Chapter 14

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Sqaishey POV:

Stampy and I walked to the park that was just down the street. Well Stampy walked, I skipped and occasionally pulled Stampy along because I was so excited. I am still holding his hand; I don't want to let go. I spotted the park in the distance, and dropping Stampy's hand, started to run, giggling. Stampy laughed as he chased after me. "You can't catch me!" I called over my shoulder as I ran onto the grass. I could hear Stampy laughing right behind me, when something hit my foot and I went flying, heading straight for the ground. I shrieked as I fell, but felt arms circle my waist before I hit the ground. I smiled and turned around in Stampy's arms. I was already blushing from tripping, and it probably got 10 times worse because my face is right next to Stampy's. "Thanks, I'm so clumsy." I said, "Well, I guess I will just keep saving you then." Stampy replied, and smiled at me, but I could see a faint blush spreading on his face.

I took a step back, out of Stampy's arms and playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" I screamed as I sprinted to the playground. "Oh you're gonna get it!" Stampy yelled as he chased me. I ran through the playground, dodging the kids as I went. Both Stampy and I were cracking up like the insane people we are. I started to run up the hill behind the playground, and Stampy lightly tackled me so we both fell gently to the ground. "I got you!" Stampy laughed through pants. We both are trying to reclaim our breath when Stampy started tickling me. "No stop please!" I laughed, trying to fend Stampy off. We must of looked ridiculous to anyone watching. Laughing I rolled away from Stampy and down the hill. Stampy followed me down as we laughed like little kids.

Stampy stood up and offered me his hand. I gladly took it and was pulled to my feet. "What should we do now?" Stampy asked. "Let's play hide and seek!!" I said and gave Stampy puppy dog eyes. "Not puppy dog eyes!" Stampy joked, covering his eyes. I punched Stampy on the arm lightly and shook my head. "Go hide Sqaishey" Stampy told me and I ran off. A little bit away there was a bunch of trees with some low branches. I ran over and pulled myself up. The trees were all so close together that I could go from on tree to the next. I ended up in a nest made out of the tree branches because the limbs had all woven around each other. Stampy must have finished counting because he was walking toward the trees. How did he guess I would go here?! "Sqaishey! Sqai--shey!! Oh Sqai--------shey!" Stampy is trying to make me laugh to find me and it was kind of working so I slapped my hand over my mouth. Stampy kept calling my name in a silly way and I started giggling. I pulled my phone out and texted Stampy 'you won't find me. You might as well leaf'. I heard 'quack quack' come from Stampy and he pulled his phone out. "You can pun but you can't hide Sqaishey!" Stampy shouted, and I burst out laughing before I could cover my mouth. Stampy knows he can make me laugh very easily and he is using that to his advantage. Stampy spotted me almost immediately and just waved up at me. "I found you! Are you coming down Ducky?" Stampy asked. "I would, but I'm stuck" I said, looking around. "You're stuck Sqaishey ... In a tree" Stampy chuckled. "Yes Stampy. I'm stuck in a tree!" *says it like Sqaishey normally does!* Stampy shook his head and walked around the tree. "There is a gap here. Can you fit through?" He asked, pointing to a small space that I probably could just fit through. I nodded and stuck my legs down. Stampy put his hands together so I could stand on them and lowered me down. "It's starting to get late. Want to go get something to eat?" Stampy asked me and took my hand. Smiling, I said "Why not! I'm hungry!"

Stampy lead me into a restaurant called Ed's, and we sat next to each other in a booth off to the side. A waitress came over to get out drink orders but before I said anything Stampy told her "2 chocolate milkshakes please." Stampy turned to me and chuckled at my confused face. "They have the best milkshakes here, trust me" he said, so I nodded. The waitress brought back the milkshakes and set them in front of us before taking our orders. I got fish and chips and Stampy got some soup. (Idk I live in the US) The waitress walked off with our menus and Stampy grabbed some silly chef's hats that were on the table for some reason. He slid one onto my head and balanced the other on his curls. I giggle because Stampy's looks like it is going to fall off his head any minute. I reached up and fixed before picking up my milkshake. Stampy picked his up and said "drink some on 3 ok Sqaishey?" I nodded and Stampy counted down. "3 2 1 drink!" I took a big sip and sighed happily. The shake was in fact amazing. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of us because I knew we look so silly. "You're right KittyCake. These are awesome." I said, and the waitress came back with our food. Stampy and I dug in because we are starving. "Sqaishey, Squid should be back in 4 days with Amy" Stampy told me as I took a bite off some fish. "You and Amy are going to share the guest room because that's the only room with 2 beds. You are okay with that right?" "Yea that's great! Amy can tell me all of your's and squids secrets!" I giggled, causing a playful glare from Stampy. "I am just going to warn you, Amy will beg you to tell her about our date. Are you going to tell her about you-know-who?" Stampy said, looking a little worried. I knew he was right, Amy was the love princess and one of Stampy's best friends. "I'm not sure. I don't want to tell everyone my secret even though I'm sure they would keep it because they're your friends." I said, and sighed. "It's okay Sqaishey. We'll figure it out later." Stampy said, taking my hand and signaling for the check.

\~~Time Skip~~/

Stampy held open the door to his apartment for me and followed me in. "Do you want to watch a movie Sqaishey?" Stampy asked as he closed the door behind him. "Yea let's do that!" I called to Stampy. "I'm going to put on my pjs!" "I will too, then make some popcorn. You pick a movie. There are on the shelf by the TV." Stampy told me as he followed me down the hall. I changed into my comfortable pjs and grabbed my blanket and ran down the hall. In the living room I tossed my blanket on the couch before looking through the movies. Stampy walked by on his way to the kitchen and I asked "how about Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2?" "Yea let's watch that. Netty sent it to me for Christmas and I didn't have the chance to watch it." I put the disc in a hopped onto the couch. Stampy sat down next to me with a big bowl of popcorn and 2 mugs of tea. I smiled and started the movie while Stampy switched off the lights. Stampy didn't grab a blanket I noticed so I pulled part of mine over his legs. Stampy smiled at me and I rested my head on his shoulder. He reached behind my shoulder to grab the remote but left his arm there and I think I might have melted a little. Stampy really is too sweet. I snuggled into him and we watched the movie till we fell asleep.

AN- Sorry if this chapter sucks. I have had a bad week. On Monday my phone was stolen out of my backpack during soccer then on Tuesday I got a 78 on my science test which is usually my best subject and I am an A student so my mom won't let me have my laptop in my room or play mc until further notice. Then that night my soccer team for school lost 9-1. Wednesday and Thursday were okay. It was just hard without my phone. I did have fun at a team thing Thursday night. I got my replacement phone Friday but lost the game that night. This weekend was good I guess cause I was hanging out with some good friends and won a soccer tournament but there are some girls in that team that need a good frying pan to the face. You know who I mean Yan. Anyway, thanks for reading the chapter and my rant. I will be working on next Sunday's chapter tomorrow cause I have no school!! Love ya guys <3

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