Chapter 10 The Conjuring

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"Hey Akio," Jett began as she bent down to look at the movie case. "You like scary movies?"

Akio walked in whilst in his pajama pants and a regular shirt. He shook his head. Jett smirked, looking at April.

"You know what this means, don't you?" Jett asked. She slowly and mischievously pulled a movie from the case so anyone else couldn't see it. April smiled, "Yeah."

"Alright everyone, movie night!" Phillip charged in with a humongous bowl of butter-slathered popcorn.
"And sadly," Phillip began, "It's Jett's turn to pick. That means it's either scary, or a crude comedy." He looked at Akio as he spoke.

'Hopefully it's the crude comedy.' Akio thought. He looked back to the girl whom was putting a disc into the DVD player.

Once Jett was done, she suddenly walked off to go get her pillow in case she fell asleep.

Heidi went to go turn off the lights. After she did, she went and sat down on the couch next to April and Phillip.

"Guys, I'm gonna die. Guys I'm gonna DIE!! GUYS!!" Jett began to freak out. Heidi forgot that Jett was going to go get a pillow.

Out of nowhere, April, Heidi and Phillip felt a sudden weight on their backs. Jett had jumped from behind the couch, trying to find refuge from something she was terrified of.

Out of reaction, the three all leaned forward. Everybody began to laugh. The two girls and older guy stood up and turned around to see a laughing Jett who was cuddling her pillow in fear and amusement.

Phillip rolled his eyes. As the advertisements played in the background for other movies that came out over ten years ago, he dragged Jett by her sock-covered feet off of the couch.

"No! No, you'll never get me alive!!" Jett tried to grasp the soft couch for any way to restrain the power pulling her to the floor. But to no avail. She grabbed onto April's arm. The girl didn't seem to notice since she was laughing so hard.

Primzo had made his way over to Jett. He licked her face, as he barked at her.
"No. No!! Primzo! Stop it!" She shrieked, making everyone laugh. The German shepherd instantly sat down.

Eventually, her hand slipped. Jett landed with a loud grunt on the carpeted floor, her stomach taking the full force. Primzo began to jump around like this was the greatest thing in the world.
"Phillip!" Jett shouted, standing up and adjusting her shirt.

"Yes?" The eighteen-year-old replied, quickly plopping down on the couch, then throwing Jett's pillow at her. Phillip continued, "Those who pick the movie get to stay on the floor."

Jett's arms went spread-eagle and her mouth dropped, eyes widening and brow furrowing.
"Since when has that been a rule?!" Jett glared at Phillip, seeing out of the corner of her eye that there were no seats left.

Phillip suddenly threw Jett's blanket at her face. She gave up and sat on the floor. Jett began to make a nest out of her large, gray blanket. Phillip passed around the big, green popcorn bowl before the movie started.

Throughout the movie, The Conjuring, the popcorn bowl was passed around, Jett, April, Heidi and Toby laughed at the others when they got scared. Primzo had laid down next to Jett, about a foot away. The dog actually would watch the movie.

Jett almost fell asleep a few times. At least, until a jump scare came and everyone would gasp or yelp or something, waking her up.
"Jett!" Toby harshly whispered, "How can you sleep through this?"

Jett shrugged, then looked back at the TV. Right now, this woman was trapped in the cellar. Only having matches as a light source, and suddenly, a child's voice asks, "Wanna play hide and clap?" Then a pair of hands come from behind the woman's left shoulder, they clap, then the match goes out. After that, there's a scream.

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Phillip had to carry Jett to bed, whereas the others weren't really able to sleep.
"Wait," Phillip realized something as he laid Jett down on her covers, "April! Can you get Jett's hat, please?"

From around the corner, he heard an exasperated groan. April trudged out of the room. She came back moments later with Jett's gray-green hat. Phillip thanked her, took the hat, then put it on Jett's face. Phillip was just about to walk away when he heard a weird whining noise. He turned around to see Jett gripping her hat to where it smashed into her face. Her nose made a small ridge in the soft material.

Phillip rolled his eyes, then yawned. He walked out of the girls' room, contemplating whether he should drive home or not.
'Nah, I'm tired as hell. I'll just sleep on the couch.' He thought, grabbing the blanket they all shared, and a couch pillow. Phillip set up a makeshift bed.

He soon dozed off, thinking about what was to come the next day.

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