Chapter 29

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Stampy POV

I woke up the next morning with something resting on my chest. I opened my eyes to see sunlight hitting me in the face.

Sqaishey was lying on the couch next to me, her head resting on my chest and my arms around her waist. Our legs were tangled together under a blanket, and Sqaishey was still asleep. I made no move to wake her up though. She looked peaceful, and also like she needed the sleep. She had bags under her eyes, probably from a mixture of crying herself to sleep and a lack of sleep all together.

I wrapped my arm around Sqaishey a little tighter, thinking about yesterday. I don't regret 1 thing I did yesterday, it was what happened the days before yesterday that I regret. After we kissed and Sqaishey had her face tilted up to the rain, her makeup started to come off, and I could see a dark bruise around her eye. All the pieces fit together, from the limp she tried to hide, to her distance the past week or two. Hunter probably never left her alone, but Sqaishey didn't want me to get involved.

And that's what I regret. Not being able to tell something was wrong and not helping her. She was suffering and I didn't do anything, despite my promise to not let her get hurt. Sqaishey's confidence must have also taken another beating as well; I could see her folding in on herself after I kissed her.

As much as I tried last night, Sqaishey wouldn't tell me what Hunter said to her. It took a couple hours in itself before I could convince her to remove the rest of her make-up. I needed to see how bad she had been hurt by that douche.

One eye was sporting a dark ring around it, and there was a cut along her hairline. Her arms had bruises shaped like hands and cuts on top of cuts littering her wrists. I had just sat there hugging Sqaishey for an hour when I discovered them. Sqaishey seemed terrified that I would be mad with her about it, but I sort of understood. She has that kind of mindset that she doesn't deserve to be cared for, when in reality Sqaishey deserves the sun and the stars.

Sqaishey started to stir, knocking me out of my thoughts. I gently brushed her hair away from her face for her, and her eyes shot open, startled. I quietly chuckled as a confused expression filled her beautiful face.

"Morning Ducky." I told her, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Would you like some toast?"

"No thanks, I'm not hungry Stampy." She said, struggling to sit up. I sat up with her and carefully I untangled my legs from hers. "I'm going to get dressed, you can help yourself to anything you want Stamps" She said before heading to her room slowly. I watched her for a moment as she tried to hide how much it was hurting her to simply walk, but she didn't want to ask for help.

I walked into the kitchen and started the kettle for tea. The shower turned on down the hall and I could hear Sqaishey starting to sing a few minutes later. She really is an amazing singer. I have no doubt she could be famous someday.

I poured myself a cup of tea and put a few pieces of bread in to toast. Even though it was no cake, toast is good. When toaster dinged I buttered both pieces and started munching on one, leaving the other for Sqaishey. Even if she said she wasn't hungry, you can't skip breakfast.

Eventually the shower shut off, so I fixed her a cup of tea and set it by the other piece of toast. When she emerged in a loose pair of jeans and a sweater I nodded my head toward the tea and toast. Sqaishey smiled at me before taking the tea and having a sip.

"What would you like to do today ducky?" I asked her. I glanced at toast and Sqaishey picked it up. She took a bite before setting it down almost immediately. 

"Not hungry." She told me when I looked at her questionably. "How about we record some Sky Den?"  She stared into her teacup as if she was trying to read her future. She seemed a little nervous about something but I didn't want to press her.

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