Chapter 18

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AN~ Thank you for understanding why this is late guys. I had a busy week and didn't really know what to write. Btw the pic is some outfits Sqaishey and Amy are going to try on. The ones with the yellow surrounding them are what Sqaishey tries on and the ones surrounded by pink are what Amy tries on. Also, I wanted to say thank you again. This story went from 7.6k reads when I posted the last chapter to 9.3 reads when I post this one. That's 1.7k reads in a week!! It means so much to me!! I love you all! <3 <3 infinite hugs and cake for everyone!!!


I was walking through the forest by my house in my cute pink dress. There was a small yellow bird riding on a tiger's back. Giggling, I followed it as we walked through the trees. We came across a small stream, and I walked in it, because I was barefoot for some reason. We followed the stream until we reached a lake. Out of instinct, I dived straight in. As I swam down I felt my legs gravitate together and started tingling. I glanced back and saw that my legs had become mermaid tail and my dress had changed into a strapless pink shirt. I didn't seem confused though, for some reason, even when I felt a tiara form and circle my temple. I swam towards a castle I saw in the distance, deep on the lake floor. As I reached it, all the other merfolk stopped what they were doing and bowed their heads respectfully. I swam into the entrance of the castle toward a pair of large doors. I paused in front of them, and they slowly opened. I was actually feeling nervous. I slowly swam in and saw a throne facing the other way. It turned around like a gaming swivel chair and a smile spread across my face. In the throne sat a merman, except instead of a fish tail he had long blue tentacles. He had a crown on his head and was smiling warmly at me. He stood up and opened his arms, and I swam into them. It felt so comfortable, and I could have stayed there forever in the hug, but a different merperson swam in. He had a worried look on his face, and when the prince noticed, he took my hand and we quickly swam to the surface. When we got to the top we hurried to shore, our tails transforming into legs when we got closer to land. We just ran, not even knowing where we were going. I was terrified, jumping over fallen logs and and ducking under low branches. We came across a cliff, and a couple feet from the edge was the tiger that I followed earlier holding his small bird friend in his paws. But his duck friend's yellow feather were covered in blood, and was weeping. I buried my face in my prince friend's chest, unable to look, then I bolted straight up. I blinked, and looked around. I was no longer in the forest, but in Stampy and Squid's guest bedroom, with Sqaishey curled up under her covers on her bed. That was such a weird dream, and I am really hoping it means nothing, but it didn't feel like it. I sighed, and stretched out my arms to my sides, and then rubbed my eyes. I spotted 2 mugs on the desk, and a sheet of paper. I got out of bed and picked up the note. It read

'Stamps and I have to record stuff pretty much all day. You girls do what you want, just slip a note under our doors if you guys go out.

I set the note back down and took a mug of tea. I checked my phone and saw that it was almost 10 am. We slept in late, but of course we were up talking very late. The boys must not have started recording that long ago because the tea was still pretty warm. As I sat there sipping my tea, Sqaishey started to wake up. She must of had a good dream because she had a big smile on her face. She yawned widely and I involuntarily copied her. "Morning Sqaishey" I smiled, taking another sip of my tea. "Morning Amy" she said, sitting up and leaning against the wall. "So what do you want to do today? The boys are busy recording." I asked, and handed Sqaishey her mug of tea. "Is there a shopping center near here?" She said, sipping on her tea. I nodded and told her "There is actually a very big one I went to with Netty when we were both here visiting last year." "Let's go there." Sqaishey said, standing up. We both got dressed quickly and did our makeup. "Sqaishey, can you slide a note under Stampy's door telling us where we are going? I'm going to do the same with Squid." I asked Sqaishey. She nodded and I handed her a pencil and a half sheet of paper. I jotted down

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