Chapter 19

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Sqaishey POV:

Amy and I found a small cafe tucked into a corner called 'The Blocky Cafe'. We walked in and Amy and I laughed. The walls were painted like minecraft, and the tables and chairs looked like fence posts with pressure plates on them, and stairs for the chairs. There was a few families sitting around the room eating, many of them around the ages our fans were. Amy and I walked up to the counter and examined the menu. They had all the minecraft foods, and something called 'YouTuber Cookies'. "Ask about those Youtuber cookies!" Amy begged me, and I walked up to order. "I would like a fish sandwich and a slice off Pumpkin Pie please." I told the lady behind the cash regester. "Okay, can I intrest you in a Youtuber Cookie?" She asked me, punching in what I wanted on the register. "What are those?" I asked her. "Oh, they are sugar cookies with the faces of the skins of some minecraft Youtubers." She told me. "Which youtubers do you have?' I asked her, glancing back at Amy. I motioned her to come stand by me. "We have all of the Magic Animal Club, Sqaishey Quack, MousieMouse, NettyPlays, SalemsLady, Livy, Tomohawk and Fearadubh." (I was watching attack of the b-team and I somehow almost forgot to put Ash?!?) "Okay, I will have a Sqaishey Quack cookie and a Stampy cookie to go." I told her, trying hard not to laugh. "Okay ma'm your total is $14.74. Can I have a your name for the order?" She asked me. I handed her a $10 and a $1 bill and said "Ducky." Amy snickered behind me and I elbowed her. "Okay here is your change and recipt. Your food should be ready in 10 minutes or so." She said handing me my change. I stepped out of the way and so Amy could order. "I would like a cake sandwich for here and a AmyLee cookie and an IballisticSquid cookie to go." She ordered and paid. She told the lady her name was Mermaid and we went and sat down. "How long do you think it will take someone to recognize us" Amy laughed. "Probably when we get our food" I told her.

After not a very long wait, "Ducky, your food is ready. Mermaid, your food is ready." was called from the front. Amy and I walked up to the front. There was a young girl, maybe 12 standing behind the counter. Her mom probably owns this cafe and she was helping out. She looked up when we walked up. "One order of a fish sandwich and a slice of pumpkin pie, with Sqaishey and Stampy cookies to go for Ducky." she asked us, reading off a slip of paper, and I said "Mine." She looked back up at us, and screamed. "Sqaishey Quack and Amylee33!" Amy and I laughed as all the little kids in the room turned toward us and also started screaming, running over to us. We were swarmed in an instant. The lady that took our order came running out of the back over to the screaming girl. "Mom how did you not tell me Sqaishey and Amy are here!" she yelled, freaking out. Her mom shook her head laughing, and shouted over all the screaming kids "Kids, if you calm down and line up, I'm sure Sqaishey and Amy would not mind taking a picture with you!" She looked at us, checking that we actually were okay with that. We nodded, laughing, and the kids eagerly lined up as their parents all walked over.

\~~Time Skip~~/

It took half an hour before we were able to finish taking pictures with all the kids. The owner of the cafe was nice and gave us some slips of paper so we could give the kids autographs.The meal ended up being very good and Amy and I secretly decided we were going to come back soon with the boys sometime. Before we left though, Amy went up to the owner and asked if she could make a birthday cake for Squid. The lady agreed, and we told her we would pick it up in a couple days. Amy and I grabbed our stuff and walked out of the cafe. "That place was cool!" I said happily as we walked down the road. "Definetly. But we need to find some birthday presents for Squid." Amy sighed. "We will find something." I reassured her.

There was a small toy store that I saw, so Amy and I walked inside. We are still children at heart.There were all kinds of ganes and toys and there was a whole wall of stuffed animals. Amy and I walked around, just being the kids we are, playing with the toys and being loud. When we got to the stuffed animal wall, 2 catch my eye almost immediately. There was a giant squid, maybe 3 feet long and a mermaid princess that was not nearly as big. I grabbed those because they would make a nice present for Squid. Amy laughed when I grabbed them, know exactly what for. I walked over and bought them, and Amy and I walked out of the store. "Sqaishey you have to help me. I don't know what to get for Squid!" Amy nearly begged. "What if you make him something?" I suggested as we walked down the street. "Like, maybe a coupon book with things like '1 free cuddle' or 'Free movie date'" I had seen some picture of things like that on the Internet before, and they seemed really sweet. I saw inspiration flask in Amy's eyes, and I laughed as she pulled me into a craft store.

\~~Time Skip~~/

Amy and I walked up the set of stairs and down the hall to the apartment. Amy got her crafting supplies for her present, but I'm not sure what it is. After that we had gotten some decorations and went to a couple more clothing stores before picking up the Chinese food Stampy and squid had ordered. We walked in the door and headed to the kitchen. The guys were standing there talking and drinking tea. I set the food on the counter and Stampy gave me a hug. I saw Squid do the same to Amy, and Stampy asked "how was shopping girls?" "Fun! We got lots of stuff!" Amy laughed. "Oh!! We stopped by this really cool cafe for lunch and look what they had!" I exclaimed, pulling the cookies out of my bag, handing Stampy his. Amy gave Squid his and I said "It was a really kid friendly restaurant, and was fans of all your friends. When Amy and I went to get our food we were recognized and swarmed. It was an half hurt before we could eat!" Amy nodded and we all laughed. "How about you guys go put your stuff in your room and we eat!" Squid told us, and both Amy and my stomach rumbled. We laughed and ran down the hall, dumping our stuff on our beds and heading back down the hall. The boys had pulled out some plates and stuff so we dug right in. The conversation flowed as Stampy and Squid told us about a map Called Re-solitude that they recorded. There was a lot of lot and tons of mods, but it seems like an awesome map. "What should we do after dinner? Watch a movie?" Amy asked. "How about Wreck it Ralph?" Stampy suggested. Everyone agreed so we finished eating and split of to get changed into our pjs. We meet back in the living room, but this time Squid and Amy claimed the couch. The armchair was just about big enough for both me and Stampy to sit, but not very comfortably. I ended up pretty much sitting on Stampy's lap, leaving back against the seat next to him as he rested his arms around my waist. It was really comfortable, and I could rest my head on Stampy's shoulder. Squid started the movie and we all sat back and enjoyed. "Look at them Sqaishey" Stampy whispered in my ear, as the movie was finishing up the the trailers and stuff. I glanced back and saw Squid's arm around Amy and her head on his chest. "Sqamy forever" I giggle quietly, snuggling more into Stampy. He squeezed me a little, and we watched the movie till we all fell asleep.


I'm sorry guys! I know this is late and bad and short. I've been really bad lately about writing and I'm sorry. Last week I was busy with homework and this week I was lazy and was also writing something for theatre that I will put up soon. The this weekend I finally got mods on my computer so yea...

Thank you guys for being awesome. I can't believe I have 62 followers and that this story has 10.1k reads!! I love you all so much and I can't express how happy it makes me knowing someone likes what I am writing. <3 <3 <3

Now I'm gonna go to bed so I have plenty of energy to crush the team I am playing tomorrow for my last game of my school soccer season! (They are meanie beanies that are super physical and annoying!)


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