Chapter 6

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AN- Happy New Year Guys!!

Sqaishey POV

I woke up the next morning sore all over. I didn't even want to get out of bed. I was not able to get any of sleep because yesterday kept playing through my mind, causing a restless nightmare filled night. The thing I knew that usually cheered me up after Hunter hurt me was recording but this time was different. I could not record while being this upset, because the video would be bad quality and people would be able to tell something was wrong. This is something I could not answer; I am beyond help now and if anyone did try to help, I would fear for their safety. Hunter is not above harming anyone who tries to help me. 'Maybe looking at fan art will help.' After an hour of flipping through amazing pictures, I was still depressed. Sighing, I clicked to the next picture, and screamed, shoving away my laptop, as I was once again assaulted with memories of yesterday. Some poor fan had decided to draw my character riding a Ferris wheel and now I was curled up under the covers, bawling my eyes out.

\~~Time Skip~~/

2 hours later my sobs had calmed down enough for me to grab my phone and earbuds. My last resort to cheer me up was Stampy and his friends. Normally they were something I watched when I am happy so that I enjoyed them more, but I was desperate. Thankfully, the newest Questland was up. I opened the video up and plugged in my earbuds. I slowly started to smile again as Stampy and Squid started struggled to get the dairy queen up the ladder. When that video finished I put on the next B-team video. I managed to laugh as Amy was blown up several times. Feeling remarkably better, I checked the comments on some of my videos. Everyone had left such nice comments, lifting my spirits even more. I replied to a few before deciding to not spend all day in bed. Slowly I shuffled down the hall to the kitchen, and slowly brewed a cup of tea while nibbling on a piece of bread. I was not hungry but knew I had to eat something. After I finished my tea I went upstairs to do some recording. The Reef was calling my name, so I recorded some Cloudy Combat, hopefully seeming nothing except happy. Once my recording was done, I continued to play around on the server.

Several games later I looked up to see arrows being fired at me. Quickly I took cover, but taking a closer look at the player, I froze. The player's name is 'DuckHunter399' and the eyes of the skin are a piercing blue. Quickly I jump off my island and die, switching servers right away. After switching servers several times, I ended up on The Emerald Isle. Instead of hopping straight into a game, I went to the ruins for a game of hide-and-seek. After a few rounds, I could see a massive crowd off people making their way over here. 'Must be a YouTuber' I thought to myself before asking who wants to count. 'I do SqaisheyJ' popped up in the chat, tunneling my vision to the purple StampyLongnose in the chat. 'Shoot, he is going to ask to skype' I thought to myself, wracking my brain for an excuse. There was no way I could explain why my face was so messed up. That was when the expected message appeared, asking me to skype.

I can't tell him no but I can't let him see how bruised my face is. I cannot tell him about Hunter. 'I could do the voice call!' I set my idea in motion by calling Stampy and searched my brain for an excuse quickly. "My camera on my laptop has been going crazy today, I thought it would be best if I just did the voice call." I blurted out as Stampy answered the call. "That's fine" Stampy said. "If you don't want to lose, you might want to hide." With a little bit of a forced giggle because I am still worried Stampy will turn on the video or hear something wrong in my voice, I ran off and hid. After a few rounds of hide-and-seek we moved on to hunger games. A minute into the game Stampy and I were chatting about random stuff as I wandered off. Suddenly I saw Hunter and started running. "Where did you go Sqaishey?" Stampy asked as I jumped off a cliff and died. "A meanie-beanie was chasing me and I ran off a cliff. Whoops!" I somehow managed to say convincingly. "Who was chasing you?" Stampy asked. "DuckHunter399 was. Ironic right," I said, forcing a laugh to hide my nerves. "I shall avenge you ducky!" Stampy said, sneaking up behind Hunter and killing him. 'No killing my duck friend' Stampy typed in the chat. "Thanks Stampy," I said as I blushed, while at the same time forcing down panic in my head. Hunter is going to be furious! '"My Duck friend?" You will pay Sqaishey' appeared in the chat from Hunter, thankfully hidden from Stampy because he is still alive. Once Stampy died, I suggested we move over to his lovely world.

We switched over and played for several hours before I regretfully said good night. This time I went to bed feeling remarkably happier compared to last night. Talking to Stampy somehow managed to raise my spirits so that as I got ready for bed I started to daydream of Stampy. 'Where is this coming from Sqaishey? Stampy is your adorable, funny, friend!' Sighing, I pushed the insane thoughts to the corner of my mind before falling into a mostly restful night, with only the one nightmare caused by the movie.

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