screen at the front of the room being the only source of light.

"April's going to run into the building to distract everybody in it. April, you're going to actually try to get arrested. And don't make it look like you're a distraction." Phillip instructed, pointing to a certain area of the board which had the layout of Genesis's building on it. They had confirmed that it was Genesis after putting all of the pieces together. It only made sense.

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