Chapter 21

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Sqaishey POV:
The bus came to our stop and Stampy and I climbed off the bus. It was still pouring so we stood under the bus stop shelter. We still needed to get back to the apartment without the cake being soaked. "Hey what about those plastic bags?" I asked, pointing with my elbow to some bags sitting on the bench. Stampy grabbed them and covered the box with it. He took the cake from me and we strolled down the sidewalk in the rain. We were soaked anyway. The rain was cold and I shivered a little in my short sleeved shirt. Stampy noticed and slid his jacket around my shoulders. He took my hand again as we walked. My head found its way onto his shoulder and I smiled to myself. I have never felt this comfortable with someone else before.

We walked into the apartment and Stanpy set the cake on the counter. Amy and Squid must still be out at their movie because the apartment was empty. "Go take a shower and warm up. We don't want a sick Ducky." Stampy smiled, gently pushing me toward the hall. Stampy turned around and set a pot of tea on the stove so I hurried to my room. I eagerly peeled my soaked jeans off and dropped them in the corner of the bathroom with my shirt and stepped under the warm spray of the shower. As I warmed up my body with the water, I ran my fingers through my hair to try and get out the knots and thought about Stampy. I really don't know how I ended up in this spot. Stampy is the perfect boyfriend, almost to perfect to last. The small voice in the back of my head is telling not to get to close Stampy so my heart is not broken, but I want to trust him. I want to trust my heart, but my heart got me into the mess with Hunter. I sighed and pushed the little voice away. Tomorrow might be the last time I see Stampy for a while so I'm going to enjoy it. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Quickly I dried myself off and pulled on some warm sweatpants. I grabbed a long sleeved t-shirt and pulled it over my head, then blow dried my hair. Once I was done I walked back into the living room. There were pillows and blankets everywhere and 2 x-box controllers on the couch. Stampy walked in wearing wearing some sweatpants and a hoodie, holding some mugs of tea. I smiled and accepted the mug of tea Stampy handed me. "Do you want to play some MineCraft?" Stampy asked. I nodded and we sat down together on the couch. I took a couple sips of my warm tea and exchanged it for my remote controller. Stampy loaded up his lovely world and pulled one of the many blankets over our lap. "What should we do Ducky?" Stampy asked. "Lets play some mini golf" I answered. "but we should sleep first so the googlies don't spawn." I said, running into Stampy's bedroom and stealing his bed. Stampy glared at me but when I didn't get up he pulled another one out of his chest and we slept. In the morning we both popped out of our beds. "Sqaishey! I need my breakfast!" Stampy whined. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow at him. Stampy gave me a puppy dog face and I sighed. Walking through the painting, I checked Lee's chest. He had a stack of cakes luckily, so I grabbed a couple and climbed back down. Stampy had set up a little table on his balcony and was crouching on one of the seats. "Do you plan to share your cake today kitty?" I giggled, sitting on the other 'seat'. "Maybe" Stampy chuckled, and I put down the cake. Stampy ate half the cake, saying num after each bite. I giggled and finished the cake. "Come on Stampy let's go get a dog." I said, chopping the table and my seat and tossing them to Stampy. Stampy broke his chair and we headed to the doghouse. I immediately ran into the pool because I am a duck. "You pick which dog Sqaishey." Stampy told me. I hopped out of the pond and scanned the signs, then said "Duncan." Stampy chuckled and stood Duncan up. We walked back out of the doghouse and Stampy climbed up Mitten's tree. I watched his screen as he stood Mittens up and dove off the balcony. He almost hit the Soggy Samdwich and climbed out of the water. Together we ran to the golf course with Duncan and Mittens teleporting behind us.

"So which color golf circle would you like." Stampy asked me. "White please." I told him, and Stampy tossed me a stack of snowballs. We walked over to the first hole entitled 'Noob Ally'. "Duckies first." Stampy said, and I stood on the wool. Carefully I lined up the cross on my screen at the hole, then jumped and threw the snowball. It slid straight there and right into the hole with a satisfying ding. I sighed in relief because it would have been embaresing to miss. I grabbed my snowball from the hole and Stampy lined up his shot."Don't miss KittyCake" I giggled, and Stampy pressed the button. His slimeball slid along the ice like mine, but not as fast. It slid to the edge of the hole but didn't drop in. It just floated over the edge. We were silent, then I started to giggle. Stampy playfully glared at me and I couldn't help it. I exploded in laughter. I dropped my remote as I held my stomach, trying to stop my laughter. "It's not funny Sqaishey!" Stampy begged. I kept laughing though, and ended up leaning into Stampy, I was laughing so hard. "Sqaishey come on!" Stampy said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Stop laughing now before I make this worse Ducky!" Stampy chuckled evilly. "No don't!" I shrieked and tried to pull away from Stampy. "Your not getting away with this!" He shouted, and started tickling me. I twisted as Stampy tickled my stomach, both of us cracking up. "Stop please!" I begged trying to swat his hands away. I know the game was still open, but Stampy and I couldn't care less. We were just having fun. I managed to stop Stampy's tickling attack, and turned to Stampy. "I'm in trouble now aren't I" Stampy sighed and I nodded. I jumped at him and started tickling him. Stampy collapsed on the couch as I continued tickling him. "You know what, come here ducky." Stampy laughed, pulling me down next to him on the couch, half my hair landing on his face. We laid there for minute, just looking at each other. "Your hair smells nice" Stampy whispered. I blushed and pulled my hair out of his face. "You're too sweet." I giggled. Stampy didn't reply; he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked my straight in the eyes. "What are you..." my voice faded out when I realized Stampy was about to kiss me. I just stared at him, unsure what to do.

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