Chapter 11

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A/N~ Thanks for the 2k reads! Also, I have a feeling you guys might hate me after you read this chapter so I am prepared. I have a wall of cake in front of me, and I have a frying pan, a textbook, and a butter sock. So by all means, read and rant!

Sqaishey POV:

It is almost 1 o'clock and I am finishing up getting ready. After my shower I put on some light makeup on, as well as hiding all the scars as on my arms. I decided to wear light blue skinny jeans and my yellow converse. My white t-shirt had a duck and a kitten on it. I slid on my tan leather jacket as Stampy knocked on my door. I opened it to see Stampy wearing dark jeans, black converse, and a forest green shirt that matched his eyes. "You look great Sqaishey!" Stampy said, causing me to blush because it was not true. "Thanks. Where are we going KittyCake?" "That's for me to know and you to find out" Stampy chuckled. "Now close your eyes." "Why!" I whined like a little kid. "Trust me!" Stampy said, and I shook my head stubbornly, smiling. Stampy shook his head, laughing to himself, then smiled and covered my eyes with his hands. I felt him walk behind me and start to lead me somewhere. I laughed and held onto his arms so I wouldn't fall, then continued pestering Stampy about where we are going. He refused to tell me, and we continued to walk

Stampy POV:

Sqaishey looks amazing, with her hair flopping over her shoulders, and her glowing smile. I smiled to myself at how lucky I am as I lead Sqaishey out of the apartment and down the stairs as she giggled, trying to pry my hands off and get me to tell her where we are going. When we got to the curb I gently pushed Sqaishey into the limo I hired for the night, then climbed in after her. Sqaishey's eyes flew open when she sat down inside and I saw something flash across her face before she conjured up a smile and again asked "Where are we going? Please tell me Stampy!" while bouncing slightly in her seat. Smiling, I said "First we are going to the fair that just came to town, then to go see a movie." Sqaishey's smile slipped off her face, and was replaced by a look of fear and horror as she stopped bouncing and started to shake, but not as if she was cold. Concerned, I said "Are you all right Sqaishey?" She didn't answer, just pulled her knees up to her chest and started hugging them, trying to curl herself into a tiny ball. Getting worried now, I scooted over so that I was sitting next to her, and went to put my arm around her to try and comfort her when she shoved herself away from me, scrambling to the opposite side off the limo, kicking me accidently in the process. I gasped in pain as Sqaishey curled up in a ball in the corner, tears streaking down her face as sobs wracked her body. Quickly realizing we would not be going on our date tonight, I made my way over to Sqaishey, who shied away from me, and gently picked her up bridal style. Sqaishey started to thrash around in my arms, sobbing, as I carried her up to the apartment. Squid luckily had to go somewhere for some reason, so he didn't come investigate why Sqaishey was crying.

I lightly set Sqaishey down on her bed, and she buried her face in her knees. I reached down to push Sqaishey's hair out of her face, and she flinched away. I then sat down next to her. "What's wrong Sqaishey? Will you tell me?" I asked. It was hard to see her crying and I wanted to help her but I don't know how. Sqaishey just shook her head and continued to sob. Gently I pulled her into a hug. At first she fought against me, trying to escape, but I didn't let go. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you Sqaishey" I whispered, and all the fight drained out of her. I realized then that someone had hurt before, and I did something to trigger the memory of it. I just held Sqaishey, letting her cry into my chest. When her crying started to slow down, I cautiously asked "Ducky, will you tell me why you are crying?" Sqaishey choked out "No! He will kill you!" before continuing to cry as she attempted to pull herself out of my arms. I held her there, not letting her escape; she needed someone to comfort her. I softly wiped away some of the tears rushing down her face, even as more followed. "Sqaishey, you can trust me. I only want to help you. Can you please tell me who would kill me?" I said, and she looked up at me with unshed tears making her eyes glisten. "I want to trust you but I can't. I've been hurt too many times." she whispered, and I felt tears form in my own eyes. This beautiful girl in front of me, unable to trust because of how hurt she is. As I sat there in shock, Sqaishey pulled herself out of my arms and locked herself in her bathroom.

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