Chapter 26 The Loss

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This was the thirteenth lap, and Jett was in fifth place. She hasn't been able to think completely straight with all of the stress, but has still managed to pull through.

"Alright guys, about seven more laps to go," The announcer cheered, "And here we have Lawrence, or number one in first. Lauryn, or number sixty-four in second, and Matthew, or number eleven, in third!"

'Of course. The three Stooges in the lead. Why am I not surprised?' Jett thought. She was gaining on what she saw was number three. After passing the guy, Jett hoped, for what seemed like the ten thousandth time, that she wouldn't be passed.

Dirt and mud flung through the fence and onto the kids as they very intently watched Jett drift around a corner. Suddenly, a sudden wild movement caught their eye.

An out of control car was weaving back and forth. It hit another car's side, t-boning it. The crazy car smashed the other into the inside wall. There was a fire inside of the wild automobile. It exploded only moments later.

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All Jett saw was a large mushroom cloud built of smoke. To her left and right cars were swerving out of control, and she avoided them as if her life depended on it. Which it sort of did.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckity fuck fuck," Jett repeatedly cursed. She was trying not to panic, but the rabid cars and smoke all over the place wasn't really helping. Suddenly, an idea jumped into her head.

Jett slammed her hand onto the hover button. The car shuddered, and began to rise. Soon, the smoke cleared from her vision. Jett had risen about twenty feet off the ground, and saw that people had gathered around the wreckage of all the cars that crashed.

Jett looked over at the remaining Vertigo Project members, and they were all waving violently at her. She flew over to them.

"Jett, let's go! Get outta the car!" All of the kids yelled at her. Jett opened the door, mentally said goodbye to her baby, and jumped out.

She landed on the metal bleachers with a clang. They all made a run for the exit. As the nine jumped down from the metal seats, they spotted something large blocking their way. Lawrence.

"Now," The large man began warmly, "Where do you think y'all's goin'?"

They all looked at him. Phillip spoke up, "We're leaving. Leaving this hellhole you call racetrack."

A click echoed throughout the large, metal tunnel. All eighteen eyes darted towards a black object in Lawrence's hand. The man revealed an average-sized pistol he brought from behind his muscle-decorated torso.

Jett interrupted Lawrence, "Woah woah woah, hold on, wait a minute! What're you doing?! I didn't lose the race!"

Lawrence retorted, "Well, you didn't win it, either." He pointed the gun at Phillip, but the kids interrupted him, again.

"If you're gonna kill him," Heidi said, "You're gonna have to kill me, too."

"Yeah." April agreed, standing in front of Phillip, next to Heidi.

Soon, all of the kids were standing in front of their caretaker, friend, brother. Lawrence just laughed.

"Hah, y'all know what's funny? He's taller than you."

A gunshot blasted throughout the air. Blood sprayed everywhere. A thud sounded on the ground. Phillip fell.

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The eight kids all screamed in shock, fright and despair. Tears welled up in their eyes. Marie, April and Heidi began actually cry. The guys just stared in shock. Jett felt guilt. Phillip was dead.

Out of utter rage, Toby, Jackson and Jett all tackled the man that easily could've dominated them at any other time. The others joined in. They all threw punches at his face and body. Joseph even flung his foot at the man's groin.

Lawrence tried to get the thirteen-year-olds off of him, but to no avail. The pistol was kicked out of his hand by Jett, and Toby flew off of Lawrence to grab it. From this point on, everything seemed to go in slow motion.

Toby pointed the gun at Lawrence, and after a few moments of dodging the other kids' heads, he pulled the trigger. The large man went limp under the children. They all climbed off of him, and panted.

"Before we get all emotional," Jett breathed, "We need to get to the SUV."
She frantically searched Phillip's pockets for the keys. Jett felt as if she was invading his privacy, but she then realized that it didn't matter anymore.

They all tried to not start crying as they sprinted to the large car. Everybody agreed to let Jett drive. April was in the passenger's seat, Toby behind Jett, Akio, Joseph and Jackson to his right. Heidi and Marie were all the way in back.

Jett jammed the keys into the ignition, started the car, and drove away. She looked in the rear-view mirror. She saw a large group gathering around Lawrence and Phillip.

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After a few minutes of soaking in what had just happened, that's when the remaining members of the most successful Industry in North America had broken down.

They all were sobbing their eyeballs out. Even though they were on a completely straight road, Jett constantly needed to wipe her eyes to avoid crashing. It was utterly frustrating.

She took a look in the mirror again, and saw that no one had followed them. After seeing nobody chasing them, Jett exclaimed, "You know what, fuck it!"

She pulled over to the side of the road, and turned off the car. The girl got out, and April called out, "Where're you going?"

"Primzo needs to take a shit!" Jett sobbed, slamming the door. She opened the trunk, and said dog jumped out. The trunk door closed again.

Heidi looked out the back window with blurry vision. She saw Jett standing there, crying. Rain was sprinkling the windows, ground and her hat. Jett was right, Primzo was taking a dump about seven yards away.

Five minutes passed, and Jett put the now wet and panting German Shepherd in the car. She climbed into the driver's seat, and took deep breaths. She took off her hat, and ran her hand through her bangs. Jett looked out the window, glaring at the sky.

The blue-eyed gently turned the keys. She started the car, and gingerly accelerated forwards. Jett began to drive once more, anger clouding her thoughts. This was all her fault.

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Heya, there! Okay, I'm sorry if that whole scene seemed rushed. Tbh, I'm not very good with emotional stuff.

Thanks for reading! Trubberys, signing out.

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