Chapter 2

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Stampy POV:

I was on Youtube early in the morning because I could not sleep. I have not been sleeping well lately for some reason. I typed into the search bar 'for Stampy cat' like I will do every once in a while. It was a good way to find more people to add to my love garden. There was plenty that I saw while scrolling through when one caught my eye. The thumbnail looked custom made and really cool. It was called 'A game for Stampy Cat' by someone called Sqaishey Quack. I clicked on the video out of curiosity and saw that Sqaishey is a yellow duck that made this cool mini game for me. For her first mini game map thing it looked pretty good. I ended up watching the whole thing because she had such a fantastic commentary. In the comments I tapped out

'This map looks great. I probably shouldn't have watched it all in case I end up doing it. Luckily you didn't show everything.

The map was great but your commenatry was fantastic. I am going to check out more of your videos. :)'

and sent it off. I went and got some tea and food to eat while I watched more of Sqaishey's videos because I was starting to get hungry. As I finished the video where Sqaishey told everyone that her world Quacktopia was gone, I received a notification saying Sqaishey commented on my comment. Eagerly, I pulled up the comment to see Sqaishey said

'Thank you Mr Stampy Cat. You can watch more videos if you want but I must warn you that you may be smashing your paws on your head the whole way through "THIS DUCK DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING!" haha. Thanks again, you cool cat ️'.

I don't get why she thinks she does not know anything, she seems like she knows exactly what she is doing. I pulled up Twitter and dm her saying 'Dear Sqaishey, I would love to play your map. Is there any time that works for you?' Then I followed her so she could reply. She sent a message back almost immediatly saying 'I am free all day after a half hour from now. Does 12:00 work for you?' I replied to her saying "Sure, see you then' and jumped up to take a shower. I was genuinely excited to play on Sqaishey's map, she seemed like a very nice person and a big fan. After my shower I went and finished the rest of her videos. She seems like a very happy person, just the kind of person I would love to be friends with. At 11:30 I received the server address from Sqaishey and had to walk away from the computer and make myself some tea so that I would not log on before 12. I didn't want to seem too eager even though I was excited for some reason. Right at noon I entered into Sqaishey's world and ran straight over to her and waved. She waved back and led me over to the map. I walked right over to where I was supposed to stand so that Sqaishey could dump water on me. When she turned it off I pretended to shake off all the water and walked through the now open door.

In the quick build, I saw that I was supposed to build something related to someone else's videos. I assume she was thinking I would build something from Squid's videos, but the show that I had actually watched her videos I built her shed from her main series. I saw her jump up and down a few times then freeze for around 30 seconds. I wonder what she was doing. When she opened the door I ran off into the maze and was immediately lost. It was not an easy maze and on top of that I am horrible at mazes! I finally found my way out into the next challenge and started punching dirt. I didn't think the door would be very deep plus I wanted to make Sqaishey laugh just in case she was having a bad day. When she asked why I was not using I shovel I replied that 'I am a man cat' but then quickly gave up and grabbed a shovel because I was not finding the door. She had really buried it. I finally found my way out into the memorizing challenge and decided not to cheat and write down stuff like I would with Squid. After spending time attempting to memorize the rooms, I went to answer the questions by typing my answers into the chat because Sqaishey had left some signs saying 'I am horrible at Redstone :( Please type your answers into the chat :) !!' 'That makes 2 off us' I thought to myself. I knew I did not do very well on the questions.

I knew that the pun room was next so I walked into the next room facing down. I wanted to skype Sqaishey because I was curious what she looked like and wanted to talk where I could she her reaction so I asked her if she wanted to, using the excuse of her maybe wanting to see my reactions to the puns. She immediately sent me her skype but I took a minute before I called her to make sure I didn't look horrible because from her videos she sounded pretty cute... wait Stampy! What are you thinking? She is just a fan you have never seen or had an actually conversation with!?! I pushed the crazy thought out of my mind and called Sqaishey. She picked up pretty fast and I mentally gasped as she appeared on my screen.


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