Chapter 9

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Stampy POV

As Sqaishey drifted off to sleep I pulled out my pillow out of my bag and put it under her head. I have slept on a train before, and without a pillow my neck always stiffens up and hurts. I looked at Sqaishey for a minute, because she looked so cute asleep, before forcing myself to pay attention to the Lovely World video I was editing for today. Yet I could no longer concentrate. I kept glancing back up at Sqaishey sleeping peacefully. I am started to wonder if I like Sqaishey as more than a friend. She is just always so cheerful, and seems to like spending time with me.

\~~Time Skip~~/

As we pulled into the station, Sqaishey was still fast asleep, and I had come to terms that I did like Sqaishey as more than a friend and promised myself to ask her out while she is visiting. I put all my stuff in my bag, then wondered what to do next. I had tried to wake up Sqaishey 5 minutes ago, but she was out like a light. As I stood there, thinking about what to do, another passenger tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and the young lady said "If you want sir, I can pull your girlfriend's suitcase while you carry her?" "Thank you so much that would be great, but we are actually just friends." I said, blushing, before turning around to pick up Sqaishey bridal style. As I did she started shaking, so I held her a little closer. "Thanks again," I said "Please follow me. My friend is picking me up." I walked out of the station over to Squid with the girl pulling the Sqaishey's suitcase as I carried Sqaishey, who was surprisingly not that heavy. When we reached Squid, he gave me 'the look' as he opened the door for the backseat so I could put Sqaishey there. "Thanks a lot" I said once again to the girl. "You're welcome, bye flubba flubba floo floo!" (A/N-I have wanted to say that if I ever meet Stampy or Squid! It was from an old QuestLand video, I don't remember which one) She said as she walked away. Squid and I looked at each other, then laughed. "She must be a fan," I said as we climbed into the car. "Now I hope she does not go spreading this about Sqaishey." I chuckled as Squid started driving. "So why were you carrying Sqaishey mate?" Squid asked. "She hurt her ankle on the train and the painkillers she took knocked her out." I said, trying not to look at Squid because I knew he would start teasing me like he has been for the past few weeks. "And how did she hurt her ankle?" Squid asked cheekily. "She was standing up and her foot got caught between the seats Squid. Now are you going to drop it mate?" "Drop what?" Squid asked innocently and I glared at him. He laughed and held up one hand in surrender, while continuing to drive with the other.

We pulled up to our apartment and I hopped out of the car before walking over to Sqaishey's side. She was somehow still fast asleep, so I picked her up bridal style again. Squid grabbed her stuff and we started walking up the flight of stairs to our apartment. As we walked Sqaishey started to shake again so I walked a little faster, thinking she is cold and wanting to bring her inside. Once inside I gently set Sqaishey down on the couch before covering her with a blanket. I then walked into the kitchen to get a new bag of ice for her foot.

As I finished replacing the ice on Sqaishey's foot, Squid walked into the kitchen to make some tea. I followed him, and grabbed my orange mug with a tail for a handle and a big white belly. "I am recording B-team in a few minutes" Squid said as he poured his tea into his squid mug. Nodding, I poured some milk into my tea and Squid walked to his room.

After a little while I heard Sqaishey stir, so I walked into the living room with a mug of tea for her. Sqaishey had sat up on the couch, keeping her foot propped up, and was rubbing her eyes. I handed her a mug and she smiled before carefully taking a sip. "Did you have a nice nap Sqaishey?" I chuckled. "Those painkillers knocked you out for a while." Blushing, Sqaishey said "Yea, I had a nice CATnap Stampy." Smiling, I just shook my head. "Squid is recording B-team right now." I said, and as if on cue, we heard Squid laugh about something, then say goodbye. I turned back to Sqaishey, about to something, when from my phone came 'Loves it'. Laughing I asked Sqaishey "Can you guess who texted me?" "Well it could never be AmyLee33," Sqaishey said sarcastically, giggling. As I opened up the message, Squid walked into the room. I quickly read the message, then holding in my laughter, I said "Mate, where do you keep your poopy pots? Amy needs a picture of them!" I managed to not burst out laughing at first, but when I glanced over at Sqaishey who was also holding in her laughter, we were cracking up on the floor in an instant. I saw Squid shake his head, before walking out of the room with a big smile on his face, typing something on his phone. Still smiling broadly, Sqaishey said "I can't wait to see what happened with that B-team." "Defiantly! Well Ducky, how about I help you to your room so you can unpack and get settled, and then I order a pizza?" Sqaishey nodded, so I helped her to her feet and down the hall, before walking back to the kitchen to order the pizza.

\~~Time Skip~~/

I set the pizza on the table and walked down the hall to Sqaishey's room. When I passed Squid's room I called out "Pizza's here Squid!" then knocked on Sqaishey's door. "Can I come in Sqaishey?" "Yea of course kitty." I walked in to see Sqaishey trying to plug something into the outlet under the desk. I took the cord from her hand and plugged it in for her so that she would not fall over because she was just balancing on 1 foot. "You did a good job unpacking on 1 foot Sqaishey!" I said as she plugged her laptop into the cord I had plugged in. "It was a miracle that I didn't fall! I'm normally very clumsy." Sqaishey laughed. We were silent for a minute until I said "Well the pizza's here. Do you want a pig back ride so you don't have to hop?" "Are you sure Stamps?" Sqaishey said. "Yea hop on! No pun intended" I said as I bent down. Sqaishey got on my back and I started to run into the kitchen, Sqaishey holding tight, laughing and screaming for me to slow down. Laughing, I ran into the living room and started spinning in place. Sqaishey was still screaming, not a scared scream, but a scream from having fun, so when I got too dizzy I dropped Sqaishey gently on the couch then collapsed next to her. Squid walked in with a plate of pizza in his hand, and laughed at us being ridiculous before sitting in the chair and started texting someone again as he ate his pizza.

Once I was no longer dizzy I got Sqaishey and I a slice of pizza each. I walked back to the living room and handed Sqaishey her slice. "Who do you think Squid is texting?" I whispered to Sqaishey. "No idea, but it has to be a girl." She giggled. "Well since you can't do much, should we put on a movie?" I suggested. "Why not. Do you have Night at the Museum?" "I do. Hey Squid, go pop popcorn!" Squid got up and made to walk to the kitchen, but because he was texting, he ran into to wall. Sqaishey and I both laughed as I put in the movie and grabbed Squid, Sqaishey and I some blankets. I tossed Squid's on his chair and sat back down next to Sqaishey. We both spread our blankets out over our legs and accepted the 1 bowl of popcorn Squid handed us to share. I glared at him but Squid just rolled his eyes and made a heart with his hands. Sqaishey luckily didn't notice. He turned off the light and I started the movie.

\~~Time Skip~~/

Sqaishey had fallen asleep on my shoulder toward the end of the movie. The whole time I wanted to put my arm around her or take her hand, but I wasn't brave enough. I don't want Sqaishey to think I was weird. As it was late, I covered Sqaishey with her blanket before picking her up bridal style again. I saw Sqaishey stir so I said "Go back to sleep. I got you." She nodded a little then fell back asleep, resting her head on my chest. I tucked Sqaishey into her bed before heading back to my room because I was exhausted. As I fell asleep, I started to brainstorm ways to ask Sqaishey out.

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