Chapter 22

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Sqaishey's POV:

We just continued to talk about random stuff for a while, then Squid randomly asked Stampy "are you excited to meet Lee?" Stampy was confused for a minute then seemed to realize what Squid was talking about. "I completely forgot about that." He laughed. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "4J studios is hosting this quiz thingy. It's called Stampy's Lovely Minecraft Quiz, and they asked me, Netty, Squid, Lee and of course Stampy to host it. It's actually the second week of March." Amy told me. "Ya, and because Netty doesn't like flying alone plus my mum wants me to visit, I'm going down there in a couple days then we are all meeting up in Scotland." Stampy told me. I must of had a disappointed look on my face because Stampy squeezed my foot. "They planned this months ago. If we had met before I definitely would ask that you join us." He said. "It won't be as fun without you." Amy said sadly. "It's fine." I reassured them. "When are you guys leaving?" I asked. "I am going down to my parents in 2 days then we are flying and meet you guys there." Stampy said, and Squid nodded. "Amy hates flying so we are taking a train there." He said, and I saw him squeeze Amy's hand. They are so cute together. I nodded and we kept talking until we all were yawning.

Standing up, Amy and I hugged our boyfriends before wishing them both going night and heading to our room. I sat on my bed while Amy got changed and brushed her teeth, then she sat on her bed. "Amy!" I squealed. "He kissed you!" Amy collapsed back onto her bed with the biggest smile on her face. "Spill everything girlfriend!" I giggled, throwing my pillow at Amy to snap her out of her daydream state. She grabbed it and squeezed it tight. "We went out to lunch at a little restaurant, and even though it's Squid's birthday, he wouldn't let me pay." Amy giggled. I smiled happily for Amy, pulling my blanket around my shoulders. "Then during the movie, we were holding hands. When the power went out during the tense part, I jumped a mile at the loud clap of thunder. Squid put his arm around me though until the power came back on!" Amy kept giggling, laying back on her bed. "Your gift was such a thoughtful gift Amy." I told her. It really was, and leaving the achievements blank didn't make it seem like she expected to be together forever. They are perfect for each other though. "Amy I'm tired. Can I have my pillow back?" I asked. I was really tired and wanted to sleep.

"Not till you tell me what you and the Cat did!" She laughed, putting the pillow behind her back. "We went to lunch, got got the cake, and came back here." I tried to say flatly. I didn't work though because Amy saw the blush spreading across my face. "Tell me Sqaishey!" Amy begged. "We were playing mini golf in his Lovely world, and he missed the first shot and I was laughing at him. I couldn't stop laughing so Stampy pulled me down onto the couch so we were facing each other..." I was blushing hard now. I have no idea what Stampy really thinks of me, and I'm scared of getting hurt again. "Come on Sqaishey" Amy nearly shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. "He was about to kiss me, but the power was knocked out and startled me. Then he told me some jokes." I hurriedly said. Amy smiled and made a heart with her hands. "Please don't Any" I moaned, burying my face in the mattress. Amy laughed and threw my pillow back to me. "You guys are too cute." I blushed some more and buried my face in my pillow. Amy just laughed and flicked off the lights. I rolled over under my blankets to face the wall. My big duck that Stampy got for me was sitting against the wall. Smiling, I laid it flat on the mattress and laid my head on it like a pillow. The duck is really soft, and might just be my favorite stuffed animal that I own, after my Simba stuffed animal. Closing my eyes, I quickly drift off into sleep.

\~~Time Skip to March 1st~~/

I woke up upset, because I knew exactly what day it is. I go home today. Regretfully I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower last night so I just gathered up my stuff from the bathroom, including my blades. They had remained in the bathroom cabinit since Stampy and my second first date, but I really fell like I should bring them home. I promised Stampy I would never use them again, and I am trying to stick by my promise. My scars are fading as well, thanks to the cream Amy gave me. Sighing, I shoved them into my bag and got dressed. Packing up the rest off my stuff, I was left with my suitcase and bag, and my giant duck.

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